Sega Mixer Drive... With Rexy



SEGA Mixer Drive is a 2-hour show focused around arrangements of SEGA music new and old. Let your weekend start in style!


  • E328 - 1 March 2020

    01/03/2020 Duração: 02h20min

    After four weeks, the show finally had its first regular show of the season – or as regular as it could be, due to the threat of a Chinese viral strain. But new music is our own new entertainment, and the chat had been eager to mention their own!

  • E327 - 23 February 2020

    23/02/2020 Duração: 02h31min

    The first mystery mix of the season had a focus on vocal tracks. All selections in the playlist had the human voice being used to great effect in leading them forward. Be prepared with a hairbrush and a bathroom - you may want to sing along!

  • E326 - 16 February 2020


    The second half of the winter break catchup continued to deliver new material from late January and early February. With one such artist having done professional animé dub work, pipe dreams were alight for past Sega games getting adapted for TV!

  • E325 - 9 February 2020


    SEGA Mixer Drive has returned for an eighth season, and like last year, the premiere has some fresh new cuts that defined the month of January. Of course, host and listeners alike had plenty of winter break tales to tell as well.

  • E311 - 01 September 2019

    01/09/2019 Duração: 02h59min

    The first episode back after a lengthy Summer break was a special one - a listening party for "Timeless Ocean", an Ecco the Dolphin album by the Pixel Mixers. Enjoy 3 hours of aquatic tunes, and the label's first Sega related effort! Vote for your favourite tracks off "Timeless Ocean" by going to The winner gets a nomination for this year's RadioSEGA's Fan Choice Remix of the Year award.

  • E293 - 10 March 2019

    10/03/2019 Duração: 02h13min

    We thought a certain Nintendo plumber could steal the spotlight today, right? Not quite - while delivering 2 hours of Sega arrange tunes, the host couldn't help but think of the times Mario met Sonic in the past and had hopes for the future...!

  • E292 - 3 March 2019

    03/03/2019 Duração: 02h14min

    Trailing on from the hottest February on record in the host's native UK, questions were raised regarding what would happen if two Sonic zones clashed and annihilated each other! Oh, and there were plenty of arrange tunes to listen to as well.

  • E291 - 24 February 2019

    24/02/2019 Duração: 02h19min

    SEGA Mixer Drive has hit a regular show structure three episodes in, and it's in this one that marked the return of the Community Spotlight segment. You can also expect some banter relating to the Oscars, also happening that very same weekend...!

  • E290 - 17 February 2019

    17/02/2019 Duração: 02h10min

    We're not quite out of the woods regarding new Winter music - this episode has a focus on what had been newly released during the first two weeks of February, as well as bringing back the Source Roulette and debuting the new School of Sega block!

  • E289 - 10 February 2019

    10/02/2019 Duração: 02h31min

    SEGA Mixer Drive has returned for its seventh season - but in a completely revised Sunday evening format. Having great tunes at hand would never change, with this episode focusing on 10 new tracks that blew our host away in January.

  • E179 - 2 September 2016

    02/09/2016 Duração: 02h23min

    Tonight's show took listeners to another world - both through discussion AND through music,including a quick response call for the Artist Jukebox and a certain Bayonetta fan favorite getting love on the Remix Highlights. That's one Summer influence!

  • E178 - 26 August 2016

    26/08/2016 Duração: 02h15min

    The end-of-the-month Mystery Mix places the entire SMD setlist under one musical or gaming related theme. This week, we return towards our gaming youth, as every single game represented tonight is a side-scroller. If only if airwaves had pixels!

  • E177 - 19 August 2016

    19/08/2016 Duração: 02h26min

    This week's SMD marked the start of RadioSEGA's Olympic Relay weekend, and what better theme for the show than to focus entirely on host country Brazil's continent? Yes, every single arranger featured in tonight's show tonight hails from South America!

  • E176 - 12 August 2016

    12/08/2016 Duração: 02h33min

    In this week's longer-than-usual regular SMD, Rexy assembled a Sega remix setlist including a fun Source Roulette and Wild Woody being put on the show's roadmap, as well as having tales to tell from last Saturday's Summer of Sonic. What a ride!

  • E175 - 5 August 2016

    05/08/2016 Duração: 02h18min

    Summer of Sonic was just one night's sleep away! Due to the event, this week's SMD got aired a few hours earlier than usual. As a regular show, there's still so much music to listen to and so much to discuss... even if SoS hype is right in the core!

  • E174 - 29 July 2016

    29/07/2016 Duração: 02h16min

    This week's SMD was July's mystery mix, focusing the entire setlist on one particular genre or otherwise music / gaming idea. This time, the cinematic Summer Blockbuster went straight to the airwaves, as the entire setlist sent a post-apocalyptic feel!

  • E173 - 22 July 2016

    22/07/2016 Duração: 02h12min

    Tonight's regular SMD showed a great setlist of Sega remixes new and old, a music gear based NewsDrive, plus the first ever audio commentary submission for the Artist Jukebox! However, not even Sega based radio is safe from the hype behind Pokémon Go...!

  • E172 - 15 July 2016

    15/07/2016 Duração: 02h12min

    Summer is heating up and it's time to take a quick musical dip. This week on SMD, it was Fish Friday - 2 hours of Sega arrange tunes covering either water levels or levels where water is a huge part of its design. Don't forget your wetsuit!

  • E171 - 8 July 2016

    08/07/2016 Duração: 02h19min

    The first regular show of July was big - the Sega arrange setlist included football being placed on the SMD roadmap, hype for Sonic in a cute yet non-Sega game and love for a regular listener's birthday. Oh, and didn't I say this show had gotten BIG...?

  • E170 - 30 June 2016

    30/06/2016 Duração: 02h15min

    Three of RadioSEGA's live shows rotated positions this week, which meant SMD aired on a Thursday instead. That barely placed it at the end of June, which meant the end-of-the-month Mystery Mix was due. This week, the audience got an all-out dance party!

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