Medical Health Coach Podcast



Managing your health is easy if you have the right information. Most of it is out there but can be hard to decipher. This podcast explains health from all angles of medicine.


  • 83 | Eating Late in the Day and Digestion

    14/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    For some, but not all, eating late in the day can interfere with proper digestion. It can be worth experimenting with how late you eat and try to experiment with the kind of foods you eat later in the day. Here are some important things to consider when you're having digestion or health issues.  

  • 82 | A Diet for Weight Loss and Health

    10/02/2020 Duração: 07min

    It's rare for a boxed diet to work for everyone. It might work for a while but may not be sustainable long-term.  The diet that keeps you healthy is the same diet that should help you lose weight or get to your ideal weight.  But it often requires us to understand our bodies and experiment with different diets. If you can meet with your medical health coach or dietician then you can create the exact kind of diet you need to achieve your optimal health.  

  • 81 | Recovering from Exercise Injuries

    09/02/2020 Duração: 14min

    Getting injured is normal during exercise. What matters is the work we put in to recover from those injuries. After all, we exercise so that we become and remain healthy.  Some injuries are "career enders" and others are "nuisance" injuries. You can recover from most such injuries and a good physician and physical therapist can help you overcome it.  Read more at  

  • 80 | The Low-Risk Hypertensive Patient

    08/02/2020 Duração: 14min

    You were told that you have high blood pressure but you know that you're otherwise quite healthy. Now what? Start on blood pressure medications? The low-risk hypertensive patient is the person who has readings below 160/100 and doesn't have a whole lot of risk factors. They aren't at high risk for a heart attack or stroke or heart or kidney failure.  These patients won't do very well 

  • 79 | Exercise Walking - Getting More Out of Each Step

    05/02/2020 Duração: 06min

    Walking can be great for mental health. But it can also be fabulous exercise. It involves your core and can be a way to keep your heart in shape, as many aerobic exercise see to do.  Here is a way to get a little more out of your walking routine. As always, the way you walk, as in your technique, matters quite a bit.  

  • 78 | Mental Health - Walking Through Nature

    04/02/2020 Duração: 07min

    We don't have to live in nature in order to enjoy the health benefits of being in nature. Smelling a tree, smelling the earth, touching some leaves, and walking on soft ground, all of that is very effective to help us feel better mentally.  Just a walk through a park is enough to stimulate your senses. And stimulating senses is as important as working out your muscles or getting a restful sleep. Our senses have to be stimulated in order to rebuild some synapses in the brain.  It helps us fight off dementia and helps us decrease depression symptoms. It helps us get rid of the harmful chemicals which build up. 

  • 77 | It Doesn't Matter What Diet You Choose

    29/01/2020 Duração: 18min

    There are so many diets out there these days, Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Mediterranean, and so on. What matters isn't which diet you choose but how you adapt that diet to yourself as an individual.  Don't be overwhelmed by all the different information out there. You can follow any of these diets and enjoy great health. Or you can follow none of them and still be healthy.  Let's talk about the nuances of diet and health.  

  • 76 | Improving Your Digestion - Gas & Bloating

    26/01/2020 Duração: 17min

    If you've been trying to troubleshoot your digestion, if you're suffering from diarrhea, constipation, gas pains, acid reflux, or too much gurgling in the intestines, these are some good GI hygiene tricks to adopt.  Email me with questions at  

  • 75 | How to Cut Out Oils From Your Diet

    23/01/2020 Duração: 09min

    If you're accustomed to cooking and baking with oil, here are some ways to slowly cut out such oils. From coconut oil to olive oil or butter.  If your health requires it, I promise you that you can still enjoy the taste of your food without the addition of processed oils and fats.  

