Video Creators | Grow Your Youtube Audience, Get Subscribers, Tips For More Views, Strategy, And Make Money With Your Channel



Learn with Tim Schmoyer and other full-time YouTuber creators about how to grow a business around your online video audience. These entrepreneurs discuss topics related to their own personal YouTube channel growth and the business that surrounds the audience they've built. Listen as they discuss advanced strategies and tactics they implement to earn a full-time income from their YouTube subscribers and social media audience.


  • Reality Check: Your content isn’t cutting it (Yet)

    18/09/2023 Duração: 01h12min

    You probably started out with the idea, "If I create it, they will come." Buuuuut, they aren't coming. At least not as many as you hoped. A lot of people come up with reasons for this such as, "The algorithm is against me!" or "YouTube is trying to squash small channels!" We are saying this with all love in the world, but the brutal truth is that the reason your channel isn't succeeding might be that your content just needs some work. On this episode, we are going to take a hard look in the mirror. Please, try to be open-minded and come along with me as we attempt to do things a different way. I know different is scary, but it also produces different results. And if we are ever going to "make it on YouTube," different results is exactly what we need.  Links in this Episode: vidIQ YouTube Channel vidIQ One-on-one Coaching

  • Shift Your YouTube Focus without Losing Subscribers!

    11/09/2023 Duração: 41min

    Creators want to pivot their channel due to many different reasons. Have you ever been there? Maybe you feel tired of your niche, bored of your content, or are just maturing in your journey as a creator and ready to move in a new direction. Pivots come with a lot of fear and anxiety. Is this a good idea? Will I break my channel if I do this? We are here to tell you that it is possible to pivot successfully!   Links in this Episode Ryan Trahan Trailer:  Most Watched Short on YouTube:  Mark Roper’s Son: 

  • The Art of Intrigue to Keep Your Viewers Watching MORE!

    04/09/2023 Duração: 41min

    I've been saying it for years. If you want to succeed on YouTube, you need to master the art of storytelling. YouTube thrives on captivating stories. This is what sucks you into a video and prevents you from being able to look away. Have you heard of the phrase "open loops?" It's a psychological phenomenon that you can use in your videos to keep your audience hooked until the end. Today, I'll explain how. 

  • Endless YouTube Content Ideas for the Struggling Creator

    28/08/2023 Duração: 38min

    Wouldn't it be great if you always had amazing content ideas? You could just pop a coin into a machine and a great video idea would pop out any time you wanted. Well, what if I said this can be your reality? Ok, well, not the candy machine, but you can have a never-ending stream of YouTube video ideas. I'll tell you how.    Links in this Episode:  Turn 1 Good Idea into 30 Awesome Ideas: 

  • Stop sucking the joy out of your content

    21/08/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    YouTube began as social media. It was a place of expression, connection and building community. But as monetization has come on the scene, it has become a major driver in how people approach their content and sometimes the only thing people think about while making content. Now with AI tools coming on the scene, the entry level to making content has become even lower with complete AI channels. How do we navigate this as creators? How do we use AI while keeping the human connection? We will talk about all of this today.   Links in this Episode: AI Pizza Commercial  Nerd Out with Sam & Play Runescape Quest Guide Pulitzer Opal The Spiffing Brit The Dream Interview

  • Amplify Your Impact and Influence with these Collaboration Tips

    14/08/2023 Duração: 42min

    If you’re serious about growing your YouTube channel, you can’t do it alone. We hear it all the time, “two heads are better than one,” and that's 100% true when it comes to YouTube strategy. Since teaming up with vidIQ, I have had the pleasure of getting to know so many interesting people. One of those people has been Vyyyper, the head of social media for vidIQ. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to collaborations. So whether this is something you're interested in or something you've been avoiding like the plague, this conversation is worth a listen. Links in this Episode: TubeTalk Podcast: 

  • Stop Being Generic and Grow on YouTube with THIS!

