Two Gomers Run For Their Lives



A podcast about two regular guys challenging themselves to live healthier, and inviting a Nation along for the run


  • Block 32: I’m Recovering


    Train hard. Overcome blocks. Run the race. But when do you get back out there? What steps do you take to do so in a healthy way? What if you’re injured? What do you eat so your body recovers well? And how can you avoid using your recovery as an…

  • Special: Live Moments from the Atlanta Half Marathon


    While we take a couple weeks off of full Runner’s Block eps, here’s a little treat: some live clips off Steven’s phone from the race. “Don’t lie to me, lady.” Missing your Gomer fix? Subscribe to the Bonus Disc, our second podcast, at There are over 100 episodes there,…

  • The Atlanta Half Marathon Race in Review: Part II – The Race


    Our in-person record concludes with our in-depth review of the Atlanta Half Marathon itself…and of course a TON of fun stuff along the way. Boy or boy, did we have to pee. Subscribe to the Bonus Disc, our second podcast, at Coming next week, an episode released from the…

  • The Atlanta Half Marathon Race in Review: Part 1 – The Pre-Race


    For the first time in over four years, we are in-person with one another, and for the first time in more years than that, Two Gomers Ran a Half Marathon! If you remember our race-in-review episodes, we always go way too long talking about everything we did before even stepping…

  • Block 31: The Pre-Race Jitters (2 Days to the Race)


    It’s race weekend, and we are feeling nervous about a whole host of things. So how can we conquer the block of the pre-race jitters and make it to the starting line confident and ready? We go to the listeners for help, reframe some fears, trust our training, breathe deep,…

  • Runner’s Block Roundup III


    It’s the Cliff’s Notes of Runner’s Block eps! As we approach our race at the end of the month we review Phase 3 – Blocks 21-30 – but more importantly, we remember all the things we’ve learned from facing each of those excuses head on. Plus a ton of fun…

  • Block 30: I Have COVID


    Should we talk about this? Of course we should! One of the Gomers got Covid, and it affected his running, so we face the block head-on and talk about ways to find health, even in the midst of it. Plus, we hear stories from listeners and how Covid impacted them…

  • Block 29: I Can’t Go Any Farther


    Sometimes on a run you feel like you can’t go one more step. Call it bonking, hitting a wall, or the point at which the body’s glycogen stores are depleted and the body starts to fatigue and burn fat – whatever you call it, it’s a major block! Steven reviews…

  • Block 28: Snow on Snow on Snow


    It’s been a while since we’ve taken a deep dive into an individual training run, and Anthony does that today – and it’s a BLAST (of sub-zero wind). We couch tips to face this winter-centric block inside Gomer1’s unique style of long-form story-telling, and it’s a great way to start…

  • 2022 OneWord Special: Part II


    The second half of our annual New Year tradition is here! We each choose one word in January that we want to define our year, and challenge our listeners to do the same. It’s Anthony’s turn, and after reviewing his 2021 word, Simplify, he reveals his 2022 word. Happy New…

  • 2022 OneWord Special: Part I


    Our annual New Year tradition is upon us! We each choose one word in January that we want to define our year, and challenge our listeners to do the same. Steven starts the our two-part year-opener by reviewing his word from last year, Create, and dealing with his feelings of…

  • Unlocked from the Bonus Disc: Is Hook a Perfect Movie? (with Kosmos Ververelli)


    While the guys take a couple weeks off for Christmas, enjoy this special episode, unlocked from our Patreon feed ( Oft discussed over the past 13 years, we finally put Spielberg’s least favorite movie on trial. Does it achieve Perfect status despite, or even because of, its flaws (á la…

  • Block 27: I’m Starting Behind


    Let’s face it, we all feel behind in some way. But behind whom? Or what? Who sets the standard behind which we find ourselves? And why is it so defeating? The guys tackle what it’s like to do something together – train for and run a long distance race –…

  • Block 26: But It’s the Holidays!


    For two guys who can make absolutely ANYTHING an excuse not to run, the holiday season offers a plethora of potential outs. So how can one keep exercising and eating right when everything – and everyone – around them is pulling them the opposite direction? Could this time actually be…

  • Block 25: Running is Boring


    We tackle a block we hear all the time…and decide whether it’s true and whether that’s a bad thing. Plus, can anyone help us figure out how to connect our headphones to our Apple Watches? We sincerely doubt it. Embrace the Boring! Happy Running! Our annual Gomer Christmas Party is…

  • Block 24: My Physical Health Had to Take a Backseat to My Mental Health (with Kristian Stanfill)


    Dove Award-winning artist Kristian Stanfill joins the Gomers to talk optimal seltzer flavors and temperatures, having everything stripped away during the pandemic, the balance between mental and physical health, and the “dad-graze” (eating whatever your kids don’t eat at the restaurant and gaining a ton of weight). This is a…

  • Block 23: We Need a Plan! (with Laura Frye)


    Now that we’ve chosen our race and race date, we need a plan to get there. Running coach Laura Frye joins us to lay out a training schedule that not only includes running but cross training (what?) and strength training (WHAT?!). We try to keep up with everything that’s new…

  • Bloktoberfest 2021 – A Celebration of All Things Running: Listener Edition


    In our final week of Bloktoberfest, we hear from you, our loyal and wonderful listeners! You celebrate getting outside, seeing the world from a different angle, feeling accomplished, getting healthy, and becoming more present. And it’s a good thing we have you to lean on, GomerNation, we love you! Tell…

  • Bloktoberfest 2021 – A Celebration of All Things Running: Anthony Edition


    Bloktoberfest continues and it’s Anthony’s turn share the top things he loves about running and the running journey. Also: Amy Poehler finally explains what eating the frog means, more air horns, and much MUCH more. Happy Bloktober, and Happy Running! Thanks to this episode’s sponsor, Noom! Get a free trial…

  • Bloktoberfest 2021 – A Celebration of All Things Running: Steven Edition


    We kick off Bloktoberfest with a bang as Steven shares the top three things he loves about running and the running journey. Also: Googling “Sport,” pasty church directory photos, Olivia Newton John parody songs, conquering procrastination, learning to love what you didn’t used to love, and very cool air horn…

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