Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast



The Top Rated Doctor Who Podcast. One fan, One mic and an opinion. What more does anyone need? Daleks, TARDIS, Cybermen, Sontarans, Ood, Classic Series. Home of Whostrology and the Big Finish Retrospective.


  • TDP 899: 257. Doctor Who: Interstitial / Feast of Fear from @BigFinish

    07/11/2019 Duração: 11min

    @TinDogPodcast Reviews This title was released in October 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until November 30th 2019, and on general sale after this date. Interstitial by Carl Rowens When the TARDIS is drawn off-course by temporal disruption, the Doctor and his companions discover a research facility conducting dangerous experiments. But how do you fight the future when time itself is being used as a weapon? Feast of Fear by Martyn Waites At the height of the Irish famine, a carnival travels the country bringing cheer to all they encounter. But it also brings something else along with them… and it already has the Doctor.

  • TDP 856: @BigFinish at 20 Ep07 MR71 The Council of Nicaea

    14/10/2019 Duração: 10min

    another 20 for 20 Houndsite this time talking @BigFinish at 20 Ep07 MR71 The Council of Nicaea     The year is 325AD. In the city of Nicaea, the first great Church council, called by the Roman Emperor Constantine, is due to begin. Here theology, philosophy and politics will be brought together for millennia to come. The Doctor, Peri and Erimem are there simply to watch events unfold. Gaps remain in the history books, and the Doctor has come to satisfy his curiosity. But none of them are ready for what greets them in Nicaea. Intrigue within the Imperial Palace has become violence on the streets. Mobs roam the alleyways and blood is spilt in the name of faith. Even in the face of murder and injustice though, the time travellers must force themselves to stay aloof. This is history, after all. Yet what is history to one person is the future to another. Is it possible for history to be rewritten? And if it can, can the Doctor afford to let it? THIS TITLE IS NOW OUT OF STOCK ON CD.        

  • TDP898: The Diary of River Song Series 06

    09/10/2019 Duração: 10min

    @Tindogpodcast reviews   This title was released in August 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until October 31st 2019, and on general sale after this date. River Song has many ways to amuse herself away from her husband. And with access to the Doctor’s diary, she knows exactly when he might be around, and when best to slip in unnoticed and liberate valuable trinkets… But first of all, she must ensure he makes it out of Totters Lane alive! 6.1 An Unearthly Woman by Matt Fitton Coal Hill School has a new member of staff: an educated woman, who seems to specialise in every subject. Meanwhile, teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright have concerns over the behaviour of one of their pupils. Susan Foreman is intrigued by Dr Song, but something else is stalking her in the darkness and fog of London, 1963… 6.2 The Web of Time by John Dorney The capital has been evacuated. Monsters stalk the Underground. For River, it’s the perfect opportunity to steal a priceless artwork, so l

  • TDP 897: 3. #Torchwood: Torchwood One - Latter Days

    06/10/2019 Duração: 08min

    @Tindogpodcast reviews  3. Torchwood: Torchwood One - Latter Days   This title was released in September 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until November 30th 2019, and on general sale after this date. Torchwood One continue to save the world - and most importantly, the Empire - from alien threats. 3.1 Retirement Plan by Gareth David-Lloyd Torchwood’s Head of Alien Acquisitions is retiring. But there’s something very wrong in the idyll of El Cielo. And it’s going to kill Ianto. 3.2. Locker 15 by Matt Fitton A mysterious force is wiping out Torchwood, and the only person who can save London is a cleaner called Dave. 3.3 The Rockery by Tim Foley Anne Hartman has retired to the country, which comes as a surprise to her daughter. Has Yvonne met a problem even she can’t solve?    

  • TDP 896: #DoctorWho Main Range -256 Tartarus

    03/10/2019 Duração: 08min

    @TinDogPodcast reviews #DoctorWho from @BigFinsh   This title was released in September 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until October 31st 2019, and on general sale after this date. 63BC. Following the overthrow of Catiline, Cicero and his wife retire to the coastal town of Cumae, safe from the threats of Rome. But when a stranger and his companions arrive at Cicero’s villa, new dangers lie in wait and Cicero finds himself plunged into a realm of gods and monsters. His only hope of returning home lies with a man known as the Doctor. But can Cicero trust him?