    07/08/2023 Duração: 55min

    Bigger isn't better. And broader isn't better either. If you cast the widest net, you will catch the most fish, right? It sounds good, but we have found that if you talk to everyone, you connect with no one.  So many of the creators we work with are struggling with this. They can't come up with content ideas, connect with their viewers, or keep their viewers coming back to their channel. And all of this is because their channels are way too generic. If you are in this boat, don't worry. Today we will walk you through how to fix it.   Links in this Episode Creator Spotlight:  Discovery Call: 

  • Simple formula to keep viewers watching til the END

    31/07/2023 Duração: 57min

    How's your retention going? Are you struggling to keep your viewers engaged with your content? Are people viewers dropping? Are you getting less watch time and slow channel growth? If so, don't worry. I have a simple formula to keep your viewers watching from beginning to end. And that's what I will be sharing today.   Links in this Episode:  Creator Spotlight:  Discovery Call:  Shrek Video: Driver61:  Hot Ones: Movie Trailer for Airrak: 

  • Live-streaming secrets to skyrocket Sales

    24/07/2023 Duração: 39min

    The one silver lining from the pandemic was that everyone learned how to connect with others live in Zoom. Sure, it was awkward at first to be live on camera. But, as time went on, it just became second nature and allowed for some genuine connections. If you haven’t transferred those skills to YouTube Livestreams yet, you are missing out on a potentially great source of traffic, views, and deeper connection with your audience. Plus, it’s a GREAT way to sell something. Today, I’ve got a Livestream strategy that you can incorporate into your YouTube Strategy right now.   Links in this Episode 

  • Viral Video Myths and How to ACTUALLY Succeed on YouTube

    17/07/2023 Duração: 40min

    Viral videos may seem like the ultimate goal for any aspiring YouTube creator. It's like hitting the easy button to explode your channel right? But what if I told you that in the long run, focusing on creating a viral hit can actually be counterproductive and even harmful to your channel's growth? Today, I'm going to reveal the hidden truth about viral videos and why you might want to rethink your strategy for YouTube success.   Links in this Episode Creator Spotlight: Discovery Call: 

  • Sacrifices worth making in the name of explosive growth

    10/07/2023 Duração: 01h47s

    In the vast ocean of creators, it can often feel like a daunting task to stand out. We begin to wonder if we can even make a mark for ourselves amongst all these YouTube giants.  Today I am going to discuss one of these YouTube heroes, Ryan Trahan. He has exploded on the platform and broke out from the sea of creators all around him. But, how did he do it? That's what I will discuss today as I break down his strategies, talk about how he made his mark in a saturated field, and analyze what you can learn from his YouTube journey and apply to yours. Links in this Episode Ryan Trahan: @ryan   Editing Podcast:   Ryan’s New Penny Series:

  • How to Overcome the Silent Enemy of YouTube Creators

    03/07/2023 Duração: 54min

    Have you ever felt like you don't quite fit in on YouTube? Do you doubt that you're skilled enough to be successful, so you hesitate to even create? If so, don't worry. You aren't the only one who has struggled with imposter syndrome. It affects so many creators and leads them to feel embarrassed and give up on their dreams. I've totally been there, but I've learned how to overcome it. That is what I will share with you today. Links in this Episode Creator Spotlight  Discovery Call: Join the VidIQ Discord: 

  • The RIGHT way to steal ideas from other channels...

    26/06/2023 Duração: 47min

    Has this ever happened to you? You see an amazing video on YouTube that is getting a zillion views and you think, I should just do that! It works for them, it should work for me, right? Right?? Actually.... no. That's now how it works. Imitating successful channels on YouTube can be tempting, but this approach can actually hinder your growth and be morally wrong. Copying isn’t always a form of flattery. It can be actually be considered theft. But, the real danger is that it prevents you from unlocking your true potential, and worse, potentially lead you to burnout. So instead, we are going to teach you how steal ideas the RIGHT way.   Links in this Episode Creator Spotlight Orange Jumpsuit Thumbnail Emma Chamberlin Joshua Weissman Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

  • How to Grow a Massive YouTube Audience Without Sacrificing Your Time and Energy

    19/06/2023 Duração: 56min

    The YouTube hamster wheel has gotten the best of many of us (myself included.) We want to grow, get more views, get more subs, make more money, etc. But, it all comes at a price. And many people never get there because they focus on the wrong things. A couple weeks ago, I was able to sit down with Justin Brown from ​Primal Video ​and talk about just this. During our interview, Justin broke it all down into 3 things to focus on in order to help you grow a massive YouTube audience for your business, without sacrificing everything you love in the process.   Links in this Episode  Justin's Channel:  Primal Video: 

