Albuquerque Business Podcast

Who Are You Underneath the Pressure? A Leader's Guide to Stop Striving & Start Being



This morning, I woke up like I often do – caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and anxieties. We all face this, especially as leaders. The pressure to have answers, to define ourselves by accomplishments... it's easy to lose our footing. But in these moments, I'm learning something profound (inspired by the spiritual teacher Luuk Moelker's From Confusion to Clarity) – the very essence of our leadership lies in recognizing what confusion truly is. Moelker teaches that our mental chaos is just that – mental. It's a storm in the mind. For me, the revelation came when I finally paused and asked myself, "Who am I, truly, beneath all this?" Suddenly, the noise fell away. A core of undeniable selfhood was there all along, needing no external justification. This is a truth every leader needs to know – confusion happens, but it is not you. Underneath the responsibilities and expectations, there's that same causeless, vibrant 'I am' within each of us. Finding that clarity isn't about guru retreats or complex psych-techniq