Dv Radio

Affinity Protocol::49:: $50,000 GIVEAWAY!



NOTE: We apologize for the low-quality audio, the audio file from the twitch stream for the podcast. This week's Affinity Protocol (hosted by the Affinity Innovations, Inc. Team) episode, $50,000 is given away! If you missed the live stream, start listening right now!! Hosts/Guest Hosts: Chris, Paul and Little Chris - [NOTE: Check links under description!] ---------- Edited by Munkee Bawlz Media https://www.munkeebawlzmedia.com/ ---------- Affinity Newsletter Bi-Weekly Newsletter of Affinity Innovations, Inc. ---------- Find out more about Affinity https://affinitybsc.com/ ---------- Affinity Innovations, Inc. https://affinityinc.tech/ ---------- Already Using Crypto? Checkout ADAPT! https://www.adapt.exchange/ ---------- **LINKS TO CHECK OUT** GRAB YOUR DV RADIO MERCH NOW! https://bit.ly/DVR_Store ---------- EVERYTHING DYSFUNCTIONAL VETERANS https://whereisdv.carrd.co  ---------- Grab DV Radio's Battlegrounds From Ubora Coffee At: http://bit.ly/DVR-BattlegroundCoffee  ---------- DV RADIO PARTNERS, SPONSORS,