RIA Weekly

Episode 65: The High-level WTF on "Scheduling"



SPONSOR See cote.io/promos (http://cote.io/promos) for a full list of all the deals "mid-roll" stuff currently going on. Get $50 off DevOpsDays Minneapolis, July 20th and 21st, with the code SDT2016. I’ll be getting some for Chicago and Seattle sometime too. August 1st to 4th, SpringOne Platform (https://springoneplatform.io/) – I’ll be talking on DevOps and generally hanging out with the cloud native folks. You can get $300 off registration when you use the code pivotal-cote-300 (https://2016.event.springoneplatform.io/register). Show notes If you like video, see this episodes’ video recording (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk_5VqpWEtiWnQ7od08nzkB32oT4gnDiP). Father’s Day It’s coming, June 19th (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father%27s_Day_(United_States)). What should fathers be asking for? Time alone a la Nathaniel Fisher (http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2013/08/20/six_feet_under_best_episode_to_watch_first_is_the_room.html). The Buff (http://buffusa.com/), neck-ware thing: be like Kevin Rayb