Find Your Glee With Dinah G

3 Easy Steps to Starting a Gratitude Practice



Research shows that gratitude plays a HUGE role in one's happiness. It can aid in building new relationships and improve health by managing toxic emotions and reducing stress.  If you are looking for one thing to do to lay down a solid foundation on your personal development journey, GRATITUDE is the place to start! In this episode I'll share what led to me starting a gratitude journal that lasted 365 days!  I'll share how easy it is for you to do the same!    1) Find YOUR Journal 2) Decide when YOU will practice and what it will look like for YOU 3) Commit to 21 days then assess where you are at Already journaling?  Here are some other gratitude practices to consider: **Choose 12 people you are grateful for and write them a note of gratitude.  Tell them how much they mean to you and share why you consider them a blessing in your life.  Mail one out each month for a year and feel the love come back to you ten fold!   **Create a Gratitude Jar in a high traffic area of your home.  Encourage family members to jo