Diesel Powered Podcast - The Voice of Dieselpunk!

Diesel Powered Podcast Episode 59 - Dieselpunk in Pop Culture



John Pyka Productions presents The Diesel Powered Podcast - The Voice of Dieselpunk! It time once again for the number one podcast for all your Dieselpunk news and reviews. Join "Big Daddy Cool" Johnny Dellarocca, Boss Larry Amyett, Daisy O'Dair, and Amazing Mr. Wofford as the recount their convention adventures and bring you up to date on all things Dieselpunk. BIG Announcement about Geekonomicon and upcoming cons and events! Visit our sponsors!Comic Bento - get a bento box of Graphic Novels at your door every month Audible - pick a free audio book on us, just for trying Audible! Visit the Diesel Powered Podcast at www.dieselpoweredpodcast.comSend us your feedback via email at feedback@dieselpoweredpodcast.com or on Twitter @dieselpodcast Visit www.johnpykaproductions.com for more great entertainment!