Ask Cadence: The Project Management Podcast



Ask Cadence is a series dedicated to bringing solutions to your toughest project management problems. Using real-world project challenges from project managers in our global project management training seminars, our team offers guidance on how to tackle such issues as Scope, Schedule, Responsibility, Organizational Project Management, Agile Project Management and so much more. Join the discussion today and write us at with your own project challenges.


  • Solving the Unsolvable Technical Problem

    06/10/2008 Duração: 06min

    You are running into a mass production deadline on a significant project, but there’s a non-trivial technical problem that your team still hasn’t solved. What do you do with your project in this state of jeopardy? This week, John Patton and Wil Mercer sit down to tackle this very real problem on Ask Cadence, episode 29.

  • Dealing with Power Struggles

    29/09/2008 Duração: 10min

    When two key executives are locked in a power struggle that affects your project, how can you resolve the issue and keep your project on track? This week, Cadence CEO John Patton and seminar leader Wil Mercer discuss the potential pitfalls, and give a few key lessons to help deflate tensions, improve communication, and allow you and your team to get back to work.

  • The Importance of OPM3

    22/07/2008 Duração: 06min

    Continuing our discussion on the importance of OPM3 to modern project management, we sit down with John Patton and Scott Lissit of Cadence Management Corporation to discuss how companies can get started with OPM3, and where the new standard will have the most impact on project, program, and portfolio management operations.

  • Introduction to OPM3 with John Patton

    14/07/2008 Duração: 08min

    This week, we sit down with John Patton for an introduction to OPM3. This new organizational benchmarking tool can be prove to be a daunting undertaking. Patton serves to clarify each component of the tool, and provides a discussion on the practical implications of getting started with OMP3.

  • Is Project Planning Just a Waste of Time

    07/07/2008 Duração: 08min

    When the pressure is high it is easy to let the planning process slide in favor of diving in and getting the work done. But, at what cost? Cadence CEO John Patton and director of service delivery Scott Lissit discuss the risks of ignoring planning, and give a few key lessons and project sizing guidelines that will help reduce frustration with the appropriate level of work.

  • What do you do when people don t know what to do

    30/06/2008 Duração: 08min

    Planning isn’t easy. If you’re project is not starting well, it is most likely because you have been tripped up in the planning process. This week, Cadence CEO John Patton and director of service delivery Scott Lissit address a key Ask Cadence question: My team is lost. What do you do when your people don’t know what to do? Listen to the show this week and get a better understanding of why this happens to project managers, and suggestions on how to turn it around using simple tools to get your team aligned and on track to deliver results.

  • What do you do with an unrealistic objective

    17/06/2008 Duração: 07min

    There are some things you simply cannot control. This week, Cadence CEO John Patton and Director of Service Delivery Scott Lissit address one of the most frustrating of these for project managers: What do you do when your sponsor hands you a project with an unrealistic objective? Listen to the show this week and get a better understanding of why this happens to project managers, and suggestions on how to turn it around so that you can deliver results.

  • Active and Passive Metrics for Measuring Project Success

    03/06/2008 Duração: 12min

    Once you have your project management system in place, how do you measure deeper results of project success beyond major milestones? This week, Rob Bremmer and guest Dr. Sean Harry from Career Management Solutions join the round table to discuss active and passive metrics for managing project success.

  • Keeping your Project Management Skills Sharp

    20/05/2008 Duração: 08min

    Organizations dealing with cuts to their training budgets are suddenly forced to think creatively about getting teams the training they need to build results. This week, Rob Bremmer and guest Dr. Sean Harry from Career Management Solutions and ASTD join the round table to continue our series on finding the training you need in a volatile market.

  • Creative Problem Solving for Training Teams (Special Guest Dr. Sean Harry)

    28/04/2008 Duração: 09min

    Organizations dealing with cuts to their training budgets are suddenly forced to think creatively about getting teams the training they need to build results. This week, Rob Bremmer and guest Dr. Sean Harry from Career Management Solutions and ASTD join the round table to continue our series on finding the training you need in a volatile market.

