Full Metal Rpg



Podcast by Presented by Carrion & Bailey



    06/04/2017 Duração: 01h14min

    BECAUSE YOU'VE WAITED LONG ENOUGH GAWD DAMMNIT. Brendan and Adam return from the badlands to bring you more fresh takes on roleplaying games, Star Wars, comic cons, miniatures wargaming and of course... more roleplaying games. Don't call it a comeback, tonight we've got BANGERS ONLY, BITCH.

  • 034 - Talking Palladium with EyeProfet, Megaversal Ambassador

    23/01/2017 Duração: 01h53min

    Oh man, this episode is late, so very very late! We were supposed to have this bad boy posted on the 15th, and now it is the 23rd! Sorry everyone! Anyway, in this belated episode we sit down with EyeProfet, one of the hosts of Gloryhoundd and the Uninvited Gamers and discuss Palladium gaming including Rifts, Beyond the Supernatural and the good old TMNT tabletop RPG from the halcyon days of the first eighties. We wax nostalgic (as usual) and Brendan insists on making everything about Nightbane. Enjoy!

  • 033 - "Fresh" Takes - Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells

    01/01/2017 Duração: 01h38min

    Happy New Year Muthaphuckaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhsss!!! Well, 2016 has been a long and bloody one but we manged to end it on a high note, reviewing Diogo Nogueria's Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells available from Drive Thru RPG. We get salty about Vampire - the Giovanni Chronicles, Warhammer 40k and Star Wars: Rogue One and Full Metal Ben and Shadowsworn Adam deal out some very "fresh" takes. We hope that you tune in for the last episode of the year, as we get ready for even more bullshit and shenanigans. Thanks for listening this year cultists! See you NEXT YEAR!!!!

  • SHDWSWRN 009 - Wraith: The O'Blivion

    16/12/2016 Duração: 01h48min

    Wait a minuite, are you still here? We didn't alienate the shit out of you with our last episode? But we're such assholes! Anyway, for this episode we recruited two additional assholes to sit in. One is Ben in from his other gig on FMRPG. The other is the homie Mike who runs Wraith games. So, we're gonna talk about Wraith. This is part of what we hope to become an ongoing thing where we talk about games other than effing Vampire. We hope you enjoy. There is some music on here from a band called Method Cell, and the final track is from VNV Nation. Knock yourself out kids.

  • A Message to the Assembled Laity

    08/12/2016 Duração: 06min

    Brendan comes on and takes a second to explain the new schedule for Full Metal RPG!


    17/11/2016 Duração: 01h28min

    Oh, it is the most joyous of days! In this episode Brendan and Ben are joined by the third member of the Foresaken Triumvirate, Shadowsworn Adam to celebrate the birthday of the podcast you love to hate, FULL METAL RPG. We drink bubbly, we blow out candles, we recount what is best in life and what is worst. Mostly we just blather incoherently about games, but after a year... it's what you've come to expect! Join us in our celebration! LISTEN NOW! Art by Rich Nerdgore. Music by Legion and Andrew W.K.

  • SHDWSWRN - 008 - Grand Masquerade 2016

    10/11/2016 Duração: 01h46min

    Brendan and Adam convene once again with reviews of the video presentations of the Grand Masquerade panel and subsequent Q&A. We review Forever Knight, Episode 3, and then tear into the panels. Take a listen if you haven't seen the videos yourself, or you just want to hear or overwrought thoughts on the future and direction of White Wolf and it's associated properties. Music by Our Lady of Shadows, Frank Mollin, Bell, Book & Candle and In Strict Confidence

  • 031 - The Wrecking Crew Darryl & Richard - Fair Game

    03/11/2016 Duração: 01h38min

    Well here we are once again witches and wolves! In Episode 31 of FMRPG that scurrilous bastard Ben peaces out on Brendan and gaming mastermind Jim Miller gets called in as a hired gun to help keep things in order. This week the Full Metal crew is joined by the homies Richard and Darryl of the Wrecking Crew and Podcast: the Wreckening. They talk about all manners of gaming and then there's some talk about gaming cons, especially the upcoming Arizona Game Fair. Listen in and let us know how you like the show! Thanks for tuning in cultists! We got art my Rich Nerdgore, Music by Legion, Wolves in the Throne room and Sepultura! Get at it!

  • 030 - Mailbag Dos: Last Train to Hell

    20/10/2016 Duração: 02h08min

    Well amigo, the hour is nigh. You can only outrun the law for so long and then they put a silver bullet, dipped in holy water right between your fuckin' shoulders. Now I hear that forlorn cry in the distance compadre, the sound of that one way ticket to Hell come to carry me away. I guess I'll lay here in the dirt, waiting for El Diablo Maior to come carry me away, and you can read me this here letter from my dear ol' paw back east. He knew I'd never make nuthin' of myself. I never was very booksmart. Now, I'll answer whatever he asks, but you gotta get word back to him ya hear? Is is a deal amigo? *cough cough* In this SUPER LONG episode Brendan and Ben are met at the creepy crossroads of fate by the Grim Reaper himself taking a stroll with the Warlord Amanda. We get to talkin' about our takes on some queries put to us by devoted listeners. We hope you'll take a listen and walk with us for a while. Art by Rich Nerdgore, music by Legion, Slayer and Ghost.

  • SHDWSWRN - 007 - Sick Podcast Brah!

