Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar



SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 227: 7 Personal Branding Goals to Build Your Social Media Strategy

    29/11/2016 Duração: 23min

    Would you like to have customers come to you organically because they know for a fact you can help them achieve their business and/or life goals? It's a wonderful thing when you don't have to sell to your customers, instead they contact you and are excited to business with you! They aren't thinking "should I do business with this person or brand." Instead they are thinking "HOW can I do business with this person?"  Would you like to increase brand awareness, generate more leads? Even better, let's help you get more sales and even decrease the sales cycle and the time it takes you to close business or that big deal you have been working on for months! It's not a new phenomenon that people buy from people. Long before Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and even blogs, people have been buying from people.  Yet, why do people still hide behind social media logos and contact forms? It seems they either don't understand or are afraid to come out from behind the social media corporate wall and show their true hu

  • Facebook Live for Small Business and Entrepreneurs

    22/11/2016 Duração: 34min

    Facebook live streaming is an amazing way for businesses of all sizes to tap into the power of live video. Take a listen to this episode to learn 10 ways small business can use Facebook Live Video Streaming to build brand awareness, nurture relationships, grow community, generate leads, promote events, launch new products and more!

  • Rethink Blog Strategy Creating Epic Blog Content

    18/10/2016 Duração: 20min

    The days of slamming out content that looks, smells and feels like what everyone else is writing are over and done. I recently saw a video and blog post from a leader in our industry offering tips to come up with ideas for content blog writing. The worst part is that the only idea this person offered was to leverage content from other people. They instructed bloggers to "borrow" ideas and themes from other leading bloggers and influencers in your industry. They went so far as instructing them how to leverage RSS feeds, do social listening and more to get ideas for new blog content. While this strategy may work for some, it is going to be short lived. It's also not surprising this recommended strategy came from someone who has been known across the industry to borrow and even steal content from others. The truth is that there is not a shortage of good or even epic content on the web today. The goal is not to create masses of content that looks, reads and sounds like everyone else. The goal should not be to cop

  • 10 Tips to Humanize Your Tweets and Brand

    11/10/2016 Duração: 25min

    Are you speaking to your audience in a way that they understand? When you tweet do people listen? Do they take action? Do your tweets help you increase brand equity, generate leads and sales? Are your tweets helping you grow community and nurture relationships? Are your tweets helping you increase the ROI of all of your content marketing, digital and brand marketing? If you answer no to any of these questions then you have incredible opportunity to fix the problem and turn every answer listed above into a yes. Could it be that you are over automating your tweets? Maybe you are speaking to your audience like a robot vs being a human. Maybe you are over selling? Or maybe your tweets are all about you and it's obvious you are only using social media and Twitter to blast noise about yourself. Newsflash: You can not fake relevancy or caring using social media. Your audience knows. The concept of people buying from people was not invented by Facebook or any other social network. People have been connecting with oth

  • Build Thought Leadership Using Social Media 7 Ways to Be the Leader in Your Niche

    06/10/2016 Duração: 22min

    Thought leadership is important for any person and brand wanting to establish themselves as a leader in a particular industry, niche or related to a certain topic. Answer these questions... Would you like to be seen as a trusted resources for your target customers to help them learn and grow? Would you like to be a leading authority of information in your industry or niche? Would you like to be the "go to" person for people wanting to learn about what you know and offer as a business? Would you like to establish authentic relationships more easily built on trust and authority? Would you like to increase brand awareness and equity simply by being an authority?  Would you like to increase brand affinity as people are more organically attracted to your brand?  If you answer no to this question, would you like to be?  Would you like to become part of the natural conversation earlier in the customer research and buying process?  If you answer yes to these questions, then you need to take the time to understand h

