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Learn to Speak German - 021 - Uhrzeiten



German-Podcast.de - 021 - UhrzeitenWelcome to German-Podcast.de. The Podcast to learn German.Today we will learn how ask for and how to tell the time.Furthermore I will give some explanations to the new design of the podcast, so please let me know if is better or worse for you.Knusper, knusper, kneuschen.Wer knuspert an meinem Häuschen?"Von draußen antwortete ein dünnes Stimmchen:"Der Wind, der Wind, das himmlische Kind![from Hänsel und Gretel]In Germany we use the 24 hour system for all official times. For private dates you can use both versions, but we do not have the „PM“ so it needs to be clear what you mean. You might say „Wir treffen uns um 7 vor dem Kino“, because it is clear that you will not meet in the morning. Otherwise you would say „Wir treffen uns um 19 Uhr vor dem Kino“.Noon is Mittag and midnight is Mitternacht.7:20 is Zwanzig nach Sieben8:15 is „Acht Uhr Fünfzehn“ oder „Viertel nach Acht“9:45 is „Viertel vor Zehn“10:30 is „Halb Elf“We have some local customs that tell the time differently, bu