  • TDP 895: Torchwood Vigil from @bigfinish

    29/09/2019 Duração: 07min

    @tindogpodcast reviews  Torchwood Vigil from @bigfinish   This title was released in September 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until November 30th 2019, and on general sale after this date. Sebastian Vaughan is the brightest, newest recruit to Torchwood. He’s come from a very good family, an excellent school, and with a degree from the finest College. He’s the kind of person bred for Torchwood. Sebastian Vaughan is exactly the person Torchwood needs. He’s charming, he’s smart, and he’s good in a fight. He’s taken Torchwood’s other new recruit under his wing. With his help, Toshiko Sato will make something of herself and fit in at Torchwood. Sebastian Vaughan is dead. Toshiko Sato’s been given permission to bring his body home to give him the send-off he deserves. How will Torchwood cope without him?

  • TDP 894: 255 #DoctorWho: Harry Houdini's War from @Bigfinish

    26/09/2019 Duração: 07min

    @Tindogpodcast Reviews @Bigfinish   This title was released in September 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until October 31st 2019, and on general sale after this date. The world is at war, and Harry Houdini wants to fight for his adoptive country. He might get the chance, when an old friend crashes his New York show. The Doctor is on the trail of a Central Powers spy ring, which has somehow acquired unearthly technology. But he is also keeping a dangerous secret… Finding himself on the run behind enemy lines, the world’s greatest escape artist has to work out who he can trust – and fast.

  • TDP 893: Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon 1

    22/09/2019 Duração: 09min

    @TinDogPodcast Reviews   This title was released in September 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until November 30th 2019, and on general sale after this date. Rose Tyler’s world is ending. As she begins a desperate mission to find the one person who can make a difference, Rose discovers that it’s not only her universe at stake. Across alternate dimensions, parallel timelines – where divergences may be tiny or cataclysmic – every Earth is under threat. Time is running out, but Rose won’t stop searching until she finds the Doctor... 1.1 The Endless Night by Jonathan Morris As his parallel universe darkens, Pete Tyler has found a chance of survival. Punch a hole through dimensions and someone can jump through - and maybe find a way to the Doctor’s universe. On her very first trip, Rose visits an Earth that’s about to get colder. As a long night begins, Rose meets different versions of her parents. And one man who could help her search. His name is Clive… 1.2 The Flood by L

  • TDP 892: Space1999 01 - Breakaway From @BigFinish

    19/09/2019 Duração: 09min

    @TinDogPodcast Reviews    After the Apollo missions of the 1960s and early 1970s, space exploration was very nearly abandoned as public pressure mounted for money to be concentrated on problems down here on Earth. But, by a whisker, funding was granted for a base on the Moon. Greatly expanded, it became the international Moonbase Alpha we know today. 311 personnel serve in a perfect, self-sustaining, artificial environment - their mission statement: ‘to forward the frontiers of human knowledge and science’. Dateline: 13th September 1999. The interplanetary Meta Probe is due to be launched from a platform orbiting the Moon. What could possibly go wrong?

  • TDP 891 : Doctor Who MR 254 Doctor Who: Emissary of the Daleks from @BigFinish

    15/09/2019 Duração: 10min

    This title was released in August 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until September 30th 2019, and on general sale after this date. On the planet Omnia, a young man leads the Doctor and Peri through the battle-scarred ruins of a city. Among the rubble he shows them proof that their invaders and new masters, thought to be invincible, can be defeated. The proof is the blasted, burnt-out remains of a Dalek. But this is a Dalek-occupied world like few others. For one thing, there are few Daleks to be seen. And for another, the Daleks have appointed an Omnian, Magister Carmen Rega, to govern the planet as their emissary. Why are the Daleks not present in force? And can the Doctor and Peri risk helping the Omnians, when the least show of resistance will be met with devastating reprisals from space?

  • TDP 890: Torchwood Hope (Fixed)

    10/09/2019 Duração: 11min

    fixed   This title was released in August 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until October 31st 2019, and on general sale after this date. Megwyn Jones is one of the most hated women in Britain. She used to run a home for troubled children in an isolated part of Snowdonia called The Hope. For a long time there were rumours about what was happening there, and then one day it was realised that the children had gone missing. Ever since, Megwyn’s kept her peace. Is she innocent? Is she guilty? Where are the bodies? The years have been long and hard on Megwyn and on the families of the children. But now Megwyn’s dying, and she’s agreed to go back to The Hope, to reveal the horrible secret she’s kept all these years.