  • Social Media Career: 10 Truths Nobody Told You

    03/10/2016 Duração: 26min

    It is clear social media marketing is delivering real and measurable business value for companies large and small today. Marketers of all specialties from digital, content, strategy and even operations know they must not only learn, but also deeply embrace social media as a way to connect, inspire and serve their new online audiences as well as current, prospective and future customers.  With this incredible opportunity created for businesses using social media there is obviously solid opportunity for smart and savvy marketers to specialize and build a career in social media marketing.  However, as I discussed in detail in episode 218 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast, social marketers must also have a solid understanding of business and marketing.  Smart social media marketers also know how to align social media to business goals.   Building a career as a social marketer is not as easy as jumping on Twitter or Snapchat and firing off some 140 character tweets and selfie snaps. Being able to rock your perso

  • Time Hacks to Design the Life & Business of Your Dreams

    01/10/2016 Duração: 26min

    We all have 24 hours in the day. It's how we spend each of those hours that determines the pulse, depth, happiness and quality of our life.  Have you ever wondered why it seems that some people just simply have more free time? Yes, they may be busy, however, they seem to float through life a bit (or a lot) happier, while you feel as though you are stuck in a hamster wheel.  Do you have a vision and mission for your life yet feel as though you are having a difficult time getting there?  Do you wish you had more time to spend with the people that matter most to you in your life?  Or maybe it  just seems that there is simply not enough time in a day to do all that needs to get done?  Take a listen to the 221st episode of the Social Zoom Factor for 10 Time Hacks to help you build the life and business of your dreams.  In this 20 minute podcast you will learn:  How to have a mindset of essentialism and focus on what will get you to the life you dream of  Why you must focus on mind, body and spirit The importance o

  • Humanize Your Brand with Data, Social Insights

    23/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    Success in business utilizing social media and digital marketing requires both art and science. Learning how to connect with your audience in an authentic and human way can help set you above the crowd, rise above the noise and build a relationship with your audience members and customers that only you can do. The social networks present a goldmine of data and insights that can help you learn about your audience, understand their behaviors and empower you to connect with them in a unique, relevant and human way.  Take a listen to the 220th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn 5 easy ways to humanize your brand utilizing data and social insights.   Sign Up for More Training: Social Profit Factor

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

    21/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    Learning how to increase conversions is often a top goal of smart and internet savvy marketing and business leaders. Unfortunately most marketers lack the basic foundational skills to truly optimize their conversion rates.  Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a process for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers or take the desired action the owner of the website is wanting the website visitor to achieve.  In simple terms, CRO helps marketers determine what users are looking for and then giving it to them in the best way possible that will help the visitor take the desired action.  Conversion rate optimization helps businesses increase leads, sales, return on investment and more. For many businesses, CRO can make or break their business success.  Any business that is utilizing online marketing, social media and digital marketing of any kind should not only learn the basics of conversion rate optimization but should dive in deep to understand specific strategies and tac

  • Social Media Careers - 3 Things You Must Know

    18/09/2016 Duração: 14min

    Are you a digital or social marketer wanting to progress in your business and marketing career? Do you find yourself getting stuck, getting passed over for promotions? Do you often find it hard to win budgets, grow your team or simply justify your own job? Or it could be you are having a hard time landing or even keeping the job in the first place. If this is you, then you definitely landed on the right blog post and podcast today. Social media is not a band-aid for a broken business. If business leaders really want to ignite business results using digital and social marketing, they must do more than hire a social media intern who knows how to get new followers on Instagram, post to Snapchat and do a live video stream on Facebook. Before you even think about how you are going to tweet, snap, live video stream or tell stories on Instagram, you better nail the business goals and have more than a 101 level understanding of business and marketing. If you are a social and digital marketer working at a new company

  • 217: Pinterest for Business Plan 7 Step Plan

    12/09/2016 Duração: 33min

    Do you have an interest in Pinterest for Business but don't know where to start in developing your Pinterest for Business plan? Pinterest is an amazing platform that surpassed more than 10 million users faster than any stand alone social network in history. Pinterest is different than some social networks though in that it requires both art and science even more so. It requires visual connection and an understanding of the ecosystem of Pinterest. Many business leaders overlook Pinterest as it confuses them and they may not understand it's true power. This episode is the 2nd in a series on Pinterest for Business I'm providing to help business leaders and entrepreneurs like you, explore if Pinterest is something you should take a deeper look at to help you differentiate from competition and ignite business results. In addition, you can download the slide presentation deck I used for the 90 minute "Advanced Pinterest for Business" workshop at the Social Fresh Event. It includes all 7 steps, loads of statistics a

