Doctor Who: The Whovian Review



Come listen to a group of Doctor Who fans that range from recent enthusiast to long time followers . We brake down and analyze the most recent episodes trying to figure what could be happening in the future as well as explain the references to the past. Join us in the fun that is Doctor Who.


  • The Whovian Review #192- The Doctor’s Daughter

    01/04/2021 Duração: 35min

    The Doctor spawns a new daughter in a flash and she is ready to take on the war between the humans and the Hath, but is she? The two races were supposed to be working together, and with her father around she is imprinted with a new set of directives, especially the running. Donna messes with numbers, Martha takes a quicksand bath, and Jenny uses her womanly wiles to run yet again. but what will we all think of this family tale?

  • The Whovian Review #191- Sontaran Stratagem/Poison Sky (2)

    25/03/2021 Duração: 40min

    Mr. Potato Head meets Col. Mace meets Cloned Martha meets evil boy genius. We take a look at the Sontaran's return in depth. Spoilers for future Sontaran adventures included. Does Jase enjoy Wilfred Mott? Does Shelby actually like Martha this time around? And will Michael remember to talk about his rating? Enjoy.

  • The Whovian Review #190- Planet of the Ood (revisited)

    12/03/2021 Duração: 31min

    How Ood! The gang, or the fam, or the gaggle of friends known as Jase, Colin, Shelby and Michael take a look at the third Series 4 episode. The Ood have developed rabid red eye and are wreaking havoc on Mr. Halpen's plans to sell the entire lot of new Ood servants, or are they slaves? This darker tale turns even more Ood when we discover the real reason Ood are so trusting. At least Donna gets to see her very first space Ferrari.

  • The Whovian Review After Dark #2- Villains, Doctors and me

    25/02/2021 Duração: 59min

    NSFW. We start out asking which Doctor Who enemy would be able to take each of us out in the most epic way. Would Colin be erased by a Weeping Angel? Is Jase going to be exterminated by a Dalek? Would Shelby be disembodied by the Absorbaloff? Or would Michael be rolling his eyes as the Slitheen blow him to smithereens? Or something better? We figure out which would be the most likely scenario as we also take a trip in the TARDIS with Doctor number __?! Listen! or maybe a non enemy won't hurt you never.

  • The Whovian Review #189- Partners in Crime (take 2)

    18/02/2021 Duração: 25min

    The fat jumps off our stomachs and runs back to Miss Foster their nanny. Adipose are born while the Doctor and Donna find each other in the most unusual way. Wilfred looks for a blue box while Sylvia nags and nags. And we, the ever vigilant podcasters boldly rate where we've rated before!

  • The Whovian Review #188- The Fires of Pompeii

    26/01/2021 Duração: 27min

    Pyrovile are invading Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii, but no volcano is to be erupting. Enter the Doctor, the oncoming storm, destroyer of worlds, and of Pompeii?! Donna gets on his case for not trying to evacuate the city, but the Doctor has to show her the choices a Time Lord faces. Jase must face the acting chops of Peter Capaldi, Colin might enjoy the monster of the week, and Michael is enjoying seeing a certain Pond girl again. Join us while we revisit this historical epic tale.

  • The Whovian Review After Dark #1- Objectifying the Doctor

    14/01/2021 Duração: 15min

    NSFW. Join the crew of The Whovian Review as we explore the relative hotness of the Doctors. Let us know what you think of this new feature. Hit us up on Instagram and Facebook for more Whovian Review goodness.

  • The Whovian Review #187- Last of the Time Lords

    14/01/2021 Duração: 37min

    Lemons aside: The Master uses the Toclafane and his own psychic ability to instill fear in all of humanity while turning the Doctor into a raisin, torturing the Face of Boe, and kissing his wife Lucy. The Doctor pulls a Jesus like moment, and cries over the Master's death who is shot by his wife Lucy. Superman would understand.

  • The Whovian Review #186- Revolution of the Daleks

    09/01/2021 Duração: 53min

    Dalek vs dalek. Human vs human. Human vs dalek. Time lady vs TARDIS. We break out of jail to rendezvous with our friends 10 months too late, only to learn the world has a dalek fate.