  • 74 | Avoiding Oils in Your Diet

    23/01/2020 Duração: 17min

    Oils are a form of processed foods and there are good arguments as to why you should avoid adding oils to your food and cooking and frying with oils.  Not everyone might suffer ill health from using oils but some are susceptible to the calories and the inflammatory state of oils. Let's discuss such scenarios. Dr. Mo  

  • 73 | High Blood Pressure and Sugar

    21/01/2020 Duração: 14min

    Sugar affects blood pressure more than salt. And yet as clinicians we often emphasize salt restriction more vehemently.  Though a small percentage of patients are salt sensitive, the majority of patients who develop high blood pressure do so because of excess sugar intake.  Let's dive into this topic and talk about ways of managing your blood pressure without having to be on lifelong medications.  

  • 72 | Mistreated Diabetic Patient

    18/01/2020 Duração: 19min

    Here is a sample case of someone who consulted with me for a second opinion and we were able to discover that the diet she was recommended was making her diabetes worse. This was prescribed by a very reputable medical group. It's important that as a patient you understand your disease and get a second opinion whenever possible.   

  • 71 | When Sugar Creeps Back Into Your Life

    16/01/2020 Duração: 13min

    Sugar ... we cut it out and then we fall off the wagon and suddenly we're eating all of the sugary snacks and desserts we were trying to avoid.  No worries. I have helped many patients kick the habit again. And the good news is that the more times you attempt and kick a habit, the more likely it is to stick for good.  

  • 70 | Hunger and Your Circadian Rhythm

    15/01/2020 Duração: 14min

    Our circadian rhythm can affect many aspects of our health, including our appetite. In this episode I'll discuss how to better control your hunger cravings by paying attention to your circadian rhythm.  

  • 69 | Figuring out Your Digestion Problems

    12/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    From IBS to bloating, gas, abdominal pains and acid reflux, there are many digestion issues that people deal with. Often, they will treat them with prescription medications which have a whole list of side effects.  Let me take you on a journey through your intestines and we'll talk about how the way you eat and what you eat creates the symptoms which we refer to as digestion problems. 

  • 68 | Antibiotics for Colds and Flus

    12/01/2020 Duração: 13min

    `People are using antibiotics more and more for colds and flus which are often viral or benign bacterial infections. This is causing a slew of health problems which we often won't notice for years down the road.  Here is my take on antibiotics, though I suspect that my audience is savvy enough to know that antibiotics are meant to save lives not just treat symptoms of a cold or flu. 

  • 67 | Uncontrollable Hunger

    10/01/2020 Duração: 07min

    Some of us will have uncontrollable hunger, either all of the time or sparking from time to time. In general I advise my patients to eat when hungry, as long as what they are eating is healthy.  A poor diet often begets more hunger. So changing the diet around can help curb the appetite.  Eating too much food doesn't always lead to obesity, nor does it hinder weight loss. The type of food eaten is more of an indicator of weight loss or the lack therefore.   

  • 66 | Carbohydrates and Your Blood Pressure

    08/01/2020 Duração: 09min

    Carbs have a strong effect on your blood pressure. It's easily overlooked and I don't know any physician who emphasizes a low-carb diet for blood pressure control.  Knowing how carbs increase your blood pressure and knowing which ones to avoid will help you better control hypertension and help you avoid medications.  

  • 65 | Overcoming Prediabetes

    07/01/2020 Duração: 17min

    To overcome prediabetes it takes more than knowledge. It's a problem of habits and lifestyle. That's one thing that I have been effective at doing for my health coaching clients: helping them overcome their hurdles to fix their prediabetes.  Prediabetes happens because of insulin resistance, the wrong diet, the wrong kind of activity, and a poor quality diet. These are the things to focus on in order to effect major changes in prediabetes and prevent it from becoming diabetes. 

  • 64 | Experimenting with Magnesium

    04/01/2020 Duração: 15min

    It's 2020 and Magnesium is still the supplement de jour. I am not against supplementing with Magnesium. But it's not easy to tell who needs it and who doesn't.  Let's take a scientific and hopefully logical approach to this potential mineral deficiency. This way, you can determine if you really need magnesium supplementation or not.  Read more at Email me at  

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