No Meat Athlete Radio



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  • NMA Chats: From Hitting Rock Bottom to Helping Others Live Their Best Lives with Adam Sud

    19/12/2023 Duração: 01h15min

    For much of his life, Adam Sud considered every new day worse than the previous. It wasn't until he hit rock bottom and entered rehab did he begin to have a different outlook on life. Today Adam is a behavioral wellness & nutrition expert, international speaker, and the founder and CEO of Plant Based for Positive Change, where he uses plant-based nutrition, mindfulness practices, and wellness to transform lives.  In today's episode, Adam shares his powerful story and leaves you with takeaways you'll be thinking about for weeks. 

  • Plantapalooza Longevity: Food Waste and Meal Planning with Carleigh Bodrug of PlantYou

    31/10/2023 Duração: 51min

    Did you know that nearly 40% of all food is wasted in America?   That comes to 119 billion pounds of food, which equates to nearly 130 billion meals.   All wasted.   Here's the good news:   You can make a difference... and get healthier in the process.   How?   For insight, we turn to Carleigh Bodrug. If you don't know Carliegh, she's a New York Times bestselling author and founder of the plant-based recipe site, PlantYou.   Carleigh has amassed a following of millions of plant-forward eaters by focusing on simple, nutritional recipes.   In today's interview with Carleigh, she dives into her "scrappy cooking" philosophy that is good for both you and the planet.

  • Plantapalooza Longevity: Sustainable Weight Loss Strategies for Long-Term Health with Cyrus Khambatta, PhD

    27/10/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    This interview is part of the Plantaplaooza Longevity Festival. To get all the interviews and learn more, go to Calories are usually the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to weight management. But calories don't tell the whole story. Cyrus Khambatta, founder of Mastering Diabetes and Mastering Weight Loss challenges you to think about metabolic health before anything else.   Good metabolic health is associated with reduced risks of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer, and it plays a crucial role in weight management. In this interview, Cyrus talks about breakthroughs in metabolic health, and how it impacts your lifespan and weight management. Plus, the truth about carbohydrates and his secret to losing weight without even trying. 

  • NMA Chats: Thriving Through Adversity with Kris Carr

    08/09/2023 Duração: 01h21min

    Few things will upend your world like a cancer diagnosis... especially in your 30s. But for Kris Carr, it was the beginning of a new life.   Kris Carr is a wellness activist, New York Times best-selling author, and cancer "thriver." In today's episode Matt Tullman talks to Kris about thriving through adversity, mindset, and how you can reclaim your health. 

  • NMA Chats: How to Live the Blue Zones Way with Dan Buettner

    30/08/2023 Duração: 35min

    What does it really take to extend your healthspan? NYT bestselling author Dan Buettner walks us through the diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices of the planet's longest living communities.  In today's episode, Matt Tullman asks Dan about a longevity diet, wine and long-term health, the problem with our exercise culture, and more. Plus, a day in the life of Dan Buettner — how he puts his research into action. 

  • NMA Chats: Dr. Bjørn Ekeberg on the Healing Powers of Light

    26/07/2023 Duração: 48min

    Can you recharge your body with light? In today's episode, Matt Tullman chats with Dr. Bjørn Ekeberg on the science of light and how near infrared light therapy might be the key to faster recovery. 

  • NMA Chats: The Surprising Truth about Plant Protein with Brenda Davis, RD

    19/07/2023 Duração: 49min

    Brenda Davis is a pioneer in the plant-based community, affectionately labeled the "godmother" of plant-based dietitians. Yet all these years later, she's still being asked the age-old question: Where do you get your protein?  In today's episode, Matt Tullman sits down with Brenda to discuss her new book, Plant-Powered Protein, where she finally puts this question to rest. 

  • NMA Chats: Growth in Discomfort with Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girl

    14/07/2023 Duração: 51min

    Molly Patrick knows discomfort. Between addiction and life circumstances, she has dealt with her fair share of lows. But once she allowed herself to "feel her feelings," eveverything changed. Now Molly uses her platform at Clean Food Dirty Girl to change lives through food, mindfulness, and habits. In today's episode, Matt Tullman sits down with Molly to walk through her journey and share the tools and strategies she has found most impactiful. 

