Learn Jazz Standards Podcast



The LJS Podcast is the podcast where you get weekly jazz tips, interviews, stories and advice for becoming a better jazz musician! Hosting the show is the jazz musician behind learnjazzstandards.com, author, and entrepreneur Brent Vaartstra, whos one goal is to answer any question about playing jazz music you may have. Jazz can be a challenging music to learn and play, but it doesnt have to be so hard. Each episode features a specific musical challenge that jazz students may come across, where it is discussed and answered. Special jazz guests frequent the show, sharing their expertise on an array of different musical subject matter. Listeners are invited to call in with their jazz questions to the podcast hotline, where it could get answered on a future LJS Podcast episode. Join thousands of other listeners getting free jazz education every week!


  • How to Resolve Your Jazz Lines Effectively?

    18/03/2024 Duração: 12min

    In this episode, Brent explores the intricacies of resolving licks and lines on chord tones, shedding light on why certain resolutions are more effective than others. Drawing from a listener's question about chord resolutions, he breaks down the importance of targeting specific chord tones like the third and fifth, rather than solely relying on the root note. Through insightful explanations and musical demonstrations, Brent gives guides on how to incorporate these techniques into actual playing, offering practical exercises and jazz language insights. Tune in to enhance your improvisational skills and take your jazz playing to the next level.Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your practice sessions with focused, effective techniques!Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question an

  • How to Stay Motivated to Practice

    15/03/2024 Duração: 15min

    In this episode, Brent reflects on the theme of motivation in practicing, an aspect crucial for sustained improvement and progress in jazz and music. With insightful commentary drawn from the experiences of Inner Circle members, he explores the various strategies to stay motivated and inspired on the musical journey. From cultivating a supportive community to setting performance goals and embracing quality education resources, Brent offers a holistic approach to keeping the fire alive in your practice routine.Listen as you are treated to a wealth of practical advice and motivational insights, ranging from the importance of remembering one's "why" to the transformative power of engaging with great music. Whether you're seeking to reignite your passion for music or looking for actionable strategies to enhance your practice routine, this episode provides invaluable guidance to help you stay motivated and focused on your musical goals. Tune in now to discover how to cultivate a mindset of sust

  • How Can Other Instruments Play Pianistically?

    14/03/2024 Duração: 12min

    In this episode, Brent answers an intriguing question posed by Ben Collis about playing pianistically, a topic relevant to musicians of all instruments, not just pianists. Brent unravels the concept of playing pianistically, focusing on chord voicings and voice-leading techniques that can enhance musicianship across the board. With insightful commentary and practical examples, he breaks down the essence of pianistic playing, offering valuable insights into chord voicings, voice leading, and the nuances of musical expression.Dive into the comprehensive exploration of pianistic techniques applicable to various instruments, including guitar, saxophone, and trumpet.  Whether you're a seasoned musician or a budding enthusiast, this episode provides actionable advice and fresh perspectives to elevate your musical prowess. Tune in now to discover how to infuse your playing with pianistic flair and unlock new dimensions of musical expression. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz St

  • When Do You Know a Song Well Enough to Perform It?

    13/03/2024 Duração: 12min

    In this episode, Brent tackles a common query from Inner Circle member James Abrams: How do you know when you've truly mastered a jazz tune and it's performance-ready? Through insightful commentary and personal anecdotes, Brent dives deep into the nuanced psychology of performance readiness, offering a wealth of practical advice for aspiring jazz musicians. He challenges the notion of ever feeling fully prepared for performance while providing a roadmap for achieving a level of readiness that instills confidence and competence.Listen as Brent explores the perpetual pursuit of musical excellence, as he unpacks the essential components of performance readiness. With a refreshing blend of realism and encouragement, he empowers musicians to embrace the inherent uncertainty of performance while equipping them with the tools to navigate challenges with confidence. Tune in to this episode for actionable insights, invaluable tips, and a newfound perspective on the journey to musical mastery. Important Links

  • Should I Learn a Second Instrument? (Pros and Cons)