  • TDP 889: Legacy of time 6. Collision Course by Guy Adams from @BigFinish

    31/08/2019 Duração: 09min

    6. Collision Course by Guy Adams Fallout from the temporal distortions has now reached Gallifrey. To find the cause, Leela and Romana remember travels with the Fourth Doctor to the same world, at different times. The enemy is revealed, and it may take more than one Doctor to prevent the destruction of everything! An eight-disc CD set, with a limited edition pressing of just 4,000 

  • TDP 888: Legacy of Time 5. The Avenues of Possibility by Jonathan Morris from @BigFinish

    29/08/2019 Duração: 10min

    5. The Avenues of Possibility by Jonathan Morris DI Patricia Menzies is used to the strange, but even she is surprised when the eighteenth century itself falls onto her patch. Fortunately, she has the founders of modern policing to help with her enquiries. And when the Sixth Doctor and Charley arrive, they find armed and hostile forces trying to change Earth history forever.

  • TDP 887 : Legacy of time 4. Relative Time by Matt Fitton gtom @BigFinish

    27/08/2019 Duração: 10min

    4. Relative Time by Matt Fitton Disaster strikes inside the Time Vortex, and the Fifth Doctor is thrown together with someone from his future… someone claiming to be his daughter! Kleptomaniac Time Lord, the Nine, believes it’s his chance to steal something huge. But Jenny just wants her dad to believe in her.

  • TDP 886: Legacy of time 3. The Sacrifice of Jo Grant by Guy Adams from @BigFinish

    25/08/2019 Duração: 10min

    3. The Sacrifice of Jo Grant by Guy Adams When pockets of temporal instability appear in a Dorset village, UNIT are called in. Soon, Kate Stewart and Jo Jones find themselves working alongside the Third Doctor, while Osgood battles to get them home. But this isn’t the first time UNIT has faced this threat. Only before, it seems that Jo Grant didn’t survive...

  • TDP 885: Legacy of time 2 - The Split Infinitive by John Dorney from @BigFinish

    23/08/2019 Duração: 09min

    2. The Split Infinitive by John Dorney A criminal gang appears to have recruited a member with time-bending powers. It’s a case for the Counter-Measures team – in the 1960s and the 1970s! The Seventh Doctor and Ace have their work cut out to save the day twice over, and make sure Gilmore, Rachel and Allison don’t collide with their past, or their future.

  • TDP 884: Legacy of Time 1 Lies in Ruins by James Goss

    11/08/2019 Duração: 13min

    Time is collapsing. Incidents of chaos and devastation are appearing throughout the lives of one Time Lord and his many friends – all fallout from one terrible disaster. From Earth’s past and present to timeless alien worlds, from the cloisters of Gallifrey into the Vortex itself... The Doctor must save universal history – and he needs all the help he can get. 1. Lies in Ruins by James Goss On a strange ruined world, a renowned archaeologist opens an ancient tomb. Only to find another archaeologist got there first. Professors Summerfield and Song unite to solve a mystery. Then the Eighth Doctor arrives, and things really become dangerous. Because their best friend isn’t quite the man River and Benny remember…

  • TDP 880: Lives of Caprtain Jack Vol 2 from @Bigfinish

    07/08/2019 Duração: 10min

    This title was released in June 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until August 31st 2019, and on general sale after this date. Captain Jack Harkness - time-travelling con-man, saviour of the Earth, and intergalactic adventurer. He has lived many lives. Here are three more of them. 2.1 Piece of Mind by James Goss When the Sixth Doctor falls dying into his arms, Jack must carry on in his place. Is the universe ready for a whole new kind of Doctor? 2.2 What Have I Done? by Guy Adams On the battlefields of World War I, something is hunting in the trenches. Jack must try and save the life of a wounded soldier. 2.3 Driving Miss Wells by James Goss Alien invasions, stolen planets and burning skies - Newsreader Trinity Wells used to tell everyone the world was ending. One day she stopped believing it. Will her new chauffeur change her mind?

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