  • 216: Be a Social Media Digital Marketing Rebel

    08/09/2016 Duração: 21min

    Why is it so many smart social media and digital marketers claim they want to lead or are already leading their industry and niche?  They write blog posts, record and publish videos, webinars and podcasts teaching and preaching others how to build a unique brand or how to have ultra success overnight. They talk about differentiation and how to stand out from the crowd.  However, when you do the "double click" and take a deeper look at their strategies, tactics, and content you may see it's truly lacking differentiation. They have become a spitting identical image to everyone else.  Too often they are chasing shiny object, have a deep rooted fear of missing out and end up wasting cycle after cycle on social networks, technology and tactics that simply are not even appropriate for their business. They forget who they are serving, such as their customer and audience as they get caught up in social media fame and being the first to make the leader board on a social shiny object.  Unfortunately many of them don't

  • 215: Pinterest for Business by the Numbers

    07/09/2016 Duração: 23min

    Do you have an interest in Pinterest? How about Pinterest for your business?  Would you like to tap into a social network that can help you generate leads, sell more product and deliver you more blog or website traffic than Twitter? If yes, you can't ignore Pinterest.  Did you know... When Pinterest launched in 2012 it surpassed 10 million users faster than any other stand-alone social network in history There are 110 million active daily users and 175 million registered users on Pinterest 49% of US women online use Pinterest  70% of purchasing decisions are made by women  60% of Pinterest users are from the USA, followed by India, UK, Brazil and Canada  Pinterest is now available in 30+ languages with offices in London, Paris, Berlin, Brazil and Tokyo  50% of those who notice promoted pins click to get more information (*Ahology 2016 Report)  40% made a purchase, suggesting promoted pins inspire future action (*Ahology 2015 Report)  More than 60% daily winners access Pinterest once a day or more using a smar

  • 214: 5 Ways to Prioritize Social Networks for Your Business

    02/09/2016 Duração: 34min

    Every marketer and business leader is faced with the challenge of where to prioritize their time and investment. Time is our greatest asset in both business and life. How we spend our time can make or break our business success.  When it comes to digital marketing, social media and branding, it is no different. In my 20 years of business and marketing experience I have never heard a marketer exclaim, "I have so much time, resource & budget I don't know what to do with it." Unfortunately, there are far too many "experts" online touting that you must be on every new shiny object and social network. They'll even go so far as to warn you that if you don't start snapping on Snapchat, storytelling on Instagram and delivering live video on Periscope that your business is destined to fail. Let me tell you right now this is 100% false. Marketing and business leaders must give themselves permission to prioritize. You do not need to be everywhere all the time. You do not need to be on every social network. You do no

  • 213: Instagram Stories vs Snapchat Must Know Facts

    08/08/2016 Duração: 16min

    Instagram recently announced a new feature called Instagram Stories that looks, smells, feels and behaves a LOT like SnapChat! The new Stories features empowers users to share their favorite moments in 10 second increments of video and photos into a story that gets compiled and stored right within their Instagram profile. Viewers of the profile not only see the stories of the people and brands they follow at the top of their Instagram app, but they can also easily view the story when clicking on the profile picture of any Instagram user. These stories are non-intrusive and do not currently appear in the standard feed for Instagram users. Instead, people can easily choose to watch or ignore the Instagram Stories of the people they follow. Similar to Snapchat, the Instagram stories only last 24 hours. It’s a snooze or lose type of viewing engagement. If you miss it, you miss it. Snapchat turned down an offer to sell out to Facebook in the past and now it appears this is Facebook’s way of coming back and kicking

