Living Irvine

Rent vs Buy, House Hacking, Military PCS



During this real estate podcast I go over the following topics. 1.) Rent vs Buy 2.) House Hacking 3.) How to build wealth through Real Estate as a Military member Deciding to purchase a home or to rent can be a difficult decision. It seems that there is always a debate to whether there is a silver bullet answer to this. Renters say home ownership is too risk and too much of a commitment. While homeowners say that renters are just wasting all of their money. The fact of the matter is, it is all dependent on the families specific goals and current situation. I bring to light the different concerns both sides may have. In addition, I begin to talk about how to "house hack" in a culture where rooming with a bunch of room mates is the way to go. Lastly, I talk about how military members can leverage their current BAH to slowly snowball their real estate portfolio. Despite having to consider deployments and PCS's, I have shared my insight on how to mitigate those risk and continue to build