Power Of Purity | Christian Views On Sex, Porn, Fornication, Adultery, Masturbation, Homosexuality, Transgender & Sex Addicti



Here's the "cycle"... a man watches porn... often in violation of his very own conscience... and then masturbates... and then feels guilty... and then tries to NOT watch porn... and then starts the cycle over by watching porn again. The Power of Purity is for men who are interested in discovering how to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. The Power of Purity is a 100% safe and confidential resource that will help men... FINALLY... experience their sexual gift in a healthier way. Purity IS possible with The Power of Purity! A NEW EPISODE PUBLISHES EVERY TUESDAY


  • POP 346 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 3

    07/02/2023 Duração: 47min

    On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later.   Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more.  He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more

  • POP 345 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 2

    31/01/2023 Duração: 38min

    On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later.   Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more.  He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more

  • POP 344 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 1

    24/01/2023 Duração: 37min

    On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later.   Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. There are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more.  He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situati

  • POP 343 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 4

    17/01/2023 Duração: 28min

    NOTE - At the end of this episode Tony shares a special prayer over you:  A Prayer Over My Sexual History & Physical Body. Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338).  Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions.  In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions.  If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her?  Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexu

  • POP 342 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 3

    10/01/2023 Duração: 29min

    Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338).  Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions.  In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions.  If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her?  Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexually versus participating in something that would constitute a violation of your conscience or personhood? Is masturbation a si

  • POP 341 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 2

    03/01/2023 Duração: 35min

    Please note - KINTSUGI refers to a process by which broken ceramics are fixed using a mix of lacquer, powdered gold, silver or platinum.  This results is a design of intricate veins which run around the repaired object.  These irregular lines are not seen as flaws but are seen as a beauty element.  The result is that the repaired piece of ceramic is actually more beautiful and more valuable than before it was broken!  Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338).  Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions.  In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions.  If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her?  Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do y

  • POP 340 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 1

    27/12/2022 Duração: 33min

    Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338).  Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions.  In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions.  If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her?  Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexually versus participating in something that would constitute a violation of your conscience or personhood? Is masturbation a si

  • POP 339 - The Car Episode

    20/12/2022 Duração: 55min

    Podcast 339 – The Car Episode What in the world does "The Car Episode" have to do with sexual purity? In this episode Tony does something he’s never done before.  He records an episode of the podcast as he’s driving down the highway in his car.  The episode was spontaneously inspired after a text conversation with another person, of all things, concerning the topic of weight loss.  In this episode Tony share 3 strategic factors that have worked together to help him loose 35 pounds and to get in better shape than he’s been in for years.  Those 3 factors concern: Diet Exercise Writing psalms You might immediately think the first 2 factors make total sense.  If a person begins to watch their diet and exercise, it will help them to loose weight and to get in better shape.  But how in the world does writing psalms have anything to do with loosing weight and getting in better shape?  If you’re interested in this idea, or at least curious, you’re welcome to listen to this episode of The Power of Purity Podcast. Wh

  • POP 338 - Left Brain Right Brain with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 3

    13/12/2022 Duração: 43min

    In this amazing interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley, Tony had prepared 24 various interview questions to discuss with Dr. Carol.  From the very beginning of the interview the discussion took on a life of its own, and by the end of the interview Tony had not asked Dr. Carol even one of the questions he had prepared. The interview was very spontaneous, lively, and unexpected. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildre

  • POP 337 - Left Brain Right Brain with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 2

    06/12/2022 Duração: 29min

    In this amazing interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley, Tony had prepared 24 various interview questions to discuss with Dr. Carol.  From the very beginning of the interview the discussion took on a life of its own, and by the end of the interview Tony had not asked Dr. Carol even one of the questions he had prepared. The interview was very spontaneous, lively, and unexpected. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildre

  • POP 336 - Left Brain Right Brain with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 1

    29/11/2022 Duração: 32min

    In this amazing interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley, Tony had prepared 24 various interview questions to discuss with Dr. Carol.  From the very beginning of the interview the discussion took on a life of its own, and by the end of the interview Tony had not asked Dr. Carol even one of the questions he had prepared. The interview was very spontaneous, lively, and unexpected. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildre

