Hi, Dad!



Call, text, or email: (866) DAD-8033 or questions@hidadshow.comHi, Dad! is a podcast created for you, the one who just needs a little bit of solid wisdom to help you help you along the way. These days, fathers who teach their sons and daughters are pretty scarce. People kids and adults alike, need someone who can answer the tough questions. If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice and guidance, Hi, Dad! delivers 3 days a week. Each episode, Dr. Shane Wall answers questions from you, with advice that only a dad can give.


  • HD 5: Lost


    "There is nothing I even want out of life. What is the point? I'm so tired of hating myself. Tired of being alone in the world."

  • HD 4: The Biscuits Weren't Perfect


    "My friend is blonde, athletic legs, prettyish face and people call her hot a lot. People call me hot too... but not when I'm with my friend."

  • HD 3: Experience Change


    "I feel like I always take every little thing to heart and it's ruining my relationships with people. I guess it's my past that makes me this sensitive. How do I toughen up?"

  • HD 2: Common Sense Isn't So Common


    "My dad started beating me up again. Still, no matter what, I can't bring myself to report him. I love him and i don't want anyting to happen to him but how can I stop him from hurting me?"

  • HD 1: Pilot


    "I have a very small number of friends who I feel actually care about me, the person, to some degree. It all leaves me feeling that if I wasn’t around to reach out to people, nobody would miss me. Why do I feel like this?"

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