Mugglecast: The Harry Potter Podcast



MuggleCast is the most-listened to Harry Potter podcast online, and the only one to release on a regular and timely schedule. Pioneering the Harry Potter podcast phenomenon in August 2005, MuggleCast has continued to bring its listeners the most entertaining and thought-provoking discussions. With each new episode we discuss everything Harry Potter: the latest news, the Potter books, Fantastic Beasts, The Cursed Child, and more!


  • 70: Episode #70: Goodbye 2006

    30/12/2006 Duração: 01h43min

    In order to entertain you this New Year, we discuss all of the highlights of 2006! We regale one another with all the laughter, touching moments, and practical jokes we’ve shared. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, hotels don’t give out iPod fans for free in the lobby! Did any of us actually fulfill our New Year’s Resolutions? For the billionth time, we ponder a 2007 release for Deathly Hallows. The moment you’ve all been waiting for: the premiere of Andrew’s Wizard Rock single! As promised, we feature your variety remixes: “What’s Coming” “12 Days of MuggleCast” “Love Room” All this and more on this special New Year’s edition of MuggleCast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 69: Episode #69: The Beginning of the End

    22/12/2006 Duração: 01h19min

    HOLY CRAP! Forget about Christmas, there’s a Book 7 title! We discuss what the “Deathly Hallows” could be. Are they the remaining Horcruxes? Does this title encompass the theme of the series as a whole? Is there a connection with the murder of Lily and James on Halloween? Will we see Book 7 in 2007 after all? Micah predicts October 31st. You hear that, Jo? Andrew tries to interpret Jo’s HP dream. Somehow this turns into analyzing life as she writes the final book. We dream of each other. Jamie presents a plethora of puns and jokes. We each discuss what we’ll be doing in the coming week to celebrate the holidays. Have a happy and safe Holiday! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 68: Episode #68: A Dream, A Hope, A Wish

    17/12/2006 Duração: 01h01min

    The one and only Dylan Spartz (now 100% legal) joins the show. We listen and comment on a Fox 5 report concerning Laura Mallory and her appeal to have the Potter books banned from Gwinnett County schools. Andrew gives us an update on his wizard rock band. We delve into the world of the Hogwarts founders. Did all turmoil in the wizarding world arise from poking a sleeping dragon? Why would Gryffindor be friends with Slytherin? What happened between them? Does Hogwarts have a mind of its own? How was Slytherin able to create the Chamber of Secrets without the other founders knowing? Just how closely related are pureblooded wizarding families? “Favorites” makes a comeback, during which Laura provides insight on her secret fondness for violence. Dylan gives an inspirational quote. (Or does he…?) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 67: Episode #67: Responsibility

    10/12/2006 Duração: 01h17min

    Happy Birthday, Jamie! (You’re OLD!) Use extreme caution when playing in bouncy castles. We put faith in our listeners, meaning we don’t double-check their facts. Dementors breeding? Ewwwwww. How much of Draco will we see in OOTP? Jamie chokes, Andrew crashes, and we can’t think of an adequate tale for Ben. A discussion on traitors and innocent characters leads us into some other areas of interest: Is McGonagall a spy? Will Ginny be used as a traitor in book 7? What happens when a Horcrux is destroyed, but a fraction of it resides inside of a host? Could Draco build up enough hatred to AK anyone? Will Micah survive the terrible accident Kevin predicts will befall him? Bill Clinton plays the saxophone? We announce the winner of Andrew’s listener challenge for the month of November! Bloopers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 66: Episode #66: Not A Man, Not A Woman

    03/12/2006 Duração: 01h29min

    We’re angry! Rawr! WB uses a clip from Goblet of Fire in the OOTP teaser trailer. Our conclusion: WB is cheap! Could Ginny have seen Myrtle die through Riddle’s diary? Was the stone basin Dumbledore drank out of a Pensieve? When will we hear from Viktor Krum again? Is the goblin tiara the Horcrux from Ravenclaw? What are Dementors classified as? Were Luna’s parents in the Order? Will Harry change his Patronus? How could a werewolf be killed? Would AK not work? Where would a wizard find a silver bullet? How long will Harry spend at the Dursleys in Book Seven? Is Luna a seer? How stable is Vernon and Petunia’s relationship? Dudley’s greatest fear: Petunia in an Unbreakable Vow? An update on Robin’s Challenge. Crackpot Theory of the Week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 65: Episode #65: Snape's Boggart is Shampoo

    26/11/2006 Duração: 01h16min

    Andrew makes a big career-changing announcement. We talk about the latest OOTP developments. Eric and Micah give their thoughts on the trailer. Why was Dobby left out? An explanation for why they changed the writing on Harry’s hand. Azkaban prison’s location: good or bad? HBO: First glimpses of Bellatrix and Evanna Lynch in action. Andrew and Kevin interview two creators of the OOTP video game. Rebuttals concerning Voldemort being evil. Did Snape not want to reveal his own boggart in the staffroom? Why did Dumbledore have different people deliver notes to Harry in Half-Blood Prince? Older listeners: reveal yourselves! Dumbledore/Norris Facts. Two British Jokes. An update on the McDonald’s challenge. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 64: Episode #64: The Good Side of Voldemort

