Punk Rock Personal Development - Sarah Starrs

TGGC #01: Magic, Staying Inspired, & the Catharsis of Writing with Francesca Lia Block



Francesca Lia Block is the author of Weetzie Bat a YA novel that is an absolute cult sensation and the ultimate punk rock fairy tale. Since writing that story when she was a student at UCLA, Francesca has published more than 25 books. She also teaches writing online and in LA and she's always collaborating with other creatives to create cool new projects. I love how Francesca's books weave magic into the fabric of everyday life and they all speak to the healing powers of art an love. I've read Weetzie Bat and the other Dangerous Angels books more times than I can count. Reading her stories growing up had such a profound impact on me. They shaped my personal style and my desire to cultivate a beautiful, adventurous, magical life. It was so exciting to interview her and she offered so many interesting insights to dig into.