    13/03/2024 Duração: 13min

    In this episode, Brent answers a thought-provoking question posed by an Inner Circle member, Aaron Albrecht: Should musicians consider learning a second instrument to enhance their jazz playing? Brent navigates the complexities of this inquiry by exploring the pros and cons, offering invaluable insights to listeners grappling with similar decisions. Through personal anecdotes and practical analysis, Brent illuminates the potential benefits of diversifying one's musical skill set while also acknowledging the inherent challenges and trade-offs involved.Listen to Brent's journey of self-discovery and musical exploration as he unpacks the multifaceted implications of pursuing proficiency on a second instrument. From unlocking new perspectives and synergies to confronting the inevitable time constraints and sacrifices, Brent provides a nuanced framework for weighing the decision's merits. With his signature blend of enthusiasm and expertise, he empowers aspiring jazz musicians to make informed choic

  • How Do I Avoid Getting Lost In The Form?

    11/03/2024 Duração: 13min

    In this week's episode, Brent addresses one of the most common challenges faced by jazz musicians: staying within the form while improvising. Through an insightful listener question, Brent explores practical strategies to overcome this hurdle, emphasizing the importance of preparation and developing a strong sense of rhythm and time.Valuable insights and actionable advice are discussed, as Brent points out the significance of thorough song preparation. He also shares effective practice techniques to enhance internal timekeeping skills.By breaking down complex improvisation challenges into manageable exercises and emphasizing the iterative nature of practice, Brent empowers musicians of all levels to navigate jazz standards with confidence and proficiency and unlock the secrets to mastering improvisation while staying firmly rooted within the song form.Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards Po

  • How to Prepare For a Jazz Performance

    08/03/2024 Duração: 15min

    In this insightful Fast Track Friday episode, Brent discusses the critical topic of preparing for jazz performances, whether it's a gig, a jam session, or any other musical engagement. Reflecting on the themes covered throughout the week, Brent emphasizes the importance of preparation in reducing stage fright, allowing licks to flow organically in solos and mastering jazz jam session etiquette. With a focus on practical strategies, Brent offers a roadmap to navigate the complexities of musical preparation with confidence and clarity.Drawing from his own experiences as a musician and educator, Brent shares valuable insights and highlights the significance of understanding the musical context of a performance and tailoring one's preparation accordingly. Through actionable advice and encouraging words, Brent inspires musicians to embrace the journey of preparation, reminding them that progress often begins with stepping outside one's comfort zone and taking action. Important Links:Free Guide to le

  • What Is Good Jazz Jam Session Etiquette?

    07/03/2024 Duração: 14min

    In this episode, Brent tackles a common concern for jazz musicians: jam session etiquette. Delving into a question from Monnie Murray about the appropriate duration of solos in a jam session, Brent offers insightful advice for navigating these musical gatherings with confidence and respect. He emphasizes the importance of preparation,  to familiarize oneself with the repertoire of jazz standards likely to be played at the session. Drawing from his own experiences and observations, he provides a comprehensive guide to jam session etiquette, addressing issues such as volume control, instrumental balance, and the art of ending a solo gracefully. He advocates for a mindset of musical generosity, encouraging musicians to prioritize the collective experience over individual prowess. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the jazz scene, this episode offers invaluable insights to enhance your jam session experience and foster meaningful musical connections. Important Links:Free Guide to learning stan

  • How Do I Deal With Stage Fright?

    06/03/2024 Duração: 14min

    In this episode, Brent explores a topic that resonates with every musician: stage fright. With a blend of personal anecdotes and professional advice, Brent navigates the multifaceted nature of performance anxiety, addressing both the fear of playing in front of audiences and the anxiety of performing in front of fellow musicians. Drawing from his own experiences and insights from mental health professionals, he offers practical strategies for managing stage fright, from deep breathing exercises to the cultivation of a growth mindset.Whether you're a seasoned performer or a beginner grappling with performance anxiety, this episode offers a wealth of wisdom to help you navigate the challenges of live performance and unlock your full potential as a musician. Tune in and embark on a transformative journey toward confidence, creativity, and musical fulfillment.Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standard

  • How Do I Get Licks To Come Out In My Solos?