    20/11/2006 Duração: 01h11min

    The co-hosts express their dismay at this very slow news week. Actually, it was just MuggleNet being broken for two days. Everyone discusses the trailer highlights. Dumbledore being cool. Snape + Harry = some awesome Occlumency scenes. …Or very bad Occlumency scenes, says Kevin. Harry and Cho kiss! Teehee giggle giggle! The OOTP promotional poster. Main Discussion: Evil and how it relates to Voldemort in HP. Do we think Voldemort is evil only because we sympathize with Harry? He was born evil, so did he really have a choice to be good? The hosts present real-life scenarios of bad choices people make. British Joke. Ben gives us a small P.O. Box Update. Next week: Your OOTP game questions answered! Coming soon: the return of voicemails! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 63: Episode #63: Ketchup Only

    12/11/2006 Duração: 01h01min

    Jo ranks #5 in top UK fan bases. We don’t endorse the leaking of the trailer online… But feel free to purchase tickets to another movie and sit on the “Happy Feet” previews! Main Discussion: The Forbidden Forest. Is Hagrid the only one who goes in there? Why is it “forbidden”? Did it become this way because of Aragog? Could Voldemort be hiding a Horcrux there? Is Sirius’s bike keeping the Ford Anglia company? What are Aragog’s kids up to? The Dueling Club makes a comeback with Snape vs. Hermione! First Podcast Alley, now… national elections? Listener Challenge: MuggleCast-ify your local McDonald’s. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 62: Episode #62: Allegedly Loony

    05/11/2006 Duração: 01h06min

    The crew discusses the latest update to Jo’s site. A third title?! What could this mean? Apology for the Gilmore Girls comment. We figure out a new way to stay safe against criticism. Listener rebuttals on Peeves. Main Discussion: Luna Lovegood. Is she related to Ollivander? Lupin? Is she as “Loony” as everyone makes her out to be? Her relationship with Harry and the comfort she provides him. Considering that she does not seem to fear death, will Luna be a pivotal character in Book 7? Why is she such a social outcast? Is the Veil a Lethifold? The Missing Day…explained? Is Jo telling us something with the birthday announcements on her site? Voicemails return. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 61: Episode #61: Royal Tannenbaum

    31/10/2006 Duração: 01h14min

    This week we welcome you to the show with our sweet new intro. Why is WB so adamant about keeping the movies 2 1/2 hours long? Check out MuggleNet’s new book,’s What Will Happen In Harry Potter 7. Probably Prophecy! (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) Jamie’s lack of Halloween enjoyment as a child explains his bitter disposition as an adult. Main Discussion: Ghosts, Poltergeists, and Ghouls, oh my! How should we take Nearly Headless Nick’s advice to Harry at the end of OOTP? What’s with the Bloody Baron, and why is he so… bloody? Was the Grey Lady inspired by the ghost of Lady Jane Grey, who haunts the Tower of London? Could Dumbledore get rid of Peeves? Does Professor Binns know anything crucial about Voldemort? Debate: Halloween is a morally vapid holiday, which encourages delinquency. Andrew and Jamie vs. Micah and Laura. Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul. Laura Mallory update. British/Halloween joke. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 60: Episode #60: Where Is The Love?

    22/10/2006 Duração: 01h39min

    Eric enlightens us as to how Dumbledore could be a hairless Demiguise. Sadly, we will not be getting blimps from the Australia Nick Kids’ Choice Awards. Jamie knows his French better than he was given credit for last week. Listener Rebuttals twist our brains with more time talk. Main Discussion: Department of Mysteries finale discussion. Why was the Ministry so easy to infiltrate? Did Ron suffer any long-lasting damage from the attack by the brain? Eric’s brain isn’t worthy to float in the “think tank”. We’re heating it up in the “love room”. Seven doors…? Andrew can’t count. MuggleCast dating service a success! Er… sort of. Laura gives some friendly advice… …while Ben says “dump him.” Debate: Should the ban on underage wizardry be lifted? Andrew & Laura vs. Eric. Attention Jamie fangirls: Blame the Easy Button for the lack of Brit. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 59: Episode #59: Time To Talk Time

    14/10/2006 Duração: 01h03min

    Purchase yer MuggleCast t-shirts! Transcripts are up to date. Episode 57 is finally released. This week’s main discussion: Time. What kind of control does the Ministry have over it? Can anyone with the right tools change time? Is the Time-turner the only device that can affect time? Will time play a role in Book 7? Why is it so important that you are not seen when traveling back in time? A second attempt to call Laura Mallory: Andrew pushes for an interview. Blooper: This Week in Steck. We’ll have more of our regular HP-related segments back next week. Information on MySpace hosting concerts for Darfur aid Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 58: Episode #58: Siriusly Back

