

Singularity.FM is the 1st and best singularity podcast - the place where we interview the future! Singularity.FM is a series of podcast interviews with the best scientists, writers, entrepreneurs, philosophers and artists, debating the technological singularity. The podcast is a conversation about exponential tech, accelerating change, artificial intelligence and ethics: Because technology is not enough!


  • Prof. Steve Fuller on Transhumanism: Ask yourself what is human?

    25/08/2019 Duração: 02h23min

    Prof. Steve Fuller is the author of 25 books including a trilogy relating to the idea of a ‘post-’ or ‘trans-‘ human future, and most recently, Nietzschean Meditations: Untimely Thoughts at the Dawn of the Transhuman Age. He has an incredibly broad amount of knowledge from a diversity of disciplines and I have to admit […]

  • Cory Doctorow on Walkaway: This will all be so great if we don’t screw it up

    16/08/2019 Duração: 01h32min

    Cory Doctorow is probably my all time most favorite science fiction writer. The reason for that is simple – Doctorow is not only a great story-teller but also an activist. To paraphrase Karl Marx, writers have tried to capture and describe the world but the point, however, is to change it. And Cory is a […]

  • Ex-Google Design Ethicist Tristan Harris on Technology and Human Downgrading

    16/06/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    Tristan Harris is one of my heroes. And I don’t know about you but I am much more demanding and harder on my heroes. I just expect them to hold themselves to a higher standard, to know more, to do more, to be more and, perhaps most of all, to live and breathe their own […]

  • Andreas Antonopoulos: Just because you don’t need bitcoin, doesn’t mean it’s not needed.

    17/04/2019 Duração: 01h12s

    I first met Andreas Antonopoulos at the 2014 Bitcoin Expo conference in Toronto, Canada. At that time Andreas was already established as the most publicly recognized expert in the field of crypto-currency, not in the least due to his impressive capacity to take the geek out of bitcoin and make it relevant to and understandable […]

  • Sir Martin Rees on the Future: Prospects for Humanity

    12/03/2019 Duração: 01h34min

    Today my guest is a world-renowned cosmologist and Astronomer Royal Sir Martin Rees. Martin has written 11 books and more than 500 scientific papers on topics ranging from the Big Bang and cosmology to technology and the future of humanity. Sir Rees has also been concerned with the threats stemming from humanity’s ever-heavier ‘footprint’ on […]

  • Media Theorist Douglas Rushkoff on Team Human

    27/02/2019 Duração: 01h20min

    Douglas Rushkoff has been named one of the world’s ten most influential intellectuals by MIT. He is an award-winning author, broadcaster, media theorist, and documentarian who studies human autonomy in the digital age. Rushkoff is the host of the popular Team Human podcast and was among the very first guests I ever interviewed when I […]

  • Dr. Joseph Mercola on Health and Longevity: Take Health into Your Own Hands

    22/11/2018 Duração: 01h38min

    With 15 million unique visitors per month, Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of the largest health and wellness website on the internet. His life’s mission is to cure rather than treat disease and Dr. Mercola has not only published extensively but also treated successfully a variety of chronic health conditions with natural methods such […]

  • Joscha Bach: We need to understand the nature of AI to understand who we are

    14/11/2018 Duração: 02h09min

    Joscha Bach is one of those rare people whose primary motivation is unbound curiosity and inspiration. He clearly loves what he does and you can’t help but notice his radiating passion and youthful exuberance. Joscha has an impressively wide and deep knowledge in a variety of scientific, philosophical and artistic disciplines and I had to do […]

  • Dr. Michael Greger on How Not to Age

    29/09/2018 Duração: 33min

    There are two people who caused me to become vegan and switch to a whole-plant-based diet. The first is Prof. Peter Singer who put the idea in my head many years ago when I started studying ethics. The second person is Dr. Michael Greger whose books How not to Die and The How Not To […]

  • Stuart Russell on Artificial Intelligence: What if we succeed?