    05/03/2024 Duração: 13min

    In this episode of the Learn Jazz Standards podcast, Brent tackles a common question: How can jazz musicians seamlessly integrate learned licks into their solos? He breaks down the purpose of learning licks as a means of understanding the jazz language and offers practical strategies for internalizing them effectively. Through insightful analogies and step-by-step guidance, Brent emphasizes the importance of ear training and repetition in mastering jazz vocabulary. By exploring variations and crafting unique phrases, musicians can develop a deeper understanding of melodic construction and enhance their improvisational repertoire. Brent's approach emphasizes the importance of creativity and experimentation to evolve beyond imitation and cultivate one's own artistic identity. Whether you're honing your skills in the practice room or jamming with fellow musicians, this episode offers invaluable guidance for unlocking your improvisational potential and elevating your jazz playing to new heights. Do

  • How Important Is Reading Music Notation for Jazz?

    04/03/2024 Duração: 10min

    In this episode, Brent dives into a thought-provoking question: Is it necessary to read sheet music to learn jazz? Through insightful anecdotes and practical advice, Brent explores the role of sheet music in jazz education and highlights the importance of ear training in mastering the genre. He navigates the nuances of learning music by ear versus reading notation, offering valuable insights for aspiring jazz musicians. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your jazz journey, this episode provides a comprehensive discussion on effective learning strategies and the significance of balancing traditional methods with innovative approaches. Tune in for inspiring perspectives and practical tips that could transform your jazz playing.Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question answered on t

  • Using Composition to Improvise Great Jazz Solos

    01/03/2024 Duração: 11min

    In this Fast Track Friday episode of the Learn Jazz Standards podcast, Brent reflects on the week's discussions, focusing on the theme of turning theory into practical musical expression through improvisation. He introduces composition as a powerful tool for jazz musicians to internalize musical language and develop their improvisational skills. By likening composition to slowed-down improvisation, Brent underscores its role in facilitating the creative process and fostering musical growth. He encourages doing compositional exercises to explore musical ideas, apply theoretical knowledge, and track progress over time. Through composition, musicians can not only shape their improvisational vocabulary but also embark on a transformative musical journey, embracing the joy of creative expression and musical discovery. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle:

  • Are Pro Jazz Musicians Actually Improvising?

    29/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    In this episode, Brent addresses a question from Jeff, a tenor saxophonist seeking advice on improvisation. Jeff describes himself as a "grinder" who takes time to develop musical ideas for jazz standards, often playing them similarly each time. Brent explains how improvisation is similar to a natural conversation, where familiar phrases and expressions are woven into spontaneous dialogue.  He emphasizes the importance of preparation in becoming a proficient improviser, highlighting techniques, internalizing musical vocabulary, and honing technical skills. By understanding the dynamic interplay between rehearsed ideas and spontaneous creativity, musicians can embrace their unique journey of mastering the language of jazz. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question answered on the podcast? C

  • How Do I Know the Real Melody to a Jazz Standard?

    28/02/2024 Duração: 12min

    In this episode, Brent tackles a question from an inner circle member named Paul about determining the correct melody when faced with various interpretations of jazz standards.  He emphasizes the importance of learning melodies by ear rather than solely relying on sheet music, as it enhances ear training and allows for a deeper understanding of musical expression.He provides valuable insights into identifying the true melody of a jazz standard, suggesting that for Great American Songbook tunes, singers like Frank Sinatra serve as reliable sources for straight renditions of melodies. Additionally, Brent advises turning to original recordings by jazz legends for jazz originals, highlighting the authenticity and intended interpretations found in these recordings. By prioritizing ear-based learning and seeking guidance from iconic recordings, musicians can develop a deeper connection to jazz standards and hone their improvisational skills. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standa

  • How Do I Use Triad Pairs?