  • 212: Future of Social Media with Jason Keath Social Fresh CEO

    21/07/2016 Duração: 48min

    To be successful in business and online, digital and social marketing, you must do more than simply focus on the near term. You must know where you are going and how you are going to get there. In addition, you must understand the larger ecosystem of which you are working within. In the online world, keeping up with trends can be a challenge. Not only do you have to keep your current platforms and content performing, you must also be ready to embrace the changes to come. The only one guarantee we have in the social and digital world is change. Get use to it. Would you like to know this about your peers.... What they are doing to ignite their business using social and digital technologies? What priority are they placing on video and visual focused social platforms such as SnapChat, Instagram etc.? Top social media goals and objectives chosen? What social networks are marketers achieving the greatest ROI? Where do they plan to invest in the future? What social platforms do they plan to spend the most money on

  • 211: Blogging for Business: 10 Foundational Tips for Success

    19/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    It's probably not news to you that blogging is an incredible way to build your business and your brand. As tempting as it may be, building your business on rented land such as Facebook is quite risky. The only guarantee we have today with the social networks is change. Mastering the skills and knowing how to build and utilize an integrated social and digital platform inclusive of a quality blog will help separate any marketer and business from the crowd of status quo. The #1 question we hear from the clients our agency, Marketing Nutz works with is "how do I build a blog and write content that brings real and measurable business results?  The days of hiring an SEO company to simply throw up some text on a page, buy some links and watch the sales come in are over and done. The truth is these lazy tactics never really worked that well anyway. If you want to learn the foundational requirements for writing a successful blog post that will support your business and marketing goals and objectives then you have lan

  • 210: Facebook Advertising Policies in a Nutshell

    01/07/2016 Duração: 34min

    You have created the perfect marketing campaign. It's 100% in tact and beautifully integrates social media marketing, video and visual marketing. Now you are ready to take it to market and let the world know about it. You know Facebook advertising is the perfect platform to help get the word out and reach your target audiences. So, you login to the Facebook ad manager or Facebook power editor and spend the next hour setting up your campaign. You submit the ad for approval to Facebook and are dreaming about the increased brand awareness, new leads and even sales this new campaign is going to generate for you and your business. You head to dinner for a pre-celebration with a glass of wine. Unfortunately, later that evening you get an email notification from Facebook informing you that your ad was not approved. "What the heck!" is what you are thinking. How could Facebook not approve your ad? The email states it violates their policy. "What policy?" is your next thought. Now you get to spend the next day reworki

  • 209: Facebook Boosted Post vs Other Facebook Advertising

    29/06/2016 Duração: 24min

    Would you like to achieve more ROI from your Facebook advertising and boosted posts? Do you see that cute little Facebook “boost post” button but don’t really know how to optimize it? If you answer yes to this question then you have arrived at the right place. The truth is that although the Facebook boosted post advertising option is very easy to use and may often seem easier than other Facebook advertising options, there are clear scenarios where it may be worth your time to consider the alternative options. There are definitely pros and cons to using the Facebook boosted post ads. Take a listen to episode 209 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn the following: Clear explanation of the Facebook boosted post Key differentiators for how the Facebook boosted post differentiates from other Facebook advertising options Pros and cons of using the Facebook boosted post When and how it is appropriate to use the Facebook boosted post How to maximize the use of Facebook live video, uploaded recorded video in co

  • 208: Facebook Advertising: 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting

    27/06/2016 Duração: 20min

    Facebook advertising seems to be one of those things that “every marketer is talking about it, but very few actually know how to drive real business results.” Our agency, Marketing Nutz works with brands big and small to help them drive a positive ROI with every dollar spent on digital, social media and marketing overall. We train and speak all over the world and one of the top questions I always hear is… “does Facebook marketing actually work?” Then, the next question I hear is…”why doesn’t Facebook advertising work for me and my business… I have tried it numerous times and finally just gave up.” Does this sound familiar?  You get confused when you logon to Facebook ad manager You run away from the Facebook Power Editor because it gives you bad dreams You have wasted far too much money on Facebook advertising with little to zero return You don’t know where to start when it comes to paid media, earned media and everything in between You don’t know the difference between a Facebook boosted post or any other t

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