The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan



THE Leadership Japan Series is powered with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The Series is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of leadership, who want to the best in their business field.


  • 25: What Is Smart

    16/01/2014 Duração: 09min
  • 24: Speak Without Fear!

    09/01/2014 Duração: 06min
  • 23: Selling Services In Japan

    02/01/2014 Duração: 08min
  • 22: The 12 Igniters For Sales Leadership

    26/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

  • 21: How To Build Trust, Credibility And Respect

    19/12/2013 Duração: 09min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: According to recent research by Dale Carnegie Training Japan, there are three critical drivers for engagement, namely, your relationship with your immediate supervisor, your belief in senior management’s direction for the organisation and your sense of pride in working there. An emotional trigger also creates engagement—the feeling of trust. What is meant by trust? It can be defined as confidence in the fact that you can rely on a certain person or thing. The presence of too little trust or too much trust can be dangerous, however. A healthy level of trust comes from making good decisions and exercising good judgment, using a balance of head and heart, facts and instinct. Working in a healthy trust environment versus one full of distrust brings many benefits: greater job satisfaction, employees who are more engaged, improved productivity, reduced stress, more innovation, better customer interaction, and high staff retention rates. Trust, respect and

  • 19: Motivational Leadership

    05/12/2013 Duração: 18min
  • 16: Talking About Dale Carnegie Training

    14/11/2013 Duração: 13min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

  • 15: Employee Engagement

    07/11/2013 Duração: 01h06min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

  • 14: How To Become People Smart

    31/10/2013 Duração: 09min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

  • 13: Delegate Or Die

    24/10/2013 Duração: 07min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

  • 12: Employee Engagement Matters

    17/10/2013 Duração: 08min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: 

  • 11: Killing The Ums and Ahs

    10/10/2013 Duração: 07min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: TOKYO — My former colleague was a notorious “ummer” and “ahher”. “Um, I, um, would, um, like to um, say um, thank you, um, for um, this um, opportunity”. Listening to him was seriously painful. Time seemed to freeze, as it took forever for him to get to the point, which was mostly lost due to dreadful syntax. The ability to stand before others and express oneself clearly is a basic skill that is sadly still lacking in many people. Rambling, mumbling, zero focus on the audience, no power of persuasion, and “I Am the Brand” suicide continue to stunt careers. Sprinkle in some ums and ahs for good measure and we have a recipe for disaster. I will now share with you a guaranteed formula to end this reign of terror you potentially have been inflicting on audiences your entire life. Experience tells us that off-the-cuff remarks are more likely to produce hesitancy in speech than a prepared presentation. For those hard-core ummers, however, it seems to make

  • 10: The Nine Step Innovation Process

    03/10/2013 Duração: 08min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Idea generation needs to be done quickly and well. In our busy lives, time out to think has become a scarce resource. “The leader knows everything, just follow orders” is a construct for failure. Organisations need to draw on the full brainpower and experience of the whole team, and the leader’s job is to tap into that rich vein. We all probably assume that technology firms have such innovation processes in place, but this is not the case. You would be surprised to know that many innovators seem to have the individual R&D components set up, but no overall guiding process. Below is a nine-step process that is fast, comprehensive and simple to execute.Step 1. VisualisationThis requires some hard and clear thinking around the “should be”, the ideal future we want to achieve. It sounds simple, but there are many interacting parts in the corporate machine, and we need to visualise how we can get them all working together to achieve the ideal outcome.

  • 9: The Self-Disciplined Leader

    26/09/2013 Duração: 07min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Leadership is about creating environments that influence others to achieve group goals. This works because people support a world they help create.There are five success areas for leaders to focus on that make all the difference. Rate your performance by giving yourself a mark on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) for each area.Self-directionThis is a must for leaders. If you can’t organise yourself, your ability to have others follow you is doubtful.Effective self-directed leaders have a personal vision which they review each day to remind themselves that the compass is more critical than the clock. They write down this vision and they write down their goals. They do this because they know there is magic in committing generalities to specifics in written form.They have a broad range of goals around their main roles in life, so that the balance between business and non-business is never compromised.They have clearly defined values that guide their beha

  • 8: Handling Nasty Questions From Nasty People

    19/09/2013 Duração: 08min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: We have probably all been on the receiving end of it or have been a witness to it. The presentation is completed, after which come the questions; some are fact finding, some seek clarification, while some are just plain nasty.Perhaps the questioner is not trying to be mean, but the result is the same. All eyes in the room burn a hole into you as everyone waits to see how you are going to handle this little Scud missile that is thinly disguised as a question.Some presenters splutter, nervousness sapping intellectual and verbal powers, while some give such a pathetic response we can see their credibility sail out the window as they speak. Some get angry, assuring everyone there that they are not fit for higher responsibilities because they can’t control their emotions.Do these questions come up? Yes, so there is no point imagining that we won’t have to face the meeting room moment of truth.Do we usually prepare beforehand, in the event that someone mi

  • 7: Managers Are An Unaffordable Luxury

    12/09/2013 Duração: 07min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Doing more, and doing it better, faster and with less is driving global business. A cadre of professional managers running organisations is going the same way as the typing pool.Organisations can no longer afford managers who only manage; instead, they also need them to be leaders. This begs the question: what is the difference between a manager and a leader?Simply put, leaders build people and manage processes, while managers just manage processes.The organisation has various processes that must be completed entirely, efficiently and reliably—the classic belief of “getting the paperwork sorted”. Attention to detail is paramount. Multi-tasking, time management, and personal effectiveness all contribute to process success.The manager must ensure these activities are being carried out correctly and so the supervision of staff is key. If the operation is not coordinated, then there is potential for chaos. However, it is more likely we are dealing with

  • 6: Networking That Works

    05/09/2013 Duração: 08min

    Dale Carnegie Training Japan: How big is your database of contacts? How many business cards have you collected and filed? How many people do you know? Turns out these are all rather pointless questions!The best questions are: how many people know you and how many care?Networking throws up images of attending events, exchanging contact details and handing over meishi.This is basically a push model, where you push your details out to others in the hope that it will lead to business. But what is missing?The care factor. Yes, they have your beautifully designed and carefully crafted message-laden card, but do they care?What happened during your initial interaction that would create or increase the care factor?I go to the occasional event here in Tokyo and, like many others, belong to chambers of commerce and study groups. Sometimes I look at my diary and wonder whether I should remove the word “president” from my business card and replace it with “professional event attendee”.I am a

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