    15/10/2016 Duração: 01h10min

    Adam and Brendan got together this week to watch Forever Knight and record a podcast. In the process of doing this Brendan became increasingly aware that he was coming down with some kind of malady. Instead of cancelling and putting of the show until such a time as he could assemble words into cogent sentences, he instead decided to "power through." These are the tapes. Listen and judge for yourself. Music by Our Lady of Shadows, Rollins Band, Fred Molin, and Knife Party

  • 029 - A Small Padded Cell

    09/10/2016 Duração: 01h12min

    You thought you could lock the crazy IN, didn't you, you naive fucks. But did you ever think about locking the crazy OUT? I didn't think so. So here we are on Saturday night clutching our proverbial nuts and gritting our teeth through the electroshock therapy. Well guess what! It's a new Episode! Jim Miller is back! Listen in on our lunatic ravings! Music by Legion, Ghost, and the Bay City Rollers

  • 028 - Beneath - The Inverted Church Kickstarter Review

    29/09/2016 Duração: 01h12min

    In this episode Brendan and Ben keep it short and sweet with an in depth discussion of what's new with gaming followed by a review of Justin Sirois' Beneath: The Inverted Church currently gathering pledges on Kickstarter. And homie, let me tell you, it's a doozey! So check out the episode and consider hitting up Kickstarter and maybe grabbing yourself a copy. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll barf up chunks. Is this Wayne's World? Did you read to the bottom? Congratulations! No listen to the episode. Music by Legion and a couple tracks from the latest Ghost album. Enjoy, striplings!


    15/09/2016 Duração: 01h56min

    Brendan and Adam finally reveal to the world the origin of their fixation on bad leather jackets and sunglasses after dark. We have more new shit on the World of Darkness here! Brendan and Adam discuss their take on the World of Darkness as a multimedia experience and they add a NEW FEATURE! That's right kids, now once per episode your least favorite fang-banging, darkstalking daywalkers will be reviewing (in order) episodes from the seminal Vampire/Detective serial: FOREVER KNIGHT! I know you guys can't wait, we sure couldn't. Anyway, there are lots of spoilers so don't be bashful, this shit has been off the air for over 20 years. I'd say get over it, but we sure haven't! Listen on neonate swine!

  • 027 - GMing Stylez of the Lich & Slaymous

    08/09/2016 Duração: 02h05min

    Hail! Blasphemers! Brendan and Ben just returned from the long month of August, where they spend the final weeks deep in the bowels of the Shadow Fathoms eating psychotropic myconid children and tripping balls super hard with the dark elf shadowmancer Dripztt and Raistlington the dwarven mega-wizard. When they returned they found a raven had brought word from Archlictor Miseophant in California seeking some blackened homilies on the craft of gaming. So they rounded up that fucker Shadowsworn Adam from the slave galley he was pirating and summoned The Mysterious Jeff from the Cthonous Depths and here you have it bitches, four dudes talking about how they think it should be done. Music from Legion, Front Line Assembly, The Smashing Pumpkins, Baroness, and Eminem to accompany your insane ramblings. Enjoy.

  • 026 - Lamentations of the Heather Girlfriend

    25/08/2016 Duração: 01h26min

    POST CAFFEINE REHAB Brendan digs into topics with Full Metal Ben, the Warlord Amanda and his sponsor, Dr. Drew. Lotta rambling diatribes in this episode, but eventually Brendan does manage to get around to talking about his Lamentations of the Flame Princess game. Heather comes on the show and off the air does a mic drop, puts both hands up in the air and proclaims "I DID AWESOME!" Brendan shakes his head a lot and tries to remember the days when doing a podcast about roleplaying games with all of his friends sounded like a GOOD idea. Are you still reading this? For chirstsake, listen to the show!

  • SHDWSWRN - 005 - Catalog of Darkness

    11/08/2016 Duração: 01h43min

    Adam and Brendan come in with their best episode yet. We know that this isn't saying much, but hell, if we haven't kept your expectations low, we've been doing something, incredibly, incredibly wrong. Gen Con just having passed, Brendan and Adam go through that august document with a fine toothed fucking comb. Yeah it's on. They barely even get off topic and random about nonsense at all. Okay that last part was bullshit but if you listened to even one of the other Shadowsworn Radio Hours ever before, you know that already. Get at it muthafuckas!!!

  • 025 - I Can't Believe We Paid For This with Keith

    04/08/2016 Duração: 02h01min

    In which Brendan, Ben and the Mysterious Jeff meet up with their old chum Keith from the days of LepreCon 42 and discuss his new his company iPulp, his Kickstarter and his writing projects. Check it out!

  • 024 - FMRPG: Crit Hit, On Location!

    21/07/2016 Duração: 01h11min

    In which Brendan and Ben take a second in a busy day of con gaming to address the assembled throngs of devotees, eagerly waiting, with baited breath, for each and every quivering utterance that might spill forth from the hallowed lips of the supreme leaders... ah, fuck that shit. Brendan Carrion and Full Metal Ben are joined by The Warlord Amanda and Shadowsworn Adam as well as Jim Miller and some honored guests at the inaugural Crit Hit gaming con in Phx AZ. Good times were had, join us.

  • SHDWSWRN - 004 - Historical Settings

    15/07/2016 Duração: 01h24min

    SHDWSWRN - 004 - Historical Settings by Presented by Carrion & Bailey

  • 023 - Brendan and Ben Get Lepre - Con'd

    07/07/2016 Duração: 01h30min

    In which Brendan and Ben set up their very first table at a Science-Fiction/General Nerdery convention. What a hoot! Ben disappears to play 7th Sea while Brendan, the Warlord Amanda and Heather the Girlfriend hold down the table. Interviews with Ben Woerner, developer for 7th Sea and John Paul Ried, fantasy author.

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