  • NMA Chats: Nisha Vora of Rainbow Plant Life on Mastering Vegan Cooking at Home

    22/06/2023 Duração: 45min

    Lawyer turned vegan food vlogger? Nisha Vora's journey to creating the massively popular Rainbow Plant Life YouTube channel and community is unconventional, but it comes from a single mission:  To do good in the world and help people live their best lives.  In today's episode, Nisha shares more about her journey and how you can become a master cook in your home kitchen. 

  • Decluttering Your Digital Life and Reclaiming Leisure

    16/06/2023 Duração: 51min

    What is technology doing to your brains, and how does that impact your leisure time? In today's episode, Matt and Doug talk digital decluttering, exploring new hobbies, and how to reclaim your free time. 

  • Plantapalooza: Preventing and Reversing Chronic Diseases Through a Plant-Based Diet with Dr. Joel Kahn, MD

    30/05/2023 Duração: 48min

    Even one of the world's leading heart doctors understands that no one is perfect.  Including him.  Diet, fitness, lifestyle... there has to be room for flexibility.  So according to Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, it comes down to making decisions that offer the best bang for their buck.  Allowing for flexibility because life requires it, and focusing our efforts on the lifestyle choices that make a real difference in longevity and well-being.  For the last interview in the 2023 Plantapalooza series, we talk to Dr. Kahn about the approach he implements with countless patients and in his own life.  For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide! 

  • Plantapalooza: Thriving as a Plant-Based Athlete with Matt Frazier

    29/05/2023 Duração: 39min

    It's now clear:    You can succeed as an athlete while eating a plant-based diet.    From endurance runners to professional football players, athletes across disciplines are going vegan and breaking records.    But does thriving as a plant-based athlete require certain considerations or care?    For example, does plant protein help build and repair muscle the same way animal protein does?    And what about calories and creatine?    In today's interview with Matt Frazier, NY Times bestselling author of The Plant-Based Athlete and founder of No Meat Athlete, we don't dwell on the question of if it's possible...    Matt cuts straight to what you need to know about how to thrive as a plant-based athlete.  For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide! 

  • Plantapalooza: The Science of Metabolic Nutrition with Nicolette Richer

    28/05/2023 Duração: 52min

    When you hear someone say they have a healthy metabolism, they're usually referring to one thing:  Burning calories.  But metabolic health is about so much more than how quickly we burn through food.  It's about energy, cell function, and eliminating waste.  And it leads to healthy blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and nutrient absorption.  So how do we nurture a healthy metabolism?  Today's interview is with Nicolette Richer, a Regenerative Medicine educator who specializes in metabolic health.  She outlines a clear diet and lifestyle blueprint for a thriving metabolism.  For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide! 

  • Plantapalooza: Age-Defying Nutrition Secrets to Help You Look and Feel Your Best with Brian Vaszily

    27/05/2023 Duração: 55min

    The largest organ in your body? Your skin.  And yet, how much do you know about what you're feeding it?  Today we're taking a departure from just talking about what to put in your body to share a guide for how to approach what you put on your body.  Brian Vaszily, founder of The Art of Anti-Aging, shares the disturbing reality of most skin care products, and how to build a routine that helps heal and preserve healthy skin as you age.  For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide! 

  • Plantapalooza: Whole Food Plant-Based Eating — Building an Diet that Matches Your Lifestyle with Jill & Jeffrey Dalton

    26/05/2023 Duração: 57min

    Does eating a healthier, whole-food plant-based diet feel out of reach?    You could follow the typical advice repeated across the internet...    Spend your Sunday meal prepping.  Use this cookbook or that meal planner (often filled with unfamiliar ingredients).  Buy new kitchen gadgets like a pressure cooker or air fryer.    For some people, those tips might be useful.    But when you're busy with work or school, juggling meals for a family, or unconfident in the kitchen, scheduling additional time for prep and complicated recipes can feel like an insurmountable burden.    That's the way it felt for Jill and Jeffrey Dalton when they first started eating a plant-based diet.    Neither of them enjoyed cooking, and most of the foods they tried to cook were foreign.    So they put together a strategy that has made their meals not only healthy, but fun, quick, and easily repeatable.    And now each week they share their meals with hundreds of thousands of people through the Whole Food Plant-Ba

