The New Man



Advice for Men to Align Career, Sex, Relationships, and Money


  • This Doc Wants to Wake Your Ass Up – ZDoggMD Zubin Damania

    03/08/2021 Duração: 42min

    If you speak the truth could you lose your career? Is there more to life than striving for something we don’t already have? Dr. Zubin Damania aka ZDogg MD aka Doc Vader on breaking the mold, playfulness, and waking up. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at

  • Imposter Syndrome – Is it You Against the World?

    21/07/2021 Duração: 16min

    Ever feel like it’s you against the world? Does imposter syndrome give you the sense that at any moment it’s all gonna come crashing down? And how does this pressure to perform put us in a version of hell? Today we talk about pressure, perfectionism, and why we need to tune into our bigger selves to pull us out of hell. In this video: Dealing with pressure, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome Always needing to “get it right” How protecting, pleasing, proving makes us weaker Getting out of our fearful, prey mindset Accessing our deeper, higher selves You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass

  • How to Develop Anti-Fragile Confidence (Part 3) – Brian Johnson

    06/07/2021 Duração: 45min

    Are you focused on what’s important or just trying to put out fires? Do you ever get overwhelmed by all of the ideas in books and podcasts? And what does it mean to be ruthless? Optimize force of nature and CEO Brian Johnson and I catch up after his new venture, Heroic made history by becoming the first company to raise $5 million through crowdfunding. Today, we discuss dealing with pressure, distractions, and developing anti-fragile confidence. FWIW, this conversation took place after I had to reschedule because the 5G vaccine nano-bots hijacked my brain. Let’s dive in. In this interview: When the finish line is really a starting line Dealing with pressure The importance of a big “why” Finding the sweet spot for your big goal How do you train a hero? Plus: What’s the game you’re playing? How to deal with doubt Developing anti-fragile confidence Dealing with discomfort Does discomfort mean you’re on the wrong path? And: Self-betrayal and grinding vs self-alignment and grit What if the thing that scare

  • How to Level Up Without Burning Out – Steven Kotler (The Art of Impossible)

    23/06/2021 Duração: 41min

    Are you trying to achieve the impossible or just get through the week? What are the necessary keys for turning your work into play? And is grinding yourself to a pulp really the best way to accomplish a big goal? Best selling author and Flow Research Collective guru, Steven Kotler returns to discuss his new book, The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer. Today we explore the basics of peak performance, burn out, and goals. Whether you’re trying to change the world or just get through a lousy week — these are the keys to leveling up without burning out. In this interview: How to level up without burning out What is peak performance? What are the two types of impossible? Why is a good mood so important? Is grinding the best way to accomplish a big goal? Plus: How much meditation and exercise is needed to regulate your nervous system? How can you ensure that you don’t burnout? What are the 4 elements driving peak performance? What are the keys to setting goals? How do you know when your day is done?

  • What if Surrender is the Opposite of Defeat? – Kute Blackson (The Magic of Surrender)

    09/06/2021 Duração: 54min

    Are you fixated on who you should be or who you truly are? Are you exhausted from trying to control so many things that seem out of your control? And what if your goals are really just lies rooted in fears and wounds? Kute Blackson returns to discuss his latest book, The Magic of Surrender. Today we dive into the crazy belief that it’s us against the universe, and we’ll learn why the key to putting on our big boy pants is embracing the unknown. In this interview: What is surrender? Feeling exhausted from trying to control life Hustling and forcing what we want What’s trying to happen without your control? What’s in the middle between controlling everything and doing nothing? Plus: How is surrender like surfing? What is life trying to create through you? What keeps us stuck in our own prison? How is your pain or frustration information? What has us seek drama or toxic BS? And: Do you have a sickening feeling that you’re living a lie? How is life our classroom? Have you outgrown your current level in life

  • How to Stop Bitching and Create What You Want – Shana James, MA

    26/05/2021 Duração: 46min

    Does your partner give you a hard time because you want more sex? Do you blame your work or family for getting in the way of what has you feel alive? And what do power and pleasure have to do with us becoming grumpy old men? Shana James has coached many guys over the years through the intersection between owning our power and having the experiences we most want. She’s got a new book called Power and Pleasure: A Man’s Guide to Becoming a More Confident and Satisfied Lover and Leader. Today we talk about how to shift our mindset from frustration into greater aliveness and fun. In this interview: What is pleasure? Is power about dominance? Being responsible vs having fun “What do I actually enjoy?” Why all of us have a bit of “nice guy syndrome” Seeing frustration as information Plus: Feeling guilty about wanting more pleasure What’s your role in your level of unhappiness? Waiting for someone to tell you what to do Are you a bad husband or father if you want time for yourself? Are you afraid to bring what y

