Order 66 Podcast Saga Edition



The Order 66 Podcast is dedicated to the Star Wars Saga Edition role playing game by Wizards of the Coast. We talk about SWSE, but also about relevant details from other d20 systems, including D&D and miniatures.


  • Episode 47 - Tipsy Tips and Holocron Hijinx


    What is up, GamerNation? It is I, GM Chris, currently shaking my head at the mildly inebriated state of my co-host, GM Dave. Despite his trash-drink fetish, we have managed to compile what will hopefully be a semi-usefull 'cast. :mrgreen: We're visiting the home of the Squibs with Cody, answering some VERY thorny rules questions in the docking bay - and I try my hardest not to rant. Meanwhile... I share my middling wisdom and egotistical experiences in the development of a campaign - and maybe even provide some advice along the way. So, open up your holocrons, younglings. Sit back. Relax. And get the cotton balls. Your ears are about to bleed....... Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 46 - Bipod Of Wonder


    What is UP, GamerNation? We are back this week with some pontificating, personifying, and pulsating... bipods... as we continue our equipment upgrade discussion with weapon and armor upgrades from Scum and Villainy. We also take a trip to the Aleen Open with Cody and his men, and answer some great listener questions in the docking bay. We also bask the glory of a good game gone great; and listen to the end of the show for another beautiful Sam Witwer-ism. So relax, plug your headphones in, and prepare for mediocrity in podcasting - on this - episode 46 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast.

  • Episode 45 - Pimp My Bowcaster


    What is up, GamerNation? It is I, GM Chris, here to UPGRADE YOU! Tonight, younglings we take a dip into the sheer awesomeness of Scum and Villiany, and the Universal Equipment upgrades therein! We also check out Cody's fondness for water-boarding, answer a great deal of user-questions in the Docking Bay - we we visit... with an old friend... So, sit back, plug in, tune in, and turn it up. YOUR Order 66 Podcast, Episode 45... awaits!

  • Episode 44 - The Order 66 Holiday Special


    Hey Gamer Nation, join me as I talk with a listener roundtable about gaming, our experiences, our star wars battle stories and other off the tracks concepts as we try to make up for the lack of GM Chris with 6 people. It's fun! Listen in!

  • Episode 43 - On the Couch Makin' Droids


    What is up, GamerNation! We're coming to you this week with a bevy of daydreams, droid dessication, and dastardly dislikes - as we delve deeply into the dark demesne of daring PODCASTDOM. On this, episode 43 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast. This week, we visit a droid graveyard with Cody, enter the Docking Bay for some usefull answers to some usefull questions - and finally (after much requests), we take a step-by-step look at PC droid creation. So sit, back, relax, grab a cold Corellian Ale - and join us for some pointless banter.

  • Episode 42 - The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Scum of the Universe and Everything


    Greetings, GamerNation! Episode 42 is up and online - with special guest, Jedi Master Rodney Thompson! He's here with us to dicuss the up-and-coming book, Scum and Villainy! We talk crunch, fluff, and Rodney's own campaign - and Tenesee Thompson also sticks around to answer a few live listener questions from our live-chat. All in all - Rodney and I pretty much compete for air-time and drown Dave down into the depths of silence. :wink: We also take a trip to Falleen with Cody, and discuss the moral implications of bribery with TK-421. So, sit back - grab a cold one - and listen until your ears bleed. On this, episode 42 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast.

  • Episode 41 - Musical Interludes and Medical Advice


    We are back, bold, and born to be geeks. This week, we delve deeply into our next Ultimate Build - the healer. And Dave manages to annoy me to death with an endless strain of musical underludes. :wink: We also take a quick visit to the Emperor's favorite planet, and look into using Persuasion, it's mechanics, and roleplaying with it. So sit back, relax, plug in, tune out - and open your books - for THIS... episode 41 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast!

