Doctor Who: The PodKast with a K



Doctor Who news and discussion, commentaries, interviews, reviews, and features. We take an in-depth look at the latest episodes, classic releases, DVDs, comics, magazines, Big Finish, videogames. Hosted by Kasterborous founder Christian Cawley, renowned Tenth Doctor cosplayer Brian A. Terranova and the Troughtonesque graphic designer James McLean, weve been pumping out weekly (and occasionaly bi-weekly) Doctor Who podcasts since 2007. Plus virtually anything else we can think of, from Star Wars and The X Files to Ripper Street and Game of Thrones, by way of the Bond and Marvel universes. Oh, and probably some Gatchaman.


  • Doctor Who Animated Missing Episodes Discussed!

    19/09/2013 Duração: 01h09min

    This week's podKast, "PodKast with some Animated Recons" discusses the BBC's use of animation to reconstruct missing episodes. Over the past few years, BBC Worldwide have released several Doctor Who DVDs from the classic era with animated episodes to replace those lost to time. These have been well received on the whole, but we thought we'd mull over some of the differences in approach from the animators, in amongst discussing some of the recent 50th anniversary and Christmas special news.

  • A Masterful PodKast!

    11/09/2013 Duração: 56min

    On this week's Kasterborous podKast (with a "K") we're discussing the classic era versions of the Master, namely Roger Delgado and Anthony Ainley - plus a little bit of Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers and Eric Roberts!

  • PodKast with a Bonfire

    04/09/2013 Duração: 01h07min

    Among other things, this week we discuss new Doctor Who Peter Capaldi's revelatory confession that he destroyed all of his youthful fandom in a bonfire!

  • PodKast Live: It's Doctor Who!

    28/08/2013 Duração: 01h20min

    This week we went live on Google Hangouts - and you can listen to the results here! #doctorwho #Christopher Eccleston #Paul McGann #bfi

  • SpearKast from Space!

    22/08/2013 Duração: 52min

    This week, we're talking about the new Spearhead from Space Special Edition on Blu-ray! #doctorwho #bluray #spearheadfromspace

  • The Peter Capaldi ReaktionKast

    14/08/2013 Duração: 57min which we get excited about the prospect of Doctor Who starring Peter Capaldi and look at some big names who apparently didn't get picked over the years...

  • PodKasting the Peter Capaldi Twelfth Doctor Who Reveal!

    05/08/2013 Duração: 58min

    This week's podKast was a live event, streamed through Google Hangouts and YouTube to offer our commentary and live reaction to the announcement of Peter Capaldi as the new star of Doctor Who. You can listen to it here...

  • PodKasting the Eighth Doctor

    02/08/2013 Duração: 43min

    This week we discuss the Eighth Doctor’s post-TV Movie life on audio, in books and in the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip (one of the strips creative high points). While we also address the question of whether McGann is involved in some way in the 50th anniversary (although he says not), we’re chatting really about the creativity of the books and audios during this era, where strong stories were created and somehow injected the supposedly dead TV show with enough off-screen life to successfully return in 2005. #doctorwho #paulmcgann

  • S3 Ep24: PodKast with Colin Baker!

    29/07/2013 Duração: 01h20s

    The Sixth Doctor himself, Colin Baker, joins us at York Maze. Useful links for this week’s podKast: York Maze - It's a Giant Dalek! Colin Baker Opens Giant Dalek Maze 50th Anniversary Tribute Watch the Doctor Who Proms 2013 New photo from An Adventure in Space and Time The Wrong Doctors Stop reading and hit play!

  • The PodKast that Wasn't at SDCC

    23/07/2013 Duração: 43min

    Curious things took place at the K Towers virtual studio this week, resulting in an hour long podKast that somehow went unrecorded! Being the passionate Doctor Who fans that we are, of course, we pushed on, recording an approximation of the original that attempts to be as honest and genuine as possible. Sadly, one key result of this is the minimal presence of Brian Terranova, who could only hang around as long as the intro. However, we think you'll agree that his intro is perhaps one of our best yet, and is one that sets up the rest of the show perfectly. This week, we cover the San Diego Comic Con, namely the trailers for An Adventure in Space and Time and the Doctor Who 50th anniversary - and the crucial matter of Karen Gillan's newly-shorn locks. #doctorwho #sdcc #comiccon #podcast