    13/09/2018 Duração: 01h32min

    Stuart Russell is a professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley as well as co-author of the most popular textbook in the field – Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Given that it has been translated into 13 languages and is used in more than 1,300 universities in 118 countries, I can hardly think of anyone […]

  • Roman Yampolskiy on Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security

    31/08/2018 Duração: 01h18min

    There are those of us who philosophize and debate the finer points surrounding the dangers of artificial intelligence. And then there are those who dare go in the trenches and get their hands dirty by doing the actual work that may just end up making the difference. So if AI turns out to be like […]

  • “Oracle of Silicon Valley” Tim O’Reilly on WTF: Do Work That Matters

    16/07/2018 Duração: 01h28min

    Inc Magazine called Tim O’Reilly the “Oracle of Silicon Valley.” Wired called him “The Trend Spotter.” Others have noted that “the Internet was built on O’Reilly books.” All in all, Tim O’Reilly is as perfect of a guest for my Singularity.FM podcast as I can ever imagine. So, I hope you enjoy this interview as much […]

  • Physicist Max Tegmark on Life 3.0: What We Do Makes a Difference

    15/06/2018 Duração: 01h33min

    Some people say that renowned MIT physicist Max Tegmark is totally bonkers and refer to him as “Mad Max”. But, to quote Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland, “All the best people are.” Furthermore, I am not sure if Tegmark is “mad” but I am pretty sure he is very much “fun” because I had a total blast […]

  • Transhumanist Manifesto Inspires WIRED Article on Transhumanism

    08/06/2018 Duração: 56min

    A couple of weeks ago Joi Ito – head of the MIT Media Lab and contributor to WIRED Magazine, interviewed me about my Transhumanist Manifesto and related topics such as life-extension, immortality, cryonics, speciesim, and ethics. Some people have said that this is the best interview I have done so far: Nikola’s best interview for quite a while, IMHO. […]

  • Philosopher Peter Singer on AI, Transhumanism and Ethics

    01/06/2018 Duração: 01h04min

    Peter Singer is arguably the most influential living philosopher of our day. His book on Animal Liberation basically started the animal rights movement and his textbook on Practical Ethics is the standard philosophy text of first-year students. No wonder that in 2005 Time Magazine called Peter Singer one of the 100 most influential people in the world. […]

  • Nikola Danaylov on the Future Grind Podcast

    25/05/2018 Duração: 01h09min

    Last month Ryan O’Shea – host of the Future Grind Podcast, did what is probably the most thorough interview with me so far. I thought it might be good to repost it on Singularity.FM so that you can listen to me being interviewed for a change while also getting exposed to another fantastic futurist podcast that I recommend highly. Hope you enjoy it but, either way, do let me know.

  • Jonathan Taplin on Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy

    15/05/2018 Duração: 01h15min

    Jonathan Taplin is the Director Emeritus of the USC Annenberg Innovation Lab, and a former tour manager for Bob Dylan and The Band, as well as a film producer for Martin Scorsese. If that is not enough to make him a worthy guest of Singularity.FM then let me add that Jonathan is a visionary entrepreneur […]

  • Entrepreneurial Activist Joi Ito on Whiplash and the MIT Media Lab

    05/05/2018 Duração: 01h25min

    Joi Ito is just one of those people who simply don’t fit a mold. Any mold. He is an entrepreneur who is an activist. He is an academic without a degree. He is a leader who follows. He is a teacher who listens. And an interlocutor who wants you to disagree with him. Overall, I hate […]

  • Quid and Primer Founder Sean Gourley: If You Don’t Own the Algorithm, the Algorithm Owns You

    21/04/2018 Duração: 01h32min

    It was all the way back in 2013 when Sean Gourley published a blog post titled Prediction just is a parlor trick. Manipulation is much more interesting. In it he wrote: “The 2012 election will ultimately go down as the ‘prediction’ election (aka the Nate Silver election), 2016 may well be the first ‘persuasion’ election. An […]

  • Transhumanist Party Chairman Gennady Stolyarov II: Death is Wrong and Life is Right

    04/04/2018 Duração: 02h56min

    Transhumanism is a growing social and philosophical movement with more and more people becoming aware of and sympathetic to it. In fact, in the last couple of years, transhumanism has gone political with new transhumanist parties emerging in the UK and the United States. And, since I have already argued that technology is the future of […]

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