Leading The Next Generation With Tim Elmore



Join Dr. Tim Elmore each month to discover the latest research and practical strategies on leading Millennials and Generation Z.


  • How to Make the Most of Your Brain Based on Your Generation

    22/09/2022 Duração: 36min

      Our brains develop a little like wet cement. Our neural pathways are very pliable in our first twenty years and begin to solidify afterward. It isn’t that people can’t change as adults, it’s just that change is more difficult as we age. Our world needs innovation, and at my age, most of that will come from the emerging generation, […]

  • How to Capitalize on the Younger Generations on Your Team

    08/09/2022 Duração: 29s

    Everyone has witnessed the culture wars. People in our society seem polarized over values and social issues. While I believe those battles are real, there’s a deeper issue at play that we have ignored. You might call it, “generational wars.” It’s happening every day in our workplaces. Good news: We now have an event that covers this topic for school campuses, as well as a new book coming out on October 25th, entitled: A New Kind of Diversity: Making the Different Generations on Your Team a Competitive Advantage. If you are a current partner of Growing Leaders and you are interested in hosting A New Kind of Diversity Event, please email partnerships@growingleaders.com. If you are not, please complete this registration form (have the link directly to the intake form). To pre-order the book, visit: NewDiversityBook.com.

  • How to Teach Social and Emotional Skills Without Being a Therapist, a Politician, or a Parent

    01/09/2022 Duração: 27min

    We view building social and emotional skills as an act of personal growth for kids and young adults all around the world. In fact, we believe students who cultivate emotional intelligence and social skills are more likely to be a positive influence on their world. They will be set up to solve problems and serve people. In this episode, Tim […]

  • Seven Challenges All Young Employees Can Grow From

    11/08/2022 Duração: 27min

    As “Help Wanted” signs on the windows of many establishments today have become more prevalent, it is important to consider the qualities young job seekers should learn when entering the job market. Too often, young adults don’t take entry-level positions because they feel those jobs are beneath them. In this episode, Tim and Andrew reflect on the early experiences that they had in their career that taught them lessons they may not have learned otherwise. Pick up a copy of Habitudes for New Professionals here.

  • Live In A Way Today That Will Help You Thrive Tomorrow with Carey Nieuwhof

    14/07/2022 Duração: 30min

    Carey Nieuwhof is a bestselling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, and former attorney. He hosts one of today’s most influential leadership podcasts. His podcast, blog, and online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times each month. He speaks around the world about leadership, personal growth, and change. Check out more about Carey Nieuwhof here. Pick up a copy of Carey’s latest book At Your Best here.

  • What We Should Say as Our Students Perform

    01/07/2022 Duração: 24min

    When kids are younger, parents often play the role of supervisor. They are right there on top of the issues. And they should be—young children need the support of their parents. As they age, parents must move to the role of consultants. Parents should still be involved and still be supportive but must allow kids to grow up and self-regulate. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss ways that parents can cultivate emotionally healthy kids and give action steps for parents to implement in their everyday parenting styles. Pick up a copy of 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid: Leading Your Kids to Succeed in Life **here.**

  • How Four Generations Differ in Their Approaches to Work

    16/06/2022 Duração: 32min

    The generational diversity we feel in our lives is not going away anytime soon. Because people are living and working longer, we will experience multiple generations on teams we may be a part of. To wish for a homogenous group of people to work with is wishing for a past that is long gone. In this episode, Tim and Andrew give advice on how we can build bridges rather than walls for newer and older generations. Pick up a copy of Generation Z Unfiltered by clicking here

  • The Foggy Day Effect: The Secret to Hitting your Target

    20/05/2022 Duração: 26min

    It is difficult to live a meaningful life without clear goals. Goals give us purpose. They give us energy. They give us motivation. In this episode, Tim and Andrew highlight one of our habitudes called “The Foggy Day Effect” and give real-world action steps on how we can set and stick to the goals we want to achieve in life. Access our Habitudes for SEL Curriculum by clicking here.

  • An Early Introduction to the Alpha Generation

    05/05/2022 Duração: 34min

    On Tuesday, May 31st at 12 noon ET, we will be hosting a webinar to launch our new eBook, “An Early Introduction to Generation Alpha.” In this webinar, you will hear from Dr. Elmore about the first research we’ve gathered on Generation Alpha -- the students born since 2016. After attending this webinar, you will receive a free copy of the eBook! You definitely won’t want to miss this. Register for the webinar here and get your copy of this new resource on Generation Alpha. You can read more about the cell phone agreement discussed in this podcast here. We hope that you find it useful!

  • Can We Do Something About Generation Z’s Depression?

    21/04/2022 Duração: 28min

    The American population seems polarized into at least two major camps, and several sub-camps regarding politics, vaccinations, masks, and other issues. The pandemic has stolen nearly a million lives in the United States. The economy has felt like a yo-yo, spiking and then plummeting. When Generation Z observes how out-of-control everything feels, you can’t blame them for feeling melancholy. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss how we can help children and young adults navigate a dangerous and chaotic world. Pick up a copy of Generation Z Unfiltered by clicking here.

