Hopkins Podcast On Foreign Affairs



The Johns Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs is a monthly podcast discussing the most pressing issues in international relations. Three Johns Hopkins students in the International Studies program will discuss contemporary issues, interview professors and create a fun and lively atmosphere while doing it! This Podcast will not focus on only the Trump administration as many Foreign Affairs podcasts do, but rather, we will address world issues from an international perspective. We hope you enjoy our podcast, please feel free to rate, comment, and subscribe!


  • Defending Taiwan


    In this episode, we examine the United States’ relationship with Taiwan, the future of its strategic ambiguity policy, and the increasingly aggressive Chinese posture toward Taiwan. Joining us on the podcast is Dr. Zack Cooper, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Defending Taiwan Episode Credits: Editor: Leo Kamer Hosts: Julia An, Chris H. Park

  • An Overheating World


    Summer 2022 was one of the hottest summers on record, and intense heat waves have become a regular facet of the worsening global climate crisis. Alice Hill joins me on this episode to discuss a world overheating, its devastating impact on our health, infrastructure, and agriculture, and how we can best prepare for record-breaking temperatures. … Continue reading An Overheating World

  • Modern Espionage


    The work of the government has transformed to accord with an increasingly digitized world. How has the change in technology transformed espionage?  On today’s episode, we explore modern espionage, its evolution since the Cold War, and its role in current foreign relations. We consider the future of espionage and international security as technology continues to … Continue reading Modern Espionage

  • The Future of Censorship and Free Speech


    On August 12, 2022, novelist Salman Rushdie was almost fatally stabbed nearly thirty years after the Iranian Supreme leader issued a fatwa placing a several million dollar bounty on the novelist’s life. This attack has shined a spotlight onto the state of free speech worldwide. How have states cracked down on free speech? And in … Continue reading The Future of Censorship and Free Speech

  • Afghanistan: One Year Later


    August 15 marks one year since the Taliban took over Kabul after the U.S. withdrawal. Afghanistan has since undergone dramatic changes. Outside monitors have raised human rights concerns, as the Taliban implemented changes to women’s rights, education systems, and activism. We explore the current political structure and economic state of the country under the Taliban’s … Continue reading Afghanistan: One Year Later

  • Preventing a U.S.-Russia War


    When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the United States and its allies jumped to support Ukraine and cut off Russia from the international stage. The Russian invasion and subsequent military aid to Ukraine has placed one nuclear power in proxy war with another, a dangerous prospect. In today’s episode, we discuss the state of NATO-Russia … Continue reading Preventing a U.S.-Russia War

  • Friendshoring and Economic Security


    Beginning in the late 20th century, American companies and companies from developed countries moved their manufacturing operations to developing countries, most notably China. On today’s podcast, we discuss the abandonment of this offshoring policy in favor of a “friendshoring” policy, wherein companies have begun to move production operations out of China and into countries with … Continue reading Friendshoring and Economic Security

  • U.K. Elections and the Fall of Boris Johnson


    In this episode, we discuss the fall and legacy of Boris Johnson, as well as the key candidates in the current race to become prime minister. We discuss the central domestic and foreign policy issues of each candidate’s campaign and explore how each candidate will affect the U.K.’s relationship with the E.U. and the U.S. … Continue reading U.K. Elections and the Fall of Boris Johnson

  • Sweden’s NATO Accession


    In today’s episode, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States Karin Olofsdotter discusses Sweden’s decision to apply for NATO membership and depart from its historical policy of nonalignment. Sweden’s NATO Accession Episode Credits: Editor: Lidie Ataoguz Hosts: Julia An, Nicole Rivas Music: Zee Yuen

  • Mario Draghi and the Future of Italy


    In today’s podcast, we discuss Italy’s policies and development under Mario Draghi as well as just how and why the current government coalition imploded. We will then examine the possible motivations behind President Mattarella’s decision to hold elections in just two months and what Italy’s economy and foreign policy could look like under a potential … Continue reading Mario Draghi and the Future of Italy

  • Democracy in Kazakhstan


    In January 2022, Kazakhstan faced the biggest protests the country has ever seen, resulting in mass casualties and spurring efforts for democratic reform. In this episode, we discuss the past civic conflicts in Kazakhstan and why the protests in 2022 became violent. How did President Tokayev and his government respond to these protests? How likely … Continue reading Democracy in Kazakhstan

  • Climate Policy Debates


    People around the world have seen the effects of climate change – such as droughts, rising ocean levels, and changing weather patterns – that have exacerbated ongoing food and health crises. These are all alarming reminders that the existential deadlines for international climate goals are fast-approaching. A global energy crisis prompted by Russia’s invasion of … Continue reading Climate Policy Debates

  • Russia in the International Criminal Court


    In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in clear violation of the UN charter, which prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. Since the invasion, there have been real-time reports of war crimes being committed by the Russian military in Ukraine, including the targeting and killing of civilians. … Continue reading Russia in the International Criminal Court

  • Foreign Policy Toolbox: International Agreements


    With Article II treaties decreasing drastically over the past administrations, there has been a trend of presidents using executive agreements to handle international affairs. This increasingly liberal use of executive agreements along with unilateral withdrawal and re-entering of recent treaties has been the causes for conflict. Can presidents withdraw from treaties without Congressional consent? Are … Continue reading Foreign Policy Toolbox: International Agreements

  • Civil Conflict in Colombia


    Today we will be discussing the ongoing violence and civil conflict in Colombia, a country that has been marked by growing tensions between guerilla groups and the national government. Since the 2016 peace plan to ease such tensions and punish the extremist groups, there has been a rise in street protests, violence, and internally displaced … Continue reading Civil Conflict in Colombia

  • Biden’s 2023 Defense Budget


    With the increase in the 2023 defense budget predicted to be in the 100 billions, there has been much controversy over the announcement. In this episode, we will discuss the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act and Biden’s and the Senate’s controversial increases in defense budget. We will explore the various responses from both political parties … Continue reading Biden’s 2023 Defense Budget

  • China’s Zero Covid Policy


    After months of harsh and relentless Covid-19 lockdowns, China’s major cities have begun opening up again. In this episode, we will examine the current state of China’s zero covid policy. We will discuss the lockdowns in Shanghai and Beijing and explore the effects of the zero covid policy on China’s economy and political stability. Finally, … Continue reading China’s Zero Covid Policy

  • Global Food Crisis


    As Russia’s war on Ukraine worsens, the issue of rising food prices and accessibility has come to the forefront.  In this episode, we will examine the key causes of the current global food shortage and its effects on countries such as Africa, Egypt, and Sri Lanka. We will discuss the effects that increases in food … Continue reading Global Food Crisis

  • Summit of the Americas 2022


    The Summit of the Americas brings together leaders from North, South, and Central America and the Caribbean every three years to discuss challenges and opportunities for regional cooperation. The summit this year will take place in Los Angeles from June 6 to 10, making it the first time the U.S. will host since the inaugural … Continue reading Summit of the Americas 2022

  • Populism in Europe


    Recent years have seen the long-standing model of cooperation within Europe repeatedly challenged in response to factors, including the Syrian refugee crisis, Brexit, and, most recently, the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, populist parties have gained momentum everywhere in Europe from Hungary and Poland to Italy and France. So, what exactly is populism? What … Continue reading Populism in Europe

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