Drishti Point Yoga And Spirituality



Podcasts about yoga, spirituality, health and wellness. For more info., visit: www.drishtipoint.ca


  • Tantra, Mantra, Gurus, and the Goddess

    07/02/2016 Duração: 47min

    In this podcast, Rod Stryker speaks about the history and origins of Tantra, the practice of tantra and mantra, what it means to have a Guru, the experience of samadhi, and the ultimate aim and purpose of yoga.

  • Happiness Though Inquiry, Discernment, and Selfless Giving

    07/02/2016 Duração: 50min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Mahamandaleshvar Swami Vivekpuri, a Croatian-born Swami dedicated to the practice and teachings of his Master- Vishwa Guru Swami Maheshwarananda, founder of Yoga In Daily Life. Swami Vivekpuri, head of the Croatian Yoga In Daily Life Centers, and the Hindu Religious Society in Croatian speaks about finding happiness through inquiry (investigating our good qualities and bad qualities), discernment between pleasure and happiness, letting go of expectation and disappointments, and the happiness that comes from losing ourself in the service of others.

  • Tibetan Debate

    07/02/2016 Duração: 39min

    Sherri Kajiwara and John Buchanan are faculty members of Three Jewels Vancouver - a school providing comprehensive and heart-centred meditation, philosophy, music and yoga programs rich in ancient wisdom. Together, they present to us the art of debate as taught in Tibetan Buddhism and practiced in monasteries in order for students to unearth the truth for themselves rather than being told. Sherri and John skillfully present the history and value of this ancient practice and engage in their own debate to bring it home. In this presentation, we learn just how rich and fun it can be to challenge our understanding and move beyond suffering.

  • Azur Yoga

    07/02/2016 Duração: 36min

    The trail is the truth and the journey is the destination. This sentence is symbolic of Michelle Labelle’s life path, following her body’s wisdom to shift from work as a respiratory therapist and become a yoga teacher back in 2003. Now Michelle is a Vancouver based yoga teacher and owner of Azur Yoga who facilitates yoga retreats in sacred places around the world - including India, Bali and Tahiti. In this interview Michelle speaks about her journey, her community outreach work, the benefits and practicalities of becoming a yoga teacher and the importance of always coming back to our breath.

  • Kriya Yoga

    04/01/2016 Duração: 26min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Brother Nakulananda, a monk of the Self-Realization Fellowship, and a disciple of Paramhans Yogananda, author of the book- Autobiography of a Yogi. Brother Nakulananda explains Kriya Yoga and its power in awakening the sacred cerebro-spinal energy centers (chakras) for the purpose of realizing the truth of who we are, and the nature of God and ultimate reality. This is an inspiring and insightful interview about our potential in understanding Truth, God, and the Self.

  • Incite Happiness

    04/01/2016 Duração: 37min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Podcast with Spiritual Renegade- Lama Sumati Marut, ordained Buddhist monk, university professor, surfer, motorcycle enthusiast, and author of A Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life. This is a book for those who know life is short and who are desperate enough to take up arms and make revolutionary inner changes before it’s too late. It’s a book for people who urgently want to be happy but have figured out the usual methods don’t work. It’s a guide for those tired of trying to become well-adjusted to a perverse society. It’s for those fed up with the dead end of modern consumer-capitalist ideology. This is a book for hereos and heroines, for warriors. It’s for people ready to take the tackle depression, anger, endless desire, jealousy, and pride- the true demons that undermine the happiness we all seek. This is a book for desperadoes, rebels, and insurrectionists willing to pit themselves against a life defined by perpetual dissatisfaction, egoism, and greed. This is a boo

  • Understanding the Teacher-Student Relationship

    04/01/2016 Duração: 52min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Venerable Sumati Marut about the practice of Guru Yoga. This is a clear and lucid interview describing the relationship between teacher and student, and how to use the teacher as a mirror to illuminate the inner life.

  • Navigating Relationships

    04/01/2016 Duração: 41min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Podcast with Radha and Gary Bello of Pacific Horizon Consulting. Radha and Gary share their insights about relationships and how to successfully navigate personal, professional, and intimate relationships using yoga-based techniques of awareness, breath, exercises, and relaxation. Their insightful book, Enlightening Moments, offers hope and direction for creating joyful, long-lasting, and fulfilling relationships- with ourselves, and with those around us.

  • Jyothi Kriyas: Inner Illumination Practices

    04/01/2016 Duração: 35min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Yogacharini Maitreyi, Holistic Harmonizer and Founder of Arkaya Yoga. Arkaya means sun and is the quality of the sun that heals all wounds and afflictions. Arkaya Yoga embodies the guru spirit by shedding light on unconscious patterns in our thoughts, emotions, our bodies and transforming all levels of our being. In this interview, Maitreyi speaks about Jyothi Kriyas- practices that are designed to ignite and illuminate the Divine Light within and help us realize our highest potential. Yoga is conscious evolution. -Dr. Swami Gitananda

  • Chakras: A Map for Human Evolution

    04/01/2016 Duração: 44min

    In this podcast, Anodea speaks about her book- The Global Heart Awakens: From the Love of Power to the Power of Love, which uses the yogic chakra system as a framework to understand the current planetary crisis, our evolution as a human species, and tell the powerful story of the impulse from power towards love.

