Peggy Willms



You know that moment when you realize you have mastered your wellness? Or that you will never fall off the Roller Coaster of Life? Yeah, me either, but I still ride unicorns. I will teach you how to become a Mindset Master. You will learn how your habits and behavior affect the success of your nutrition, exercise, relationships, organization and more. Motivation doesnt arrive in an email so stop waiting for it. You have to take action, then motivation follows. I am Coach Peggy Willms. Join me on Coach, Couch, and Coffee Radio where you will learn that being happy and healthy is way more than carrot sticks and squats. Get out of your comfort zone and recognize the simple truth - we arent that special. We all have crap to deal with, and we all have more in common than not. I want to spark you into action. We will learn, love and laugh together. Tune in for a cozy, coffee chat thatll make you want to make a difference in your life and in others.


  • The Disembodiment Epidemic! Guest Host Peggy Willms with guest Rev. Stephanie Red Feather!


    This week Rev. Stephanie Red Feather PhDwill introduce us to the concept of embodiment and why it is a vital component for manifesting our dreams and living life in full color. She will illustrate the dangers of being half-embodied, explain the seductive lure of spiritual bypass, and provide practices for fully inhabiting yourself. Watch live on Facebook.

  • Coffee Time ~ Part 2 Friendships: Unconditional or Conditional Love with 3 of Coach Peggy's Best Friends


    Friendships - we have all have them. Are yours healthy? How do you know? Are they based on conditional or unconditional love? Do you truly, deeply care about your friends' well-being, their success and still love them when they hurt your feelings by telling you what you need to hear not what you want to hear? You have surely heard, "You are blessed if when you are old and gray, you have three close friends in your life." Today is a really special show. Three of Coach Peggy's closest friends (58 years of combined friendship) stop by to share their very personal stories about the foundation of their relationships, their favorite memories and why their friendships are based on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE not one with all sorts of conditional stipulations. Do NOT miss this episode! Part 1 aired: 11/25/2019 ----------------- Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests stop by t

  • Coffee Time ~ Part 1 of 2: Friendship: Conditional or Unconditional Love with 3 of Coach Peggy's Best Friends


    Friendships - we have all have them. Are yours healthy? How do you know? Are they based on conditional or unconditional love? Do you truly, deeply care about your friends' well-being, their success and still love them when they hurt your feelings by telling you what you need to hear not what you want to hear? You have surely heard, "You are blessed if when you are old and gray, you have three close friends in your life." Today is a really special show. Three of Coach Peggy's closest friends (58 years of combined friendship) stop by to share their very personal stories about the foundation of their relationships, their favorite memories and why their friendships are based on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE not one with all sorts of conditional stipulations. Do NOT miss this episode! Part 2: 12/2/2019 ----------------- Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit cha

  • Coffee Time ~ The Evolutionary Empath. Guest: Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, PhD


    This week Rev. Stephanie Red Feather PhD stops by to educate us about what empaths are, why so many are incarnating at this point in human evolution (spoiler alert: we are with a specific purpose!), and to talk about her new book, The Evolutionary Empath. Do NOT miss this show. You may know you are an empath, know of someone else who is or perhaps know nothing of this subject regardless DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW. Self-care is not a luxury if you are an empath - it is a necessity. ------- Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Taming Your Anxious Mouse with Guest Linda Kneidinger


    That voice in your head that keeps you from being as great as you know you can be? It cuts you down for dreaming, encourages you to stay in your comfort zone, and ensures you dont get overconfident. This is Anxious Mouse. Every one of us has an Anxious Mouse chirping in our mind. In todays episode, Lindawill help you understand why Anxious Mouse is always so negative and how you can effectively work with him so he will step out of the way and let you achieve your goals. ...... Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Need to be admitted to Wellness Rehab?