  • Episode 40 - Vader's Secret DoomsDown: The Lack of Suck


    EPISODE 40 IS IN THE HOUSE! Or is that hizzy? I never can tell these days. We have Sam Witwer. 'Nuff said. He cometh, and he bringeth his exteme lack of suck. For this alone, you should listen, and listen well. About an hour and a half of "episode" - and another HOUR of post-show goodness afterwards. Thank you, Sam Witwer. We manage to talk a wee bit of Saga, answer some questions, visit a planet, and get into the delicacies of hiding a big gun. The rest of our time is spent exploring the mind of a truly awesome fellow - actor, musician, and gamer: Sam Witwer. ***WARNING*** This episode is MUCH more "adult" than our normal debauchery. Language is an issue - for the smaller ears of our smaller listeners. :wink: Frak, I loved this episode. Really, I did. Thank you, Sam. Thank you very much.

  • Episode 39 - Knights of the Old Errata


    What is up, GamerNation? We interrupt our regularly scheduled podcasting for a breaking news story! The game we know and love has been changed in some exciting ways! You see, youngling, when an RPG gets older... it starts undergoing certain... changes... It's voice grows husky, and hair begins to grow in funny places. Places we talk about, on this, Episode 39 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast! This week we delve deeply into the new errata to the system, and also visit with the blue not-an-elephants of Orto, and answer a boatload of listener questions, before talking about Rage in the D20Docking Bay (Force and otherwise). So, sit back, plug in, relax, and grab your book. It's time to get gamey. In a good way. Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 38 - Video Killed the Radio Star Wars


    Greetings, Gamernation! Welcome, welcome to this... episode 38 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast! This week, we talk about building a ranged fighter, and also take an all-too-close look at a clone's love of lip stalks. We discuss some house-rules, better ways to build some starship encounters, and we answer some burning listener questions. We also gladly play host to the dozen or so people who logged into our ustream feed for the live videocast of this week's recording. To those across the Pond who stayed up until the wee hours of the morning listening to it - you're all clearly Trained in Endurance. :wink: So sit back - plug in - and grab your books. It's time for another foray into the relentless ramblings of fevered minds... on the Order 66 Podcast. Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 37 - The List


    What is up, GamerNation?? We are back, baby! Large, in charge, and ready to expound about the pratfalls and pitstops of encounter design! This week on episode 37 of the Order 66 Podcast, we learn about the Bith homeworld with Commander Cody, delve into radiation and persistent conditions, see what new gadget Watto has to offer us, and take the time to answer a veritable boat load of listener questions. Then we talk about... THE LIST. So sit back, plug in, grab your books and a pad and pencil... and prepare... for this: YOUR Order 66 Podcast. Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 36 - Will Not Be Seen Tonight


    Greetings from the wide world, GamerNation! Fearless Leader has braved through a bout of bronchitis and has boldly strode into the hallowed halls of podcastdom... where Episode 36 awaits you!! This week, on the Order 66 Podcast, we learn about the creepiness of Korriban, look at some house rules for the temptation of the Dark Side, then head deeper into the Cold Cave on Dagobah for an up close look at running a Dark Side character and game. We also see a noble/scoundrel run amok, answer some burning listener questions, and check in with TK-421 and learn about Burst Fire and Redirect. So sit back, take your antibiotics, and drink your orange juice. This... is YOUR Order 66 Podcast.

  • Episode 35 - Stylized Farts


    What is up, GamerNation?? It is I, GM Chris, ready to spew another load of podcasting goodness in your face! This week, on Episode 35 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast, we dig deeper into the KotOR Campaign Guide and finish up talent discussion with new Scoundrel, Scout, and Soldier talents. We also answer some burning listener questions, watch GM Chris' spice habit slowly start to develop, discuss some talented house rules, and finally check in with our good buddy, TK-421, and hear about the pratfalls of Capital Ship combat. So sit back, relax, plug in, and prepare for some Stylized Farts on THIS... your Order 66 Podcast. Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 34 - Baby Daddies and a Bucket of Hot Wings


    What is up, GamerNation?? We come to you this week from the depths of the inter-web with more sonorous droning and un-ending praise for the KotoRCG! But seriously... there's some cool crap in here. This week on episode 34, we delve into some of the new Jedi and Noble talents available, see what Watto has to offer in way of personal shielding technology, answer some great listener questions, and finally learn the results of TK-421's paternity test before heading into the d20 Docking Bay to discuss Knack and how it relates to Force Point expenditure. So sit back, relax, plug-in, and open up... your Saga Edition books... for this. Your. Order 66 Podcast. Peace, Love, and Good Gaming

