VIVA LA DERBY! Podcast - Episode #5



In Japanese, the word for the number five is Go. And that's what we're doing. VIVA LA DERBY! is in full effect for Episode 5. Big Kahuna and De-Nominator welcome back Psychlone Cilla and they get into all the derby goodness you can handle. This show is bigger than BK's waistline. Over 2 hours of Australian Roller Derby jammed hard into your ear holes.We have the usual shout outs, bout recaps, upcoming events, and Big Pimpin'. We also have a very cool chat with Crunch Lady Doris from Victorian Roller Derby League as she tells us a bit about VRDL's upcoming boot camp and bout with the original Flat Track roller derby league; Texas Roller Girls.We announce the winner of our Spank Alley Bling and Busted Bling competion and provide some more details about our Vanilla Brass Knuckles giveaway and drop some knowledge on another prize to go along with it.Episode#5 of VIVA LA DERBY! is the radness.Big Victorian Roller Derby LeagueTickets for VRDL vs TXRGSpank Alley Bli