    We ALL, believe it or not, are addicted to something or several things whether it is gambling, sex, drugs or rock-n-roll. For most of us when we think of anyone reducing or ridding an addiction, we think, "Ah send him off to Rehab." What do you do if you have "wellness" addictions: food, stress, resistance to exercise, unhealthy relationships, struggling with irratic emotions? Weight Loss Boot Camps and Retreats, though fantastic reboots, will never detox all your unhealthy wellness addictions allowing you to bounce back into the Real World a brand new person with long-term success. Wellness Rehab anyone? This topic is sure to stir thoughts and opinions. Join us! Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ The Doc's Personal Discovery. Guest: Markus Wettstein, MD


    Join me and my guest, Dr. Markus Wettstein. Dr. Wettstein has been an endocrinologist for decades, but our chat won't head down the medical lane. He is sharing us his physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual journey over the last several months. He is the same person, yet not the same person. Surely you will relate to parts of his story and enjoy our banter. Mark your calendar to join us every Monday at 3 PT/6 ET. Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in awhile, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ #ExerciseSux: Help is Here - Part 2 of 2


    Join us for next steps in #ExerciseSux: Help is Here-Part 2. Last week we got real. You unpacked your answers to my 13 Question Love/Hate Relationship with Exercise Questionnaire. If you haven't, go back to my 10/14 radio show on my You Tube channel or via my Facebook page (3wellnesspillars) and complete your questions. This week we go a few steps further in designing how you can stop the ridiculousness in your excuses preventing you from staying in motion. And I will share a few client testimonies and their personal answers to these same questions. Be sure to join us. It is time to stop the #ExerciseSux vicious cycle. Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in awhile, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ #ExerciseSux: Help is Here - Part 1 of 2


    Face it. Be Real for once. Most peeps DO NOT enjoy exercise. And if you do, it is because it has been a part of your life long enough that you experience the positive effects; you don't know life without it. For others, adding consistent movement might closely resemble a feeling of your teeth being pulled by a large John Deere or maybe even worse than a day without food and water. Join me to figure out why #ExerciseSux. Let's get really REAL, and get your butt off the couch in a way that works for YOU not Zumba Zelda or 10-K Jay, but YOU. Coffee Timewith Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in awhile, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Fit & Fab at ANY Age. Guest: Jan Malloch


    Coffee Time with Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us. This week Jan Malloch stops by sharing with us her Fit Fab at ANY Age approach. She is a Master Practitioner of NLP (Natural Language Processing), a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Fitness Instructor and Nutrition Adviser. She will share her personal transition from living unhealthy in a stressful career in IT and how she applied her knowledge and techniques to improve her own lifestyle to stop binge drinking and smoking. Her current mission is to guide older women to be healthier and to live long, happy and enjoyable lives through a passionate interest in encouraging increased movement. Though she resides in Scotland, her motivation and positive approaches affect clients all over the world. Join us for an uplifting conversatio

  • Coffee Time ~ HURRY UP & FAIL


    Mistakes and Failures are part of life. They are inevitable. They are how we learn, grow and succeed. We failed to walk several times before we ran. Let's change how you look at failing. Let's remove the emotion. It is time to bring it on...Hurry Up Fail - so you can Hurry Up Succeed. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Part 4 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES


    EVIL TWINS: Procrastination Disorganization. Part 4 of a 4 part series: Organization. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed by procrastination? Or does procrastinating cause disorganization? Lots to ponder, eh? Are you more disorganized in one area of your life than another? Do you also procrastinate about certain tasks, projects or even communication? How can you win in both areas? How do they relate to being healthier? Join me for Coffee Time, and let's get to the bottom of these Evil Twins. FOUR PART SERIES. Part 4/4: Organization - Part 2 of 2. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Part 3 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES


    EVIL TWINS: Procrastination Disorganization. Part 3 of a 4 part series: Organization. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed by procrastination? Or does procrastinating cause disorganization? Lots to ponder, eh? Are you more disorganized in one area of your life than another? Do you also procrastinate about certain tasks, projects or even communication? How can you win in both areas? How do they relate to being healthier? Join me for Coffee Time, and let's get to the bottom of these Evil Twins. FOUR PART SERIES. Part 3/4: Organization - Part 1 of 2. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Part 2 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES


    Part 2 of a 4 part series: EVIL TWINS: Procrastination Disorganization. Part 2: Procrastination. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed by procrastination? Or does procrastinating cause disorganization? Lots to ponder, eh? Are you more disorganized in one area of your life than another? Do you also procrastinate about certain tasks, projects or even communication? How can you win in both areas? How do they relate to being healthier? Join me for Coffee Time, and let's get to the bottom of these Evil Twins. FOUR PART SERIES. Part 2/4: Procrastination. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Part 1 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES


    Part 1 of a 4 part series: EVIL TWINS: Procrastination Disorganization. Part 1: Procrastination. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed by procrastination? Or does procrastinating cause disorganization? Lots to ponder, eh? Are you more disorganized in one area of your life than another? Do you also procrastinate about certain tasks, projects or even communication? How can you win in both areas? How do they relate to being healthier? Join me for Coffee Time, and let's get to the bottom of these Evil Twins. FOUR PART SERIES. Part 1/4: Procrastination. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • Coffee Time ~ Rebel "WITH" a Cause - Just Be"CAUSE" (Guest: REBEL, Elaine Clark)


    Have you ever known a Rebel someone who seems to buck the system, bucks you or even bucks themselves just about every single time you want to do something or even when you say something? Maybe you are a Rebel yourself. It can be exhausting for everyone involved. Join me and one of my favorite REBEL Clients, Elaine Clark. We will share some of our favorite Rebel times together and perhaps you can learn about your own Rebel tendencies to help improve your wellness and quality of life. WISH ME LUCK. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • It's Coffee Time ~ WTF: What To FAMILY...Part 2


    Part 2: "WTF ~ What To FAMILY." What to Family do you do when everyone you live with or everyone around you is on a completely different wellness journey? In Part 1, I shared ideas on how to eat differently as a family when you have different goals? In Part 2, I we will chat about how to achieve personal and family activity goals and "After, All...What To Family?" Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • It's Coffee Time ~ WTF: What To FAMILY...Part 1


    "WTF ~ What To FAMILY." What to Family do you do when everyone you live with or everyone around you is on a completely different wellness journey? What do you do if you all of you want to or need to eat differently? What happens when only one of you wants to work out or what if you are active, but cannot agree on what and when to do it? How many times have you thought my teen "needs the calories" so it is okay for him to eat differently? Tune in and hear multiple solutions and grab a few that are sure to work for you and your loved ones. I mean, "After, All...What To Family?" Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.

  • It's Coffee Time ~ WHY is Wellness Working NOW? Guest Jesica Henderson.


    Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us. This week, Jesica Henderson stops by to chat. She will share her current wellness journey and WHY she is on track NOW. Why she is she more on the Wellness Wagon than not? What is clicking NOW that perhaps hasnt in a long-time? This show will give you hope. You will realize a healthy lifestyle is about building wellness into YOUR REAL WORLD, banishing perfection, nailing introspection and amping up awareness. Our path to wellness is unique and ever-changing. Jesica will share how she is defining and re-defining her quality of life as she goes.

  • It's Coffee Time ~ WE ARE LIARS! Integrity and How it Relates to Your Wellness Success. Guest: Monika Tuell


    Coffee Time with Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in awhile, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us. Simply put we are LIARS, and especially when it comes to Wellness. We have the ability to justify anything even telling ourselves fibbing or withholding information isnt compromising our integrity. Sure we are less than honest with family and friends when it comes to whether we are meeting our personal wellness goals, but WHY do we lie to ourselves? We pretend not to know what we REALLY weigh orhow our clothes REALLY fit or what we REALLY eat or whether we REALLY exercised? Integrity aligns with wellness success, and it is time to learn how to use Integrity to your advantage.Join my Special Guest, Monika Tuell, and I as we enjoy a Coffee Time chat about INTEGRITY and WELLNESS.

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