Robots - The Podcast for News and Views on Robotics

ep.337: Autonomously Mapping the Seafloor, with Anthony DiMare and Charles Chiau



Robohub Podcast · Autonomously Mapping the Seafloor Anthony DiMare and Charles Chiau deep dive into how Bedrock Ocean is innovating in the world of Marine Surveys. At Bedrock Ocean, they are developing an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) that is able to map the seafloor autonomously and at a high resolution. They are also developing a data platform to access, process, and visualize data captured from other companies at the seafloor. Bedrock Ocean is solving two problems in the industry of Marine Surveying. 1. The vast majority of the seafloor is completely unmapped 2. The data that is captured from the seafloor is not standardized or centralized. Seafloor data conducted by two different companies with the same or different hardware to capture the data can vary significantly in the calculated seafloor profile Anthony DiMare Anthony previously founded Nautilus Labs, a leading maritime technology company advancing the efficiency of ocean commerce through artificial intelligence. While at Nautilus, Antho