Sandra Haymon

All I ever Want ...Is Everything



Have you ever wished you could create a balanced life where happiness,love and gratitude are your constant companions? Have you ever felt that even with all that you have you are still missing something in your life? Would you like to find the missing piece? Do you believe that with each new day we can create a new vision for ourselves, our home, and our environment? Would you like to learn how?There are two primary choices in life; To accept conditions as they exist, Or accept responsibility for changing them." – Denis Waitley. If you want to regain control of your life and spirit, and find joy, love and peace no matter the circumstances, be sure to join me and my special guest, Kim Upstone. Kim is the owner of A New Day A New Vision which is not only the name of her company, but her life philosophy.In her book, All I Want Is Everything-a Guide to Love. Peace and Happiness Kim says,“I was on a swift moving river with no oars.I felt alone yet surrounded by people,unconnected and lost and asking myself how did