  • Plantapalooza: Sustainable Weight Loss with Kiki Nelson

    25/05/2023 Duração: 46min

    Here's a shocking stat:     It's estimated that the global weight loss industry — built around crash diets, liquid meal replacements, and appetite suppression — was worth over $220 billion in 2021.    And it's only growing year over year.    And yet, studies show that the vast majority of dieters (anywhere from 37-97%, depending on the study) consider it a failure.    Either they never lost the weight to begin with or gain it back as soon as they go off their diet.     There has to be a better way...   And according to Kiki Nelson, a bestselling author and founder of Plantiful Kiki, there is.    It's sustainable (so you don't regain the weight), flexible (no crazy crash diets), and does a whole lot more for your health than just helping you shed a few pounds.    As part of today's Headliner event, Kiki walks us through how she lost over 70 pounds on a bountiful plant-based diet, and what she has learned from year's of coaching others to do the same.  For additional resources, visit   And this

  • Plantapalooza: Diversifying Your Gut Microbiome Through a Plant-Based Diet with Married to Health

    24/05/2023 Duração: 50min

    Few parts of your body impact your health as much as your gut.  A healthy gut microbiome can boost your energy, elevate your immunity, and increase your longevity.  An unhealthy gut does the opposite... creating a lot of bloating and digestive discomfort in the process.  But what exactly is a gut microbiome, and how does a plant-centered diet impact it?  That's what we dive into with Dahlia Marin, RDN, LD, CGN and James Marin, RD, two of the world's leading plant-based gut health specialists and the founders of Married to Health.  For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide! 

  • Plantapalooza: Overcoming the Greatest Challenges to Your Health with Ocean Robbins

    24/05/2023 Duração: 48min

    We need a food revolution.  In the United States, we spend 19% of our entire Gross Domestic Product on healthcare — 80% of which is treating the symptoms of chronic disease.  Chronic diseases that are directly fueled by diet and lifestyle.  As Ocean Robbins, a bestselling author and co-founder of , puts it:  Our healthcare system isn't helping people get better, we're just trying to manage an ongoing breakdown.  But there's some good news:  A recent study published in Plus Medicine found that switching from a typical diet to an optimal plant-centered diet — even as late as the age of 60 — could add eight more healthy years of life.  And if you start sooner you can add even more.  In this first Plantapalooza Headliner discussion, Ocean outlines his approach to helping people make that life-changing transformation.  An approach that has helped millions of people set off their individual food revolutions. For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide! 

  • Fasting, Fitness, and the Longevity Diet by Valter Longo

    18/05/2023 Duração: 47min

    What's the key to longevity? According to Valter Longo and his bestselling book, The Longevity Diet, it's a combination of fitness and a mostly plant-based diet. That in itself isn't groundbreaking by any means, but what is unique about Longo's approach is the regular fasting element.  In today's episode, Matt and Doug walk through the tenets of Longo's philosophy, and Matt shares his recent experience completing a 5-day Prolon fast. 

  • Does the Slow-Carb Diet Work for Vegans, Coffee Wars, 6 Plant-Based Taco Recipes and What Doug Thinks of Them

    04/05/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Did you know we have another podcast? It's called the Plant-Based Morning Show, and we go live every weekday to discuss the latest in plant-based news and headlines.  A lot has changed since we last shared an episode of the PBMS here, so we thought it would be fun to catch you up to speed with an episode from last week!  In this episode we talk about: Doug's alcohol plan going forward after his 21-day dry challenge Listener question: the Slow-Carb Diet Weather report: Slutty Vegan expanding to Dallas, Quorn partnership, Everything Legendary burgers in even more stores, U.S. smoking hits all-time low 6 Plant-Based Taco Recipes that Are Actually Good for You (Everyday Health) Tune in live every weekday at 11am to watch on YouTube or on Instagram (@plantbasedmorningshow and @nomeatathlete_official), or watch on Twitter or Twitch! Follow @plantbasedmorningshow, @realmattfrazier, and @itsdoughay for more.

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