  • S3 Ep23: Discussing the Time Michael Jackson Wanted to Be Doctor Who

    10/07/2013 Duração: 48min

    Remember that time Michael Jackson wanted to be Doctor Who? No, it really happened, as we explore in this podcast. We start off with a chat about the appearance of the replica of the original TARDIS console from Mark Gatiss' An Adventure in Space and Time at the Paris Comic Con (it will later be seen at the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff) before chatting about the frankly insane "news" that Michael Jackson and Bill Cosby were names suggested for a US production of Doctor Who in the 1980s. But the highlight this week is probably a chat with Richard Kirby, author of the rather wonderful Desperately Seeking Susan Foreman, an account, complete with brief reviews of stories, of one man's quest to find autographs from all of the Doctor' female companions (and not, as we mention before the interview, every single companion). Richard is fascinating to speak to, and it's always great to feature a guest. I wonder WHO we might have next time...? But for now, it's on with the show, so let the house band play y

  • S3 Ep19: Matt Smith Leaves Doctor Who - Our Reaction!

    02/06/2013 Duração: 30min

    Thanks to a leaked memo forcing the BBC's hand over the past couple of days, we're putting our scheduled show on hold to discuss the shock news of Matt Smith's departure from Doctor Who. That's right, the popular Eleventh Doctor is close to the end, even if it may not be at Trenzalore, and this week's hosts James McLean and Christian Cawley have plenty to muse over. To start off with, there's Matt Smith's recent haircut and the potential continuity issues this might bring. There's the possibility of female Doctors and young Doctors, older actors and even - for the brave among you - the reformatting of the show, 1970-style, into running with an ensemble cast. As you'll hear, Steven Moffat (if he's staying around...) has plenty of ways in which to refresh things for the new Doctor. Useful links for this week’s podKast: Shownotes BBC Confirms Matt Smith departure Incidentally, if you are listening on Apple Podcasts, please take the time to leave a rating and review and help us to bring in ne

  • S3 Ep15: The Crimson Horror Reviewed!

    09/05/2013 Duração: 54min

    It's a two-hander this week with James McLean providing company for Christian Cawley - and you, dear listener - as we look in-depth at a few important Doctor Who topics. First and foremost, we discuss The Crimson Horror. You should really have worked that out from the title of this week's podKast (with a "K"), of course. Following this, Christian makes a revelation - that he feels there is something not quite right with Doctor Who Series 7b... We also chew over the recent rumours concerning Steven Moffat's continued presence as Doctor Who Executive Producer as well as spending a few moments on the end of shooting on the 50th anniversary episode. Perhaps most importantly, we want our listeners to tell us what they know about any cinema screenings of the 50th anniversary 3D episode. Our initial research into which cinemas and chains will be taking part have so far drawn a blank...  This week's recommendations include The Mind of Evil, the special edition DVD release for June.  Shownotes

  • S3 Ep12: Doctor Who: Cold War Review

    15/04/2013 Duração: 43min

    It's time for the Kasterborous podKast (with a "K") to turn its attention to Doctor Who's triumphant return of the Ice Warriors in our Cold War review. Once again without Brian Terranova, this is another two-hander with James McLean and Christian Cawley mulling over the Mark Gatiss episode, discussing the casting and the monster redesign. But we're not going to simply talk about the new episode - after all, the 50th anniversary episode has been shooting in London recently, and Paul McGann has been making "come and get me" noises to BBC Wales. Oh, and then there's the issue of scheduling. Brought to you in an unscheduled rant. Shownotes Useful links for this week’s podKast: Cold War Review on Kasterborous Cold War Review by Christian Cawley for Outpost Skaro Could Paul McGann Be Called for 50th? Is Summer Falls Littered with Series 7b Clues? Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Location Reports Matt Smith Hangs from TARDIS for Doctor Who 50th! If you’ve enjoyed the show, please head to Apple Podc

  • S3 Ep9: (From 2013) The End of an Era? How Moffat's Doing So Far

    28/03/2013 Duração: 43min

    Following news that Steven Moffat considers his time on Doctor Who to be closer to the end than the beginning, and that he - like Matt Smith - takes things one year at a time, could it be that we are approaching the end of an era? That's the angle for this week's Kasterborous podKast (with a "K") in which Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the current situation, with added recollection of common Moffat tropes (a companion met at several times throughout her life, for instance) and the recent departure of Caro Skinner thrown in for good measure. We also look forward to the Spoonheads and The Bells of Saint John, and spend a bit of time chatting about what we've been enjoying recently in our recommendations section. This is an archive podcast from 2013.