  • The Whovian Review #185- The Sound of Drums

    31/12/2020 Duração: 31min

    We take a look at the penultimate tale of a Master seeking his Doctor. Captain Jack and Martha Jones join the Doctor for a run around old London town. Meanwhile Harold Saxon who is also the Master sets up a major television event with the President of the United States. Toclafane rain down from the skies above, Presidents are vaporized, the Master kisses his wife, and we discover quarter marks in our rating scale. Enjoy.

  • The Whovian Review #184- Genesis of the Daleks

    22/12/2020 Duração: 38min

    Skaro in the far past. The Time Lords intercept the Doctor in mid-transmat to utterly exterminate the dalek race before it is born. What will the gang think of this six-part epic?

  • The Whovian Review #183- The Ark in Space

    10/12/2020 Duração: 32min

    Nerva Beacon, space: many years in the future...Here the human species is sitting in a tin can, far above the world. Giant insects absorb the bodies and minds of the last vestiges of the human race. But will it be enough to entertain these podcasters?

  • The Whovian Review #182- Utopia

    12/11/2020 Duração: 37min

    Chan- Professor Yana's kind-hearted professor's class is in -Tho. Utopia is a way to escape a horrendous planet with Future Kind trying to eat all of humanity. Capt. Jack rides the wake of the TARDIS and then races the Doctor to escape the Future Kind. As we all race through this story we find our love or disdain? But what could be lurking at the end of this episode, or the beginning...?

  • The Whovian Review #181- Human Nature/The Family of Blood

    05/11/2020 Duração: 43min

    1913: Hutchinson is spooked by Tim Latimer, John Smith falls for Joan Redfern, Martha experiences being a lower class punching bag, Mr Clark and Lucy are harassed by robotic scarecrow men, Head Master Rocastle is whipping the boys into shape for war, and this is a typical day in the life of an atypical Doctor. How will Colin, Shelby, Jase and Michael all feel about this two parter?

  • The Whovian Review #180- The Chase

    22/10/2020 Duração: 37min

    Due to a chase of epic proportions, Vicki, Ian and Barbara are frantic in trying to get the older First Doctor to speed up through the universe in the TARDIS. Meanwhile Colin and Jase are hoping for a sped up episode so they may stay awake during this longer, slower story. Meanwhile Michael remembers this story from his childhood, including HiFi the teddy bear! What will we make of this 6 parter?

  • The Whovian Review #179- The Lazarus Experiment

    08/10/2020 Duração: 29min

    The Doctor loves nibbles, Lazarus enjoys squeezing the life out of people like an orange, and the Sonic detects DNA fluctuations. If its the person who matters and not time, then Lazarus has a real difficult time comprehending this suggestion. Will we enjoy the episode half as much as we think we will?

  • The Whovian Review #178- Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution

    01/10/2020 Duração: 40min

    Pigs in Space: Well actually in the Empire State Building and infused with human scum from Hooverville. We Daleks want to travel high in the sky in our elevators of doom while we transform Dalek Sec into Human/Dalek hybrid and we experiment on ways to improve our race. We have word that Colin may not like us, but Jase is the perfect example of a potential final experiment. Word is still out on Shelby as she is still waiting for processing. We watch out for the Doctor who seems to have yet another human by his side.

  • The Whovian Review #177- Gridlock

    17/09/2020 Duração: 49min

    When Martha is kidnapped and dragged off to a very slow highway, the Doctor is subject to the smog and deadly gasses of the super highway to nowhere in order to rescue her. However, Novice Hame may have other plans for the Doctor. Will Kelsey enjoy driving 2 feet per day? Will Colin find his emotions amongst the crab like Macra. Check out our in depth conversation that goes on almost as long as this Gridlock.

  • The Whovian Review #176- The Shakespeare Code

    11/09/2020 Duração: 27min

    A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet...unless that name is "Martha", apparently. William Shakespeare says the words, witches cast the scientific spells, Martha pines after the Doctor, The Doctor tries out one heart, and we all attempt to figure out the science behind this episode. Is "to be or not to be" pretentious, that is the question. Expelliarmus!

  • The Whovian Review #175- Smith and Jones

    03/09/2020 Duração: 29min

    The Judoon are in a platoon on the moon at noon? This episode has Plasmavores, space Rhinos, radiated shoes, kisses meant to be genetic transfers, and time traveling cheap tricks. Will Kelsey enjoy the Doctor? Will Jase like Martha, and will Colin like the Rhinos? Find out on the latest podcast of The Whovian Review.

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