  • Channeling Wisdom

    04/01/2016 Duração: 43min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Denise Johnson, a gifted Chaneller, Clairvoyant, author, and poet. Denise came to the spiritual path after having dreams of Tibetban Buddhist teacher Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and being called to using her life in service of love and wisdom.

  • Valentine's Day Special: True Love

    09/12/2015 Duração: 39min

    For two years, Drishti Point Yoga Podcasts had produced a special Valentine’s Day special with Chuck Damov about love. The first interview is a beautiful interview about love as a path to knowing God, and the various kinds of love that can unfold within the human heart; self-love, brotherly and sisterly love, parental love, love for other sentient beings, love for our planet Earth, and love for God. If you know love, you know God. If you don’t know love, you don’t know God, for God is love!

  • Valentine's Day Special: Four Infinite Thoughts

    09/12/2015 Duração: 41min

    For two years, Drishti Point Yoga Podcasts had produced a special Valentine’s Day special with Chuck Damov about love. This is the second interview. If you know love, you know God. If you don’t know love, you don’t know God, for God is love! This interview is about the Four Infinite Thoughts metta (loving-kindness), karuna(compassion), mudita (joyfullness), and upekha(equanimity), and how to cultivate this kind of love in your mind and heart.This second interview (for Members only) is an inspiring interview about the deeper dimensions of love, and the importance of love on the spiritual path.

  • Spiritual Renegade

    09/12/2015 Duração: 48min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Venerable Sumati Marut. Lama Marut speaks about his latest book- The Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life, a book for spiritual warriors who find themselves on the battlefield of their inner consciousness fighting the demons in our minds that block us from happiness. With humour, honesty, and candour, Lama Marut speaks the wisdom of the ancients in a modern vernacular and presents the Contentment Mantra, the necessity and benefits of gratitude and unilateral forgiveness, and how to overcome ‘liberphobia’.

  • Teaching from the Heart

    09/12/2015 Duração: 27min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Shelley Tomczyk. Shelley speaks about her spiritual journey into the Western Baul Lineage and her love of Anusara Yoga. This is a beautiful interview about what it means to open the heart and to live and practice from the heart.

  • Navigating the Spiritual Minefield

    09/12/2015 Duração: 38min

    Listen to a Drishti Point podcast with Shadi Mogadime, former business manager and attendant for Lama Sumati Marut, and senior teacher with Three Jewels Vancouver as we discuss How to Navigate the Spiritual Minefield. With so many options in spirituality, how can we discern between what’s authentic and what isn’t, how do we choose a teacher we can follow, and do we even need one given all of the amazing access we have to technology, information, and the internet? Listen to a candid discussion about the difference between information, knowledge, and wisdom as they relate to the spiritual path and finding a teacher.

  • The Power of the Heart

    09/12/2015 Duração: 26min

    Wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist Giving up a prestigious career in law, and following a strong desire to find his life purpose, Baptist de Pepe embarked on a journey to investigate the incredible power of the heart and how it can lead us to the life we are meant to live. Listen to an interview with filmmaker and author Baptist de Pepe about his own journey and what he has learned from the world’s foremost spiritual teachers about the power of the heart and how to use the heart to cultivate intuition, intention, gratitude, forgiveness, and loving-kindness. For more information about the Film and book, visit The Power of Heart (www.thepowerofheart.com).

  • Memoir of 3-Year Silent Retreat

    09/12/2015 Duração: 35min

    Listen to a fascinating interview with Ora Sundara Maimes who completed a three year Retreat at Diamond Mountain. Ora speaks about her Retreat and what it means to let go of who you are and using Retreat to transform ourselves from the inside out. Ora elaborates on the eleven yogas of the Angel of Diamond and how meditation is a tool to transform how we see ourselves, how we see others, and ultimately how we see our world. This is a deeply profound interview about Retreat, transformation, and Enlightenment.

  • Yoga and Psychology

    09/12/2015 Duração: 39min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Radio podcast with Michael Stone. Michael speaks the benefits of integrating western psychological perspectives with yoga and vice versa. Michael is a psychotherapist, yoga teacher, Buddhist teacher, author, activist, and founder of Centre of Gravity.

  • A Life Worth Breathing

    09/12/2015 Duração: 47min

    Listen to a Drishti Point Yoga Podcast with Master teacher Max Strom. In this interview, Max speaks about his book A Life Worth Breathing and the importance of the three pillars of health- mind, body, and emotions, and the power of practicing gratitude which opens the doorway to forgiveness, compassion, and all other positive virtues.

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