Amazing Spider-Man Classics

020 ASM Classics - Amazing Spider-Man 28 and 29



It's time for pomp, circumstance, and supervillains here at Amazing Spider-Man Classics!  After a few days' delay due to school, the Classics team is now able to take a look at Amazing Spider-Man 28 and 29 with the help of Eddie deAngelini, comic archive researcher for With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story, a documentary which got its premiere at this year's San Diego Comic Con.  Eddie also holds the claim to fame of owning every single issue of (The) Amazing Spider-Man, having closed his final gap of issue 2 at SDCC, where he met our own Josh Bertone and introduced him to The Man himself. Though we haven't stated