  • One Secret Parents Can Use to Send the Best Versions of Their Kids to School

    14/04/2022 Duração: 20min

    When a family eats together, it demonstrates that family is the highest priority. While most agree with this, we often neglect it because we’ve jumped onto a hamster wheel, running to practices, rehearsals, games, recitals, and competitions. Rushing about together is not the same as pausing, eating, and interacting. We must avoid noise and clutter. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss the importance of sharing a meal together on our overall well-being. Access our Habitudes for SEL Curriculum by clicking here.    

  • Changing the Way We See Our Students

    07/04/2022 Duração: 24min

    When adolescents have nothing meaningful to do, they’ll create their own meaning. This can be good news or bad news, depending on what they come up with. For too long, parents, teachers, and coaches have only offered facsimiles of real-world experiences to teens. We’ve been afraid our kids will get hurt, be unsafe, be unready, and fail; and consequently, sheltered them from the very experiences that matured and developed past generations of adolescents. In this episode, Tim and Andrew talk about how we can implement real-world skills into the way we educate our students. Pick up a copy of Generation Z Unfiltered by clicking here.

  • Striking a Balance Between Boundaries and Sacrifice

    31/03/2022 Duração: 23min

    When someone establishes their boundaries, it is a trump card. What can anyone say to a person who declares they need to guard their time and mental health? Today, we all believe in boundaries. When we don’t establish boundaries, we often sacrifice something that boundaries often protect. Both sacrifice and boundaries are essential but too much sacrifice often leads to burnout; too many boundaries often lead to bailout. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss how we can balance the two and lead a life filled with stability. Pick up a copy of The Pandemic Population by clicking here.

  • The Relationship Between Resourcefulness and Resilience

    24/03/2022 Duração: 27min

    One of the saddest realities that surfaced from the COVID-19 pandemic was the loss of hope on the part of students. During this time of uncertainty, students are finding unhealthy and dangerous ways to cope. In this episode, Tim and Andrew explore the distinct relationship between resourcefulness and resiliency and present four messages students need to hear from their teachers and parents this year. This is a subject covered in our brand new eBook The Comeback Classroom: How Schools Can Model and Cultivate Resilience for Their Students -- You can access this eBook for free HERE.

  • The Top Ten Leadership Movies of 2021

    17/03/2022 Duração: 25min

    This past year, the theme of leadership was subtle but definitely present in many of the movies released in theaters and on streaming services. In this episode, Tim and Andrew offer you a list of the top leadership movies of 2021 and how we can all learn from them. Some are dramas, some are comedies, some are thrillers, and some are action adventures but they all showcase how leadership can present itself in an assortment of ways. Pick up a copy of The Eight Paradoxes of Great Leadership by clicking here.

  • A Commitment for Educators: Being Fully Present in the Moment

    10/03/2022 Duração: 25min

    We live in a culture with so many options, so much going on every moment of the day, that we get distracted. Our smartphones cause FOMO (the fear of missing out). Social media causes FOMU (the fear of messing up). We endure self-imposed pressures to get so much done each day that we feel compelled to multitask. Technology has made life more efficient, but it hasn’t removed this pressure. We only push ourselves to accomplish more. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss how slowing down and being fully present in the moment can help us live each moment to the fullest. Access our Habitudes for SEL Curriculum by clicking here.

  • One Positive Shift Millennials and Generation Z are Making Today

    02/03/2022 Duração: 25min

    Despite the turmoil, disruption, volatility, and uncertainty, why do we see young adults becoming more, not less, audacious? In a time when we’d assume they might cower in fear of the unknown, they are speaking up, quitting jobs, and bucking well-known traditions. In this episode, Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak explore why younger people are choosing control over caution in the new age.

  • How One Great Leader’s Story Inspires Us to Step Up Not Step Back

    24/02/2022 Duração: 25min

    People are resigning from their jobs in droves. By the millions. Inc. magazine reported on The Great Resignation, detailing the numbers; and they’re staggering. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss the lasting effects of the Great Resignation and how we all can navigate it using examples from the ones who came before us.

  • Seven Ideas to Help Students Overcome Cinderella Syndrome

    17/02/2022 Duração: 31min

    Millions of teens and young adults in Generation Z have been given the expectation that life should be pleasant, rewarding, and even fun each day. And when it is not, someone should swoop in and make it better. In this episode, Tim and Andrew discuss ways that we can help children combat Cinderella Syndrome and prepare for the real world […]

  • Let’s Talk About TikTok

    10/02/2022 Duração: 21min

    What if instead of barring our students from engaging in social platforms, we were instead building in them the skills they need to make those decisions themselves? In the case of both competencies, the answer begins with a conversation. In this episode, Tim and Andrew explore what it looks like to build skills that will help students make better decisions regarding social media.

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