    07/10/2006 Duração: 01h16min

    Spy on Spartz kicks off the show. Ben addresses a listener’s concern. We celebrate our big win at the 2006 Podcast Awards. Micah makes yet another request of Jo. This time, he’s 100% sure it’s going to happen. Our main discussion this week is the Veil. Has Ginny seen anyone die? How can Sirius come back? Andrew makes a pun! A small discussion about Laura Mallory leaves us so angry that we try to give her a call. This week’s HUH?! is from YouTube. Chicken Soup. After 58 episodes, Micah finally buys an iPod. Blooper: Jamie’s attempt at recording the show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 57: Episode #57: This Episode is Outdated

    18/09/2006 Duração: 55min

    Lots of empty promises Too many bad jokes Ben and Jamie’s Subway Challenge Embarrassingly late name introductions A 4-week old birthday wish Character Discussion: Aunt Petunia Is Aunt Petunia a Squib? Where’s the love for Lily and Harry? Where did Petunia get all this info about the magical world? What is Dudley afraid of? What would Harry’s boggart be? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 56: Episode #56: Getting Results

    17/09/2006 Duração: 01h02min

    Listener Rebuttals talk about last week’s Butterbeer and our Voldemort VS Dumbledore discussion. What’s Buggin’ Micah gets results! Don’t believe it was Micah? Andrew finds a hint Jo dropped. Our main discussion: Why did James give Dumbledore the invisibility cloak? Micah’s getting bugged again… look out! Send in the top 10 items on Dumbledore’s will. Dumbledore/Norris Facts. Voicemails concerning Home-schooling, Lily’s Eyes, and Fawkes. Dating Service update. The winner of last week’s song contest. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 55: Episode #55: Libraries For All

    10/09/2006 Duração: 01h32min

    Two-Way Mirror Listener Rebuttals. A mai- discussion for you this week! Does the magical abilities of Dumbledore and Voldemort differ from the rest of the wizarding community? Crackpot Theory of the Week. Eric’s useless! He fails at life! He calls himself a fan?! Another Editorial Discussion with Brandon Ford. Laura, Micah, and Brandon discuss what Wormtail could be up to, Dumbledore’s death, and more. A new segment titled “What’s Buggin’ Micah?” shows a new side of our news man. More Dumbledore/Norris facts. The return of Gimme a Butterbeer. HUH?! Comment of the Week. One long blooper where Ben goes through Moundridge High to see what his fellow classmates think of Potter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 54: Episode #54: Pickles and Tea Parties

    03/09/2006 Duração: 01h23min

    Read the winning California lyrics here! PO Box Update. Click here to see the sketch of the MuggleCasters. Our new catch-phrase: Pickle. We learn Jamie can talk really-really-super-super-lyk-omg fast. California song winners and the sketch will be posted soon! Main Discussion: the Two-Way Mirror. Our brand new debate segment: SHOULD Hogwarts stay open? The group takes sides and goes at it. More Dumbledore/Norris Facts. See Walker Texas Ranger on Conan right here. Crackpot Theory of the Week. A spur-of-the-moment British Joke of the Day. The truth behind the other Potter podcasts. Celine Dion or Savage Garden? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 53: Episode #53: Eric-tastic

    27/08/2006 Duração: 01h09min

    Rupert intros the show! He’s got something for Micah next week. Guess who’s featured in the newspaper for being the coolest. person. ever. Listener Rebuttals tackle last week’s heavy discussion. Character Discussion: Aberforth Dumbledore. Goats. Riiiight. Reading, PA is about to get a bad reputation. We try our hand at a new crackpot-theory segment, but we need your help! A few voicemails. Jamie hurt his back. Dumbledore/Norris Facts. Andrew’s ‘HUH?!’ E-mail of the Week. The verdict from the Easy Button: That WAS easy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 52: Episode #52: O'MuggleCasters

    20/08/2006 Duração: 54min

    MuggleNet staffer Claire joins us as a co-host. Any takers on a MuggleCast dating service? New T-shirts are on the way! “Squares” and “MicBolt” are almost out of stock. They’re going in the Disney vault forever! US writing a book? Pure blasphemy! Main Discussion: Defense Against the Dark Arts. What happened to all its teachers prior to SS? Was there more to Lupin leaving the position? Snape as the DADA teacher. Who will teach it in HP7? Lots and lots of voicemails. New Dumbledore/Norris facts. “Huh?!” E-mail of the Week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 51: Episode #51: Gryffravenhufflerin

    13/08/2006 Duração: 01h09min

    Ben is truly dedicated to the show. …but Jamie thinks his recording circumstances are even more dedicated. Listener Rebuttals “Too much music!” cries Andrew. What’s up with Harry’s eyes? Has Lily given Harry some sort of eye barrier? It’s like when a piece of dirt hits your contact lense. “Uhh…Not really,” says Eric. The deal with black and gray eyes mentioned in the books. Who was at Godric’s Hollow the night Lily and James were killed? Will Harry become an auror? A podcasting first: Ben drives and podcasts! Andrew scares a girl at the charity reading. A caller gives us a great theory on Snape being good. We try to do something bold and talk about the latest HP news. Are Lucky Charms REALLY lucky? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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