  • Psychedelics and Getting Out of Your Own Way — Will Van Derveer, MD

    11/05/2021 Duração: 54min

    If you were wearing blinders, how would you know? What if your perspective on the world — instead of the world itself — was the thing truly holding you back? And why do some psychedelics have such a profound, lasting impact when combined with certain types of therapy? Dr. Will Van Derveer returns to discuss the pros and cons of psychedelic-assisted therapy as well as the possibilities for those of us who want to challenge our limitations. In this interview: Michael Pollan’s How to Change Your Mind The pros vs the “Backyard Shamans” Who’s a candidate for psychedelic assisted therapy? Understanding the ‘default mode network’ The problem with meditation and ayahuasca retreats Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Dick Schwartz Plus: What’s it like to take ketamine? What are the legalities of psychedelics? What is ketamine and how does it impact the mind? Neuroplasticity and changing the brain What makes these changes stick? Antidepressants vs dealing with the root cause

  • Is Believing in God Dangerous? — Jamie Wheal, Recapture the Rapture


    Is it dangerous to believe in god or something bigger than yourself? What do Mars colonization, cults, and the pursuit of heavenly salvation have in common? And why are so many of us feeling spiritually lost? Jamie Wheal is the co-author of Stealing Fire and the executive director of the Flow Genome Project. He’s returned to discuss his latest book, Recapture the Rapture. Today we talk about the world’s crisis of meaning, why groups sometimes make us dumber, and trying to fill the god-shaped hole in our hearts. In this interview: Rabbi Zalman Shachter, LSD, and being a Jew Trying to ignore our faith When Buddha, Lao Tzu, and other traditions don’t fit Why so many of us long for god Being “cosmic-orphans” Plus: Why we’re in a “meaning crisis” Our longing to escape the grind of life The power of the death-rebirth experience Communities that mean good but go bad Why cults are a feature of being human Do we get dumber as members of a group?

  • Go From Poopy-Pants to Power — Tripp Lanier


    Tired of feeling uninspired or “meh?” Tired of hearing yourself bitch and complain? And why do we choose to “cover our ass, kiss ass, or prove we’re not an ass?” In this short video, we explore a simple process to use our mood to our advantage. In this episode: Why do moods matter? What causes our moods? Why are we giving up our power? The 3 step process to shift a lousy mood into empowering action Why do we choose to “cover our ass, kiss ass, or prove we’re not an ass?” You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play

  • Aren’t We All a Little Crazy? Mental Illness to Peak Performance — Keith Kurlander


    What if your normal level of stress, anxiety, or depression didn’t have to be normal? Do you feel like you’re using work, alcohol, or something else to outrun the uncomfortable thoughts in your head? And how can we use our stress and darkness to help us live a more full, rewarding life? Before Keith Kurlander became a founder of the Integrative Psychiatry Center, he struggled with serious mental health issues. He ran away from the promise of a highly lucrative life on Wall Street to find relief on a path which took many, many turns. He worked with everyone from yoga teachers to therapists to meds to shamans to psychedelics to you name it. He tried it. But none of those approaches alone worked for him. These days he’s dialed in his brain, his body, and his behaviors and his life is back on track. So what worked? What had him go from struggling to get off the couch to being a husband and father leading two companies today? Today we explore his story and the reality that all of us deal with some form of

  • Build Confidence: There is No Secret Sauce — Tripp Lanier


    Do you struggle to follow through on the stuff you know you need to be doing? Do you get “shiny object syndrome” and change course too often? And do you fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others or putting folks on a pedestal? In this video, I share the story of a coaching client who used his business to transform his mindset and become more confident in the process. In this video: Lacking follow through on the important things Shiny object syndrome — switching strategies Comparing ourselves to others Putting others on a pedestal Looking for the “secret sauce”, hacks, or cheat codes Also: Building confidence through consistency Staying the course Making sure goals don’t drive you into the ground Getting through the tough stuff The key to peace of mind You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily

  • How Do You Deal with Criticism? (Part 2) – Brian Johnson


    Are you following the herd or taking the lead? What’s driving your chronic dissatisfaction and frustration? And how can rubbing people the wrong way be an indicator that you’re on the right track? Heroic Public Benefit Corporation founder, Brian Johnson returns for part 2 in our series. Today we talk about trolls, anger, and using our deep fear of being misunderstood for a greater good. When we see someone do the extraordinary, most of the time we only see the impressive outcomes while the gritty, uncomfortable, awkward stuff stays in the shadows. This series is a behind the scenes look as Brian undergoes his own hero’s journey to bring Heroic into the world. As a coach, I help people navigate this uncertain, challenging terrain everyday, and my hope is that by witnessing Brian’s ups and downs, we can take away some wisdom for our own journey’s. At the time of this recording, Brian’s raising $11 million to get the ball rolling, and Heroic stands to be the first company in history to raise $5 million thr

  • Competitive Mindset: Is There More to Life than Winning and Losing? — Tripp Lanier


    Make the most of your competitive mindset without turning life into a pissing match. Tips for dealing with the fear of missing out, losing, and that time I got diarrhea from the FSU vs Miami football game. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at

  • Is There More to Life Than Chasing Money or Importance? — Doc G


    Do you worry that you’re on the wrong path in life? Are you focused on goals and outcomes or doing what you actually enjoy? And what if there’s more to life than chasing money or the need to be important? Before Doc G became a writer and host of the Earn and Invest podcast, he was like many doctors. But after years spent chasing outcomes, money and building an ideal version of himself, he realized he was in a trap. Today we discuss how he reinvented his personal and professional life based on what gave him a sense of aliveness and meaning. We’ll also dive into our fixation on money, safety, and why death can be a wonderful teacher. In this interview: Is life forcing you to change? Who are you if you’re not chasing money? Joseph Campbell on feeling alive Doing things to prove we’re enough Why ego gets in the way of meaning or purpose Plus: Why Doc G got depressed once he was financially free Thinking if you were someone else you’d be free once and for all Redefining your life based on what brings alivenes

  • Winning Your Inner Civil War (Part 1) – Brian Johnson


    Do you have a sense that something is rumbling in your soul, trying to get out? Do you feel confused about who you are professionally? And are you waiting until you feel ready, or are you building the world you want to live in? Philosopher and CEO, Brian Johnson is back. This time he’s set his sights on an ambitious goal to create a company that will change the world. The Heroic Public Benefit Corporation is a platform that will provide the tools for optimal living as well as an online community that will become the answer to The Social Dilemma. At the time of this recording, Brian’s raising $11 million to get the ball rolling, and Heroic stands to be the first company in history to raise $5 million through crowdfunding. There’s so much more to his grand vision, and you can learn more by visiting Now if you’re like most of us, you may have a sense that there’s something calling you to the next level of your life. Perhaps you’re not clear about the role you’re supposed to play or may

  • Are You Selling Your Soul? — John Jantsch


    John Jantsch (The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur) discusses how our deeper values play a role in our success. If you’re tired of the typical, hyper-achievement BS that passes for business advice, then this conversation will be a breath of fresh air. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at

  • The Truth About Relationships – Neil Strauss (Replay)


    Neil Strauss (“The Truth”, “The Game”) discusses the gritty truth about his experiences with infidelity, sex rehab, sex clubs, open relationships — you name it. Enjoy this classic interview from The New Man Podcast with Tripp Lanier. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at

  • The Tools to Get Out of Your Own Way – Barry Michels (Replay)


    We revisit Barry Michels’ classic interview on The New Man Podcast. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at

  • Not Everybody Gets to Be King: The Mindset Difference Between a Leader and a Follower — Tripp Lanier


    Not everybody gets to be king. What’s the mindset difference between a leader and a follower? Are you a king hiding out as a knight? And how do we define success on our own terms? In this short lesson, we explore the major mindset differences between a leader and a follower. We discuss why so many of us are “kings in hiding,” as well as some practical tools to own our creative, visionary energy in service of something greater than ourselves. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want,

  • Motivation Beyond Fear: Underachievers vs Overachievers — Tripp Lanier


    Finding motivation beyond fear. Why underachievers and overachievers are typically driven by fear. Developing self leadership skills to get out of feast or famine and “never enough.” Also: turning pro, finding flow, and tips to follow through. You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play for what we truly want, to get over ourselves, and have a ton of fun along the way. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is now available at

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