Solar Energy Show

U.N. Climate Change Report – We’re Screwed



Some of you may have read excerpts from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. Candidly, I didn’t. Even the summaries were indecipherable. Which is probably a good thing since there is only one shred of good news in the whole report. More on that at the end. The report — indeed, the entire process — has been depressing. We have had 20+ years of climate activism; many Inconvenient Truths; wildfires, floods, droughts; and now energy wars. Still, the economic interests from fossil fuels and related industries continue to overwhelm the necessary actions. Which is no surprise, since the solution to global warming effectively means the end of the fossil fuel industry. As a result of their logical economic interests, the world is simply not reducing the use of fossil fuels quickly enough. Atmospheric CO2 hit 421 ppm in April. Global temperature increases will be closer to 2.5C under the best of circumstances. In order to keep global warming under 2C we need to do five things: put a high price