Punk Rock Personal Development - Sarah Starrs

TGGC #33: Creating a magical life with Paige Zaferiou.



Paige Zaferiou is a a pop-culture-loving, positivity-wielding pizza witch. She's a tarot reader, writer, and sacred artist. Always a busy gal, Paige is also the co-host of the Modern Mystics podcast. We sat down to chat about all things mystical, using tarot for personal development, and how we can bring some practical magic into our own lives. Paige has a really down to earth relationship to magic and she has a great sense of humour - I recently saw her do a tarot reading with Pokemon cards! Some people might find this episode a little bit woo woo but it’s grounded in a lot of practical insights and Paige speaks really beautifully about her experience of overcoming depression and creating a magical life.