    27/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    In this episode, Brent addresses a question from Chris Hercules about improvising with triads. He begins by explaining the concept of harmonizing triads within a diatonic context. Brent breaks down how different triads can be derived from the scale, providing insights into understanding and utilizing triads effectively.  He then introduces the concept of triad pairs, which involves using two triads generated from a diatonic scale to improvise. He demonstrates how triad pairs can be applied in improvisation to create engaging and melodic lines. Brent emphasizes experimentation and practical application while offering valuable tips for incorporating triads into jazz improvisation. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question answered on the podcast? Click here.

  • Why Diminished Arpeggios Sound Awesome Over Dominant 7ths?

    26/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    In this week's episode, Brent answers an intriguing question posed by a podcast listener about using diminished arpeggios over dominant seventh chords. He breaks down the theory behind this concept, explaining how diminished arpeggios can enhance improvisation and add tension and resolution to playing. He demonstrates how to apply this knowledge practically to create exciting new sounds.By exploring the relationship between diminished arpeggios and dominant seventh chords, Brent provides valuable insights into jazz theory while emphasizing the importance of practical application in musical learning. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question answered on the podcast? Click here.

  • The B.A.D Jazz Solo Strategy

    23/02/2024 Duração: 12min

    In today's Fast Track Friday episode, Brent unveils the Bad Jazz Solo method, an innovative approach designed to revolutionize your practice routine.The Bad Jazz Solo, represented by the acronym B-A-D, is a strategic tool for self-improvement. Brent walks you through the process, emphasizing the importance of bravery in leaving your ego at the door, taking risks, and embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth.By going into the process, you'll gain invaluable insights into your playing, discover your strengths and weaknesses, and then develop actionable strategies to address areas needing improvement. With Brent's guidance, you'll learn how to become your own jazz coach, unlocking new levels of self-awareness and musical proficiency.Don't settle for mediocrity in your jazz playing. Tune in now to learn how the B.A.D Jazz Solo strategy can elevate your musical journey to a new level. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner

  • What's the Best Way to Learn How to Improvise?

    22/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    In this episode, Brent celebrates his birthday by making a simple request. A question from Rob about how to learn improvisation without extensive music theory knowledge is discussed. Brent offers a comprehensive approach to improvisation, beginning with a simple yet effective tool. He underscores the importance of experimentation and gradual improvement, encouraging embracing the process of improvisation. Moreover, he introduces the concept of learning jazz language by dissecting small licks and ideas, illustrating how to apply and personalize them in improvisation. Additionally, he suggests understanding chord tones and expanding repertoire as crucial steps toward advanced improvisation skills. With over 400 episodes dedicated to jazz improvisation, Brent emphasizes the significance of actionable practice and continuous learning. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards

  • What to Do If Your Playing Is Not Improving

    21/02/2024 Duração: 10min

     This podcast episode discusses about the common struggle of feeling stuck in your musical journey and offers actionable advice to reignite your progress.Join Brent as he addresses a question from Inner Circle member Eric about overcoming the feeling of stagnation in your jazz playing. You'll gain valuable insights about recognizing and overcoming obstacles that may be hindering your improvement.Discover the importance of taking breaks, analyzing your practice routine, and identifying areas for growth to maximize your practice time effectively. Brent's practical strategies and relatable anecdotes will inspire you to approach your musical journey with renewed enthusiasm and purpose.Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question answered on the podcast? Click here.

  • How to Play At Faster Speeds

    20/02/2024 Duração: 11min

    Dive into the rhythm and speed of jazz with Brent on this latest podcast!  In this episode, Brent tackles a question from Peter Bowen about developing an impeccable time feel and playing faster without losing your groove. With Brent's expert guidance, you'll uncover the secrets to mastering both the technical and rhythmic aspects of playing at lightning speeds.Discover how to cultivate a solid time feel by practicing with subdivisions and varying tempos, and learn practical exercises to elevate your jazz piano skills and improvisational language. Brent's actionable tips and insights will empower you to take your jazz playing to new heights.Don't miss out on this opportunity to fine-tune your musical abilities and unleash your full potential. Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz quest

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