  • When Training is Hard to Find

    22/04/2008 Duração: 14min

    What do you do when your organization is forced to trim training budgets? You get creative! This week, the regular team is joined by Dr. Sean Harry from Career Management Solutions to take on the importance of training even in a volatile market, the process of creating a skills inventory, and where to find resources to continue to learn even when you don’t have the budget to pay for it.

  • Poor Visibility of Customer Project Planning

    14/04/2008 Duração: 07min

    When working with customer-based extended teams, how do you remain responsive and reactive when you don’t have visibility of customer project planning efforts? This week, John Patton and Connie Plowman take on this issue and give advice on how teams can get control of broad teams through communication and collaboration.

  • How do you plan and execute simultaneously

    07/04/2008 Duração: 09min

    The problem card this week asks for help when a team is handed a new project and a timeline for delivery that most would feel is too tight to plan. John Patton and Connie Plowman work through the implications for the team — and for you as project manager — and show just how critical the planning function is, even when planning time appears to be minimal.

  • Team Member Evasion

    24/03/2008 Duração: 07min

    The problem card this week asks for help when a team member evades the work of the project and turns in sloppy work to the team. There are a number of reasons this might be happening on your projects, and this week John Patton and Connie Plowman work through the implications for the team — and for you as project manager — and outline a few simple strategies to address them.

  • The Fast-Growing Team

    17/03/2008 Duração: 08min

    This week, how do you drive for accurate and efficient communication when your department or operating team is growing faster than work can be delegated? This week, John Patton and Connie Plowman take on the problem of dynamic operational teams in trouble, and provide insight in how managers can keep the right people involved and informed while being more effective leaders.

  • Extra-Team Enthusiasm

    10/03/2008 Duração: 07min

    When team members jump into your project uninvited, do you have an opportunity to leverage many hands into light work, or a politically charged vehicle for self-promotion? Join Cadence president John Patton and COO Connie Plowman on Ask Cadence this week and gain insights into managing extra-team enthusiasm appropriately and professionally to get the job done.

  • Operations v. Projects

    03/03/2008 Duração: 07min

    When operations and project collide in day-to-day work-life, it’s often a complicated juggling act determining where staff attention should be directed. This week, Cadence CEO John Patton and COO Connie Plowman share their expertise in managing the juncture between projects and operations and the benefits of workload planning.

  • Managing Up

    25/02/2008 Duração: 08min

    When a key manager holds the keys to your project schedule, how do you deliver results without creating a politically charged situation around your project? Join Cadence president John Patton and COO Connie Plowman on Ask Cadence this week and gain insights on “managing up” appropriately and professionally to get the job done.

  • Customer Who

    19/02/2008 Duração: 07min

    On this week's show, Jay Christensen and Rob Bremmer discuss the challenges that come to project managers who fail to take the time and initiative to know and understand their customer. Whether from confusion within sponsorship ranks in the organization or project manager planning in a vacuum, the results are the same: misunderstanding of the customer causes misunderstanding of the project.

  • Vacuum Planning

    12/02/2008 Duração: 06min

    On this week’s show, Jay Christensen and Rob Bremmer discuss the challenges that come to project managers who plan their projects without any input from the team. Whether it comes from a subconscious need to be a star, or a lack of organization of resources early in the project, this problem can be disastrous to long-term commitment to project activity. Listen now for strategies to address this problem proactively and discover who ultimately owns this problem to deliver results on your critical projects.On this week's show, Jay Christensen and Rob Bremmer discuss the challenges that come to project managers who plan their projects without any input from the team. Whether it comes from a subconscious need to be a star, or a lack of organization of resources early in the project, this problem can be disastrous to long-term commitment to project activity. Listen now for strategies to address this problem proactively and discover who ultimately owns this problem to deliver results on your critical projects.

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