Big Scary Show – Episode 49 – CHAC Wrap-up



  Hunker down, boils and ghouls, it’s time for another episode of your favorite haunt industry’s podcast, The Big Scary Show! This week we have the recap of the Unknown Scare-Actor’s time in the Great White North at the Canadian Haunted Attractions Conference! The USA talks with names the likes of good friends Naomi Grossman and John Migliore, finding out what they’re up to (in Naomi’s case it’s a spunky 5’0″)! A good time was had by all! In this episode’s Roundtable of Terror, Badger, Storm, the Haunt Rocker and the USA talk with two vendors that will be at Transworld this year in St. Louis, MO. Kip Polley of Pale Night Productions and Andrew Logan of Black Jack Creature Company talk about what they will have to offer March 20th – March 23rd. Will you be there? Badger and the rest of the BSS crew offer their condolences to the friends and family of veteran haunter William McAuliffe of Barrett’s Mansion in Abingdon, MA, on his passing. A g