  • S3 Ep5: PodKast with Some 50th Anniversary Wishes

    13/03/2013 Duração: 26min

    Dear Kasterborite, it is March, Doctor Who is back within a matter of days, so to get you in the mood here is the latest Kasterborous podKast (with a "K")! The full team of Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian Terranova is on board this week to discuss a selection of topical and interesting subjects. If you're intrigued by the possibility of former companions turning up in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special - then so are we! We're also excited by the Ice Warriors, although rueful that the great Russell T Davies won't be involved in the anniversary year. Have you been watching Broadchurch? James, Brian and Christian offer their thoughts on the new show starring David Tennant and The Eleventh Hour's Olivia Colman (along with David Bradley and Arthur Darvill) and for one week only we've introduced a new drinking game! All you need to do is prepare your favourite alcoholic beverage and take a swig each time you hear the input of Time Tot Erin-Rose Cawley, who makes several unscheduled appeara

  • S3 Ep1: Doctor Who: The Snowmen Review (Welcome to 2013!)

    06/01/2013 Duração: 49min

    In our first podKast (with a "K") of 2013, Christian Cawley and James McLean recall the 2012 Christmas special The Snowmen, while looking forward to Series 7 and the 50th anniversary. In particular, you can hear them discussing Jenna-Louise Coleman as the new companion Clara, the Doctor's wonderful temporary home in the clouds and the interesting question of cross-species sexuality raised by the Silurian/human pairing of Madam Vastra and Jenny Flint. Oh and we shouldn't forget Sontaran Strax - or the memory worm. As if that wasn't enough, Christian and James also share their thoughts on the new TARDIS interior, the presence of Richard E. Grant and the great Sir Ian McKellen and also mull over the implications of the Doctor's apparent memory loss about the Great Intelligence.

  • S2 Ep89: Remembering Childhood Christmas Habits and Anticipation

    18/12/2012 Duração: 38min

    It's podKast time again, and with Christmas just under a week away James McLean and Christian Cawley opt to keep things light and seasonal... Covering topics such as Christmas habits (in which Christian recalls the wonderful BBC adaptation of The Box of Delights which starred Second Doctor Patrick Troughton) and our own favourite Doctor Who moments (on or off TV) of the past year - look out for mention of Gareth Roberts' Shada among others! Also, look out for news about the forthcoming Kasterborous Magazine, in which James and Christian remark on some of the trials, tribulations and pitfalls of putting together a Doctor Who fanzine. This is essentially the run up to our Kasterborous PodKast Christmas Special, which you'll be able to hear on Christmas Eve. Get in touch If you subscribe to our podcast, please head to Apple Podcasts to leave a rating and review. Any new reviews will be read out. Not on Apple Podcasts? Leave us a review somewhere else, send the link over on Twitter or Facebook or podkaster

  • S2 Ep84: PodKast with(out) the Bakers!

    17/11/2012 Duração: 43min

    A little later than usual, it's time for the podKast! This week, Christian, James McLean and Brian Terranova discuss the horror that is.... Pip and Jane Baker! The husband-and-wife team had four sets of scripts on Doctor Who in the 1980s: Mark of the Rani, Terror of the Vervoids, The Ultimate Foe part 2 (both from the Trial of a Time Lord season) and Time and the Rani. Some of these adventures are considered okay... others the very nadir of the show's almost-fifty years. But: were they really to blame? Is their reputation as a pair of clueless hacks deserved? Was it simply a case of two capable and experienced writers left to do too much... has their reputation as professionals been sullied by Time and the Rani? It's a complex topic, one that we thought we should tackle! Please note that during the recording of this episode we were... let's say "challenged" circumstances beyond our control. As a result this podKast comes with a warning as it includes adult language.

  • S2 Ep82: Ex-Script Editor Revives the Cartmel Masterplan in Fan Fiction Illustrated

    02/11/2012 Duração: 45min

    Former Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel (1987-1989) joins us this week to chat about a new project, reviving the "Cartmel Masterplan" - Doctor Who Fan Fiction Illustrated! With Hans Christian Vang as his partner for this exciting new crowdsourcing proposal, Andrew is onboard to further the legendary "Cartmel Masterplan" - the term given to the restoration of mystery and mystique that typified his time on the show. Now then, the important part: please back Fan Fiction Illustrated at [EXPIRED LINK] - should the project not go ahead, funds will be returned to the backers, so no one is out of pocket. We weren't entirely clear with the way in which the chosen funding model works while recording the podKast, but can explain more below. If enough money is raised to do a smaller print run, that options will be taken. While the goal is to do 1500-2000 units, if enough is raised to do 1000 then that is what will happen. Below this, and Hans will cancel the project. (Note that

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