What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't



Relationships matter. Do you want to know the nitty gritty of what makes a relationship work? Get your answers to relationship questions. Learn how to keep respect alive & well, because lack of respect is why people get divorced.  Learn what builds trust & how to recover from infidelity, drama or codependency. Advice from psychotherapist Rhoda Sommer based on over 35 years of working with couples. www.therapyideas.net


  • Insecure? How it Contaminates Relationships Episode #41

    08/02/2018 Duração: 12min

    Being insecure is something everybody struggles with. Insecurities are easily fed by fears when we believe we are misunderstood. Being insecure tests even the best of us. Insecurities can keep people trapped in emotionally masochistic relationships. Facing how we are unlovable can help us grow & change.

  • What Everybody Ought to Know for Relationship Survival Episode #40

    08/01/2018 Duração: 12min

    We arrive in this world with very few skills to help us navigate relationships. It takes a few decades just to understand ourselves much less anybody else. I think long term loving requires that we give each other the benefit of the doubt. We all begin a bit too stingy & full of self interest.

  • Grief & Loss Survival in Relationships Episode #39

    17/11/2017 Duração: 35min

    As we live our lives, we all experience loss, change and transition. While we all know the grief associated with change, each grief looks and feels a little different. And, everyone grieves differently. As you work through the losses, changes and transitions in your life you’ll find it’s helpful to be patient and gentle with yourself, because it’s not easy and it takes time. The face of hope may change as you grieve. Hold it in your heart; keep it alive because you won’t always feel as bad as you do when your grief is fresh.

  • Blended Families, Stepfamilies; A Map for Greater Understanding

    07/11/2017 Duração: 42min

    Interview with Dr. Patricia Papernow, in her fourth decade working with blended families. Blended families are complicated, where adults may be thrilled to find a new love, children may experience that as a turning away from them. Loyalty Binds can create problems, which may work out better with a slower pace.

  • Pornography Addiction, Why it Should Worry You in Relationships

    17/10/2017 Duração: 24min

    Pornography Addiction has become a problem for many couples. It sets up unrealistic expectations that real life can't compete with. Porn addiction often becomes a powerful problem because it's easier than dealing with the messiness of human beings. Our brains love the pursuit of novelty which is available so immediately on the internet.     

  • Connection & Disconnection, Learn How it Works

    19/09/2017 Duração: 13min

     In relationships we take the easy way out a lot. We lie & tell people what they want to hear instead of truth. We silently stash resentments & get divorced. We decide sex is a chore we don’t want to be bothered with. We dump our insecurities on each other to fix instead of fixing them ourselves. We let our anxieties run rampant & spill all over our partners instead of trying to learn how to self soothe. We tolerate disrespect & sometimes contempt instead of asking our partner to course correct. These are all negative patterns that lead to disconnection.

  • Relationships with Personality Disorders

    16/08/2017 Duração: 12min

    Personality Disorders are difficult in relationships because they have massive power through manipulation. So if you are in a relationship with a personality disorder, You must figure out how you give up your own power. You must learn how you participate in the dysfunction. It doesn't happen alone, it happens with you.

  • Boring Relationship? How to get Out of the Rut

    17/07/2017 Duração: 12min

    Boring relationships sneak upon us. It’s easy to make excuses, we’re too tired after work or busy with the kids. Relationships require work to keep them fresh. You have to be committed to trying new things out. The opposite of boring is being creative.The brain loves novelty so it’s really important to explore & experience something new.

  • Trust Demands a Softening in Attitude

    21/06/2017 Duração: 13min

    Trust means we give up our inclination to exaggerate our wounds out of self interest. We can be very self righteous which creates a distorted picture of what happened. We harden ourselves & adore our own expectations of how things should be in a relationship. The opposite of all this disconnecting energy is to soften and imagine the value of your partner's point of view.

  • Relationships Demand Personal Responsibility

    18/05/2017 Duração: 30min

    Interview with Marcia Turbiner Ph.D who describes the need to have a relationship with yourself in order to make relationships work. She offers a way to think about what is NOT ME and what is ME. You have to begin to understand how to take care of yourself to develop a solid sense of self. When you see yourself as an individual you will see the other more clearly.

  • 15 Ways to Encourage Relationship Survival

    22/04/2017 Duração: 15min

    Learn how to think about your relationship in 3 parts, why blame is immature and why being a separate individual keeps a partnership more solid. Consider how sacrifice, respect, going to bed angry and not playing games is crucial for relationship longevity.

  • Contempt Takes 2 in Relationships

    18/03/2017 Duração: 11min

    Too many people live with contempt in their relationships. Contempt is a power play that leads to loneliness. When ugliness layers & layers over time it becomes ordinary. When contempt is an ordinary activity instead of an unusual one, that’s a BIG problem. Contempt is a tango for two.

  • People-pleasing is a Danger in Relationships

    14/02/2017 Duração: 13min

    If you are too lopsided in people-pleasing it will lead you to erase too much of who you are and what you want, this will begin the silent path of stock piling resentments. It's important to the health of the relationship to tell the truth to each other.

  • What Destroys Contentment in Relationships?

    11/01/2017 Duração: 13min

    Relationships all begin with fantasy & illusions. We have absolutely no idea who somebody else really is but we make it up because we are in love. Fantasy is a flimsy beginning & contentment can be hard to achieve.

  • Anger Management to GROW Relationships

    03/12/2016 Duração: 13min

    Anger soaked in alcohol or contempt can easily destroy relationships. Anger management is a tough skill to learn instead of the ease of blame. Learn here how to interrupt anger to have a healthy relationship.

  • Relationships, Keeping it Real with Rhoda

    22/10/2016 Duração: 16min

    Relationships require a lot of growing up, a lot of facing your own dark side. Facing hard realities helps relationships. I believe real love is about deciding to do the work of being a better person, to risk change. It is not possible to grow & be comfortable at the same time. If you embrace change you have to be willing to be uncomfortable. 

  • What is the Biggest Obstacle to Relationship Success?

    26/09/2016 Duração: 13min

    0000007F 0000007E 00001AEB 00001B10 000011A7 000011A7 00007DAE 00007E62 00003697 00003697 Everyone arrives at couples therapy talking about Communication Problems?? What lies beneath communication problems in relationships? Listen here to learn more.

  • Dating Advice: What Everybody Needs to Know

    23/08/2016 Duração: 13min

    Dating is often painful because the person who loves the least has the most power. Are you overly generous? Listen to learn about relationships that are too lopsided.

  • Relationship Success; What is the #1 Secret

    19/07/2016 Duração: 10min

    Relationship survival is something people should be able to learn more about in College. It’s one of the best parts of life, yet it is a mystery to most people. Listen to learn the primary secret to success!

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