  • POP 335 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 4

    22/11/2022 Duração: 32min

    In ths series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt.  For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction.  George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals.  Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds.  George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life.  His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived.  This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way.  Deliverance from that bondage is possible.  There is hop

  • POP 334 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 3

    15/11/2022 Duração: 31min

    In ths series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt.  For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction.  George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals.  Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds.  George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life.  His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived.  This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way.  Deliverance from that bondage is possible.  There is hop

  • POP 333 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 2

    08/11/2022 Duração: 33min

    In ths series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt.  For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction.  George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals.  Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds.  George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life.  His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived.  This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way.  Deliverance from that bondage is possible.  There is hop

  • POP 332 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 1

    01/11/2022 Duração: 32min

    In ths series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt.  For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction.  George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals.  Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds.  George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life.  His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived.  This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way.  Deliverance from that bondage is possible.  There is hop

  • POP 331 - A Woman's Broken Heart with Renee - Part 3

    25/10/2022 Duração: 34min

    Renee has been married to her husband for over 30 years. Seven years ago she discovered that her husband was involved in an affair with another woman. Her heart was completely broken and it led to the most painful period of her life. In this very honest and vulnerable interview Renee shares her story with us. She shares her journey through the pain, and hurt, and confusion that unfolded, the lessons she's learned along the way, and how her situation brought her closer to God than she's ever been before. This interview provides a unique glimpse into the heart of "Eve", and helps men to understand what it's like for a woman when she learns of her husband's sexual unfaithfulness. In additon, it's a beautiful story that illustrates the healing and redemptive power of God, even in the most difficult circumstances and situations of our lives. Can we trust in God no matter what happens in our lives? Is God still good, even in the midst of our pain? Listen to Renee's story for the answers to these questions, and much

  • POP 330 - A Woman's Broken Heart with Renee - Part 2

    18/10/2022 Duração: 30min

    Renee has been married to her husband for over 30 years. Seven years ago she discovered that her husband was involved in an affair with another woman. Her heart was completely broken and it led to the most painful period of her life. In this very honest and vulnerable interview Renee shares her story with us. She shares her journey through the pain, and hurt, and confusion that unfolded, the lessons she's learned along the way, and how her situation brought her closer to God than she's ever been before. This interview provides a unique glimpse into the heart of "Eve", and helps men to understand what it's like for a woman when she learns of her husband's sexual unfaithfulness. In additon, it's a beautiful story that illustrates the healing and redemptive power of God, even in the most difficult circumstances and situations of our lives. Can we trust in God no matter what happens in our lives? Is God still good, even in the midst of our pain? Listen to Renee's story for the answers to these questions, and much

  • POP 329 - A Woman's Broken Heart with Renee - Part 1

    11/10/2022 Duração: 34min

    Renee has been married to her husband for over 30 years. Seven years ago she discovered that her husband was involved in an affair with another woman. Her heart was completely broken and it led to the most painful period of her life. In this very honest and vulnerable interview Renee shares her story with us. She shares her journey through the pain, and hurt, and confusion that unfolded, the lessons she's learned along the way, and how her situation brought her closer to God than she's ever been before. This interview provides a unique glimpse into the heart of "Eve", and helps men to understand what it's like for a woman when she learns of her husband's sexual unfaithfulness. In additon, it's a beautiful story that illustrates the healing and redemptive power of God, even in the most difficult circumstances and situations of our lives. Can we trust in God no matter what happens in our lives? Is God still good, even in the midst of our pain? Listen to Renee's story for the answers to these questions, and much

  • POP 328 - Happily Ever After - Part 10

    04/10/2022 Duração: 43min

    The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship.   Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship.  This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable.  If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experienc

  • POP 327 - Happily Ever After - Part 9

    27/09/2022 Duração: 42min

    The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship.   Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship.  This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable.  If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experienc

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