Two Gomers Run For Their Lives
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 251:40:01
- Mais informações
A podcast about two regular guys challenging themselves to live healthier, and inviting a Nation along for the run
The Two Gomers 5k Audio Guide III
24/05/2024Note: You can listen to this episode any time, but it is specifically made to listen to while running a 5k! To celebrate our Fifth Annual Two Gomers Memorial Day Weekend “Hey How’s It Going” Virtual 5k and 10k we’re releasing another Race Audio Guide! So suit up, get out…
What Would Our Listeners Say To Their Younger Selves?
10/05/2024There was too much gold in them there hills to put this episode anywhere but the main feed. The Gomernation thoughtfully, deeply, and often humorously shared with us advice, counsel and encouragement they would give to themselves in their 20s, and it’s all so good. Enjoy this Listener Feedback-centric episode,…
To Go Grey Or Not To Go Grey?
27/04/2024Steven’s beard is going grey. That happens when you hit middle age. So why is it so hard? And what, if anything, should he do about it? The guys talk a lot about self-image in this one…including the differences between men and women, and wild vs. distinguished. Plus, Songs To…
What Would You Say To Your Younger Self?
12/04/2024We step into the Delorean and try not to unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum and destroy the entire universe while giving our younger selves a little but of advice. No sports betting here, we promise! Just heartfelt, gentle words of encouragement toward health that we hope…
Go To The Doctor
29/03/2024For those of us in midlife, we know: our bodies ain’t what they used to be. So why are so many of us so resistant to learning more? Why, when we are hurt or suffering, do we ignore it rather than get help or advice? Is ignorance really bliss? Join…
To Streak or Not To Streak?
15/03/2024No, this ep isn’t about whether our body-image is healthy enough to run around naked on the field during a football game. We are talking about consistency streaks – like when you run for a week in a row, or eat a healthy meal every day for a month, or…
Have a Good Evening
01/03/2024Having trouble settling down before bed? That could be bad for your health. And your sleep. And your morning. And your day. Repeat ad infinitum. The guys talk about what it takes to separate from the business of the day and get ready for night in this, the second ep…
Who Am I Trying to Impress, Anyway? Part II
16/02/2024In Part II of our 400th episode, we continue digging into our first Core Question, going deeper and getting more personal. Plus, What’s Giving Us Life, the return of Songs To Run To, and of course, a ton plus ton fun stuff along the way. Subscribe to the Bonus Disc,…
Who Am I Trying To Impress Anyway? Part I
02/02/2024We mark our 400th episode by asking our first Core Question. It’s about where we seek validation, why we seek approval, and how doing so in unhealthy ways can be an unwelcome giant in our lives. And it is such a beefy topic (with so much amazing input from the…
2024 OneWord Special II: Steven
19/01/2024We continue our annual tradition of picking ONE WORD that we want to define our upcoming year, and it’s Steven’s turn. But first, a fun way he has been keeping track of when he’s read what books this year, and reading recommendations while he’s at it. Then he reviews last…
2024 OneWord Special Part I: Anthony
12/01/2024We kick off 2024 with our annual tradition: picking ONE WORD that we want to define our upcoming year. It’s Anthony’s turn, but first, one more (musical) Favorite Thing from 2023. Then he remembers (ha) last year’s word and talks about how it went before a deep discussion of hope…
2023 Christmas Special: Gomers’ Favorite THIIIIIIIIINGS!
22/12/2023On this blessed day-before-day-before-day-before-Christmas, it’s Gomers’ Favorite Things! Food! Shoes! Apps! Beds! TV! Movies! And Steven’s annual What’s New in Milk? segment. Enjoy, and Happy Holidays from the Gomers! Subscribe to the Bonus Disc, our second podcast, for up to four bonus episodes per month: All things Two Gomers…
Be Faithful, Not Successful
08/12/2023What are we chasing, really? The guys go deep about how they want to live the second half of their lives, what they want to be known for, and how do to that in a success-driven world. Fame and glory? We’ll leave that to Indiana Jones. Plus, Turkey Trots in…
Turkey Trot Audio Guide: Two Gomers Clear The Queue
22/11/2023**The Turkey Trot starts at the 6 minute, 35 second mark!** It’s our first Turkey Trot Audio Guide, and the guys talk you through a 45 minute race, alternating between running for 3 minutes and walking for 1. And they use the time to its fullest, “clearing their queue” of…
Cook at Home
10/11/2023As Thanksgiving approaches, we have home cooking on the mind (and in the stomach), so we’re devoting this episode to the health benefits of eating in. Financial! Nutritional! Familial! Recreational! And so much more-ial. Plus Steven says a swear word. Don’t worry, he’s just quoting one of his new heroes.…
Start Small
27/10/2023They say size doesn’t matter, but we think it does, especially when you are looking at accomplishing a goal in your life. For us, the smaller the better when it comes to getting started. Each week we talk about a Baby Step we’ve taken toward health, and this week we…
15th Anniversary Special Part II: GomerImpact
13/10/2023We took a big swing and asked the Gomernation how the podcast has impacted lives…and you responded! We spend this ep feeling honored, inspired, and (in Anthony’s words) fascinated by how our little show has had a big effect on lives. Here’s to 15 more! Happy Listening, and Happy Running…
15th Anniversary Special Part 1: GomerMoments
29/09/2023From khaki shorts to missed births to Code Browns to Star Wars reviews to healthy middle-aging, this is the first part of our 15th Anniversary celebration episodes! We – that means Steven and Anthony, but also you the listener – share favorite moments from the past 15 years. And surprise…
Hang Out With a Friend
15/09/2023We released a live-to-tape episode about our Oregon visit on the Patreon, but we wanted to debrief a little on the main feed as well, so here is our episode about how actually hanging out with a friend IRL is good – for your relationship, for your mind and heart,…
Listen Closely
01/09/2023Listen up, this’ll only take a second! Well ok, more like an hour. That’s how long we devote to talking about then importance of learning to listen well on this ep (minus Baby Steps of the Week and What’s Giving Us Life, of course). We get into it – what…