Evangelical Disciple



Fr. Craig Vasek and Fr. Bryan Kujawa are two priests from the Diocese of Crookston in northern Minnesota


  • (Fr. Bryan) 03/31/19 Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

    01/04/2019 Duração: 12min

    Homily from the 4th Sunday in Lent. The Israelites enter into the Promised Land and the Lord stops giving them manna. He has something far better for them.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 03/24/19 Looking Inside

    25/03/2019 Duração: 18min

    Homily from the 3rd Sunday in Lent. Looking back into the Old Testament, our passage from First Corinthians makes more sense... And it reveals a lot to us about what we are to become.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 03/17/19 Jesus, the Fulfillment of the Covenant

    18/03/2019 Duração: 17min

    Homily from the 2nd Sunday in Lent. The Lord establishes a covenant with Abram. Then he reveals that Jesus has come to fulfill all things.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 03/10/19 To the Desert!

    11/03/2019 Duração: 17min

    Homily from the 1st Sunday in Lent. Jesus goes to the desert to show us the purpose of the Christian life. Let's go with him.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 03/06/19 Ash Wednesday

    07/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    Homily from Ash Wednesday. Jesus talks about those who are merely pretending. Our invitation is to set aside our own pretending and make a recommitment to being a real disciple of Jesus.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 02/24/19 The Golden Rule: Naturally and Spiritually

    25/02/2019 Duração: 18min

    Homily from the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time. How often do we really dissect the Golden Rule? What does it mean to do to others as you would have them do to you?

  • (Fr. Bryan) 02/10/18 Being Saved

    11/02/2019 Duração: 18min

    Homily from the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. St. Paul encourages the Corinthians to stand fast in the Gospel they have received, in which they are being saved. We look at various passages in Scripture that talk about the possibility of being cut off from the Kingdom of God.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 02/03/19 Looking Beneath the Surface

    04/02/2019 Duração: 22min

    Homily from the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus is rejected by his hometown people. Why? They refused to open their spiritual senses to see beneath the surface of his life.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 01/27/19 Return from Exile

    28/01/2019 Duração: 16min

    Homily from the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Israelites returned from exile and wept when they heard the law read to them. Do we weep over our own sins?

  • (Fr. Bryan) 01/20/19 Ordered to the Lord

    21/01/2019 Duração: 15min

    Homily from the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time is a season for us to order our lives according to the will of God. This particular time is for us to order our lives and prepare for a deeper clean when Lent comes.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 01/13/19 Grace of Epiphany

    14/01/2019 Duração: 20min

    Homily from the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The Epiphany is traditionally linked to three events: the Magi, the Baptism, and the Wedding at Cana. Each of the events reveals something deeper about Jesus. We need his grace to truly encounter him.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 12/30/18 Your Family is Meant to be...

    31/12/2018 Duração: 18min

    Homily from the Feast of the Holy Family. We learn from the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph that our families are meant to be holy like them. We can look to the ideals of the Church to discover some foundational characteristics every family should strive for.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 12/25/18 The Invasion

    26/12/2018 Duração: 17min

    Homily from the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord. What, exactly, are we celebrating at Christmas? An invasion.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 12/23/18 Practicing Lectio Divina

    24/12/2018 Duração: 17min

    Homily from the 4th Sunday in Advent. Here's a little practicum on praying with the Scriptures.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 12/17/18 Fulfilled Promises

    17/12/2018 Duração: 16min

    Homily from the 3rd Sunday in Advent. John the Baptist preaches good news to the people, simply because he preaches the Word of God. The Lord fulfills a promise to prepare his people for the day of the Lord. He will fulfill his promises to us that he will come again.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 12/09/18 Make It Easy for Him

    10/12/2018 Duração: 13min

    Homily from the 2nd Sunday of Advent. The Lord has made it easy for us to come to him. Now it's time for us to make it easy for him to come to us.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 12/03/18 The Arrival

    03/12/2018 Duração: 11min

    Homily from the 1st Sunday in Advent. The Lord invites us to prepare for his arrival. He said he would come again to judge the living and the dead. Will we be found ready for him?

  • (Fr. Bryan) 11/25/18 King of Truth

    26/11/2018 Duração: 15min

    Homily from the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Jesus has come to testify to the truth, thus casting out all lies. He wants to reign over all.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 11/18/18 Message for the Lay Faithful in a Time of Scandal

    18/11/2018 Duração: 14min

    Homily from the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We are in a dark time in the Catholic Church. It seems like it's not the pope's priority to help us heal from sexual abuse, and it seems like the bishops can't agree on much of anything. All clergy have lost their credibility. What are the lay faithful to do? Turn to Jesus, who is entirely trustworthy.

  • (Fr. Bryan) 11/11/18 A Gift that Honors God

    12/11/2018 Duração: 16min

    Homily from the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus points out the widow who offered the smallest gift as the one worth imitating. Why? Because she is the one who honors God the most by offering her whole livelihood. She recognizes the providential care of the Lord.

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