  • Episode 33 - The Revenge of the Clones


    Hello, GamerNation! We are finally up and about and posted - for Episode 33 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast! Sorry for the delay... but gaming took priority over the show. My Dawn of Defiance game ran a tad long (my fault, of course) and the 'cast had to be finished on Monday night. But we are here, with a delve and and a dive into the KotOR Campaign Guide! Specifically, a detailed look at each and every new species in the book. We also hear about a couple cool house rules, finally revisit the d20 Docking Bay, and FINALLY get a chance to talk to our favorite gossip-laden hick, TK-421. So plug in, dowload, and listen away. Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 32 - Of U-Hauls, Fences and Silver Chocolate


    What is up, GamerNation!? We are highly pleased to welcome to the Order 66 Podcast the man with THE coolest name in the gaming industry: Jedi Master Sterling Hershey! Sterling joins us for nearly an hour and a half of KotOR discussion on this, Episode 32 of YOUR Order 66 Podcast. Sterling takes time to answer your questions about the new KotOR Campaign Guide and game design in general. We also manage to hear about Cody's latest alien hatred, and see how illegal arms dealing works for our favorite junkyard dealer on Tatooine. So plug in, whip out your KotOR Campaign Guides, and tell Bastilla to stop being such a %!$#@. Next week - we continue KotORCG discussion with an in-depth look at the book's crunch and fluff, finally re-visit TK-421, and step back into the ever-so-comfortable d20 Docking Bay. Tune in! Also - for those interested in getting more inside Sterling Hershey's head, seeing what the intrepid Jedi Master is working on, or just viewing a good blog - check out http://blogs.starwars.com/si

  • Episode 31 - The GenCon Extravaganza Strikes Back


    Hello again, GamerNation! Soon (yes... so soon) we present the other half of our GenCon extravaganza - the WotC Star Wars: Saga Edition and Star Wars: Miniatures Seminar! A veritable bevy of gaming stars graced a very small table in a convention room in a hotel - to do nothing but discuss Saga, Minis, and answer some very well worded, not-so-well-worded, and some downright fun questions from the varied denizens of GenCon. We apologize for the grainy-ness of this audio - with a single dual-channel mic in a large room, it was as good as we could get. :wink: Enjoy it, GamerNation! GenCon commands you!!

  • Episode 30 - The GenCon Extravaganza


    What. Is. Up. Gamernation! It has been a week since I've returned from the wilds of GenCon and set foot back in Dallas - and only NOW do I feel stable enough to share my glee with the world! :wink: But for that - I've enlisted some help. Joining us this week are GM Dom (Acetaminophen) and GM Chance (cbradshaw007), fellow GenCon judges for Saga - and passionate gamers and listeners. For over two hours - we banter nothing but some harcore listener questions, and GENCON! Listen to gaming impressions, play-style quandaries, interviews with post-module players, and all the other goodness we can barely fit into two hours of mindless chatter. In addition, the two-hour LIVE Star Wars Saga/Minis Seminar from GenCon will be placed into its own downloadable podcast later this week, for all who are interested. Keep an eye out for it! Another BIG announcement - next week will be our KotoR Campaign Guide discussion with special guest (and co-author) Sterling Hershey! A new thread has been formed for any ques

  • Episode 29 - Curry Gives Me The Farts


    Hello, Gamernation, Hello! GenCon is days away and I am peeing my pants in anticipation! But before we talk about that, we take the time this week to answer some amazingly good listener questions, hear Cody's disdain for the Verpine, share in gaming glory, contest victory, and the newest tool in Watto's arsenal. All on this - your Order 66 Podcast - episode 29. Do we hear from TK? Who knows? Well... we do... but you'll just have to listen to find out. Later, hosers! Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

  • Episode 28 - If You Build It, They Will Game


    What is up, GamerNation? We are back! Oh yeah! Welcome to Episode 28 of the Order 66 Podcast, where reality and fantasy meet to create somthing much less interesting than either of them. This week, we finally get a chance to devour the Officer Prestige Class. We also discuss a funky-fresh house-rule, get an old postcard from Cody, and take the plung into finding your fellow gamers in this week’s d20 Docking Bay! And remember, SWAG is here!! Peace out, GamerNation! Sit back, pop a cold one, and enjoy… Peace, Love, and Good Gaming!

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