Find Your Glee With Dinah G

8 Tips to Finding Glee



In this episode I'll share my 8 Tips to Finding Glee!  After I reviewed the episode I realized I only mention 7 (eek!).  The 8th one is implied, but not given a number:)  Nonetheless, I'll include it below: 1) Practice Gratitude 2) Take ACTION 3) STOP Comparing 4) Surround Yourself with People Who Lift You Up 5) Create New Habits 6) Get Over Yourself Already! 7) This is YOUR Journey- Do What Works for YOU 8) *Love Yourself *Not officially numbered in the episode, but Oh-So Important! I'll go more in-depth with these in this episode, and future episodes, and share my experiences.  I hope you find one (ore more) that resonate with you. If so, or you have more to add, please join my FB Group, Find Your Glee with Dinah G and share there.  I'd love to hear from you! ACTION ITEM: Hone in on one of these tips and make it a point to commit to it for at least 21 days.  Or, come up with YOUR OWN list of what YOU NEED to find your glee, and focus on creating a habit with one of them.  After the 21 days are up, then let