  • 3 Ways your Sabotaging your Sales on YouTube

    12/06/2023 Duração: 45min

    Do you have a product or course that you promote with your Youtube channel? How are your sales? If people aren't buying, it’s likely because you are trying to bombard your audience by asking them to buy the product in every single video. It makes sense to make the pitch every time, but unfortunately, it overwhelms the viewer. Plus, you haven’t provided enough value to earn their trust. But we have a solution! Using the 3 bucket strategy you can earn the know, like and trust factor that you need to convert those sales. We will talk about this strategy and more to get you the sales you are wanting.   Links in this Video  Creator Spotlight: Drew Gooden Branded Spot:  Square Space Pete:  Three Bucket Strategy:  Speakpipe: 

  • Stop asking if titles & thumbnails are “that important”…

    05/06/2023 Duração: 56min

    Do you realize that your title and thumbnail could literally make or break your video? It doesn’t matter how incredible your content is, the story you told, or the fancy video editing you’ve done. All that work will go to waste if the title and thumbnail fail to do their job. We aren't trying to scare you here. But we know how much effort you are putting into your videos and we hate to see them being left unviewed due to having bad titles and thumbnails. But don't worry, we are going to tell you how to change that. Links in this Episode:  Creator Spotlight: Discovery Call: My Xbox: Why So Soft:  Green Grilled Cheese Sandwich:  Hexbolt into Diamond Ring: Power Tip:

  • The Algorithm is Your Friend - NOT Your Enemy!

    29/05/2023 Duração: 57min

    There is SO much misinformation out there on the YouTube Algorithm. It’s not some big, bad, beast we’re trying to trick or bribe into surfacing our content on YouTube. The algorithm is not out to get you (even if it feels that way sometimes.) Believe it or not, it's primary goal is to surface your content to the highest number of the right people. - The people who actually want to see it! The confusing part is just figuring out how to properly communicate who those people are to the algorithm. Let's break down how to do that...   Links in this Episode: Creator Spotlight:  Power Tip:   JOIN THE POD SQUAD AFTER-PARTY IN VOLLEY: We love answering questions, hearing your feedback, and discussing each podcast episode with you and hundreds of other creators in our video chat Volley space. Join us here: LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE: Have comments, reactions, questions, a YouTub

  • 90% of Creators Are Doing YouTube BACKWARDS!

    22/05/2023 Duração: 50min

    We know, we know. You want to create the best content, for the right person so you can grow your channel and business. But your channel isn't growing, and you don't know why. Well, we do. There is a GOOD chance that you are looking at the creation process backwards. This mistake has probably not only been causing you frustration, but also confusing your viewers and holding you back from achieving your full potential on YouTube. If you're ready to start creating videos in the most optimal way, stick around because we’ve got the solution that will get your viewers to click on your video and love it so much they become a die hard fan. Links in this episode Power Tip:  Discovery Call:  LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE: Have comments, reactions, questions, a YouTube tip to share, or just want to say hi? Leave a voice message for us and we may use it in an upcoming podcast episode. https://www.sp

  • Your tribe will Subscribe if they understand this...

    15/05/2023 Duração: 49min

    First impressions on YouTube are everything. Without clarity, your audience will fail to connect with you and your mission. If they don't instantly know what you are about, potential subscribers will quickly abandon your channel and keep looking for their people. If that's you, we can help with that. This podcast is all about turning confusion into clarity. We will give you the steps you need to take so that your viewers instantly know who you are and fall in love with your channel.   Links in this Episode: Creator Spotlight:   Family Vlog:  Solo Vlog: Visual Storytelling:   Channel Leaders:  Our Playlists:    Leave a Voice Message: Have comments, reactions, questions, a YouTube tip to share, or just want to say hi? Leave a voice message for us and we

  • Get unstuck! Blueprint for Content Success with Roberto Blake

    08/05/2023 Duração: 29min

    I give you my opinion on YouTube all the time. But, today I want to give you the insider, tried and true opinions of one of the great YouTube experts of our day. If you have been feeling like you're struggling, this conversation is a literal blueprint for your content and how to win at YouTube today. Links in this Episode Roberto Blake on YouTube Roberto Blake on Instagram Create Something Awesome  Chapt-GPT Mid-Journey AI LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE: Have comments, reactions, questions, a YouTube tip to share, or just want to say hi? Leave a voice message for us and we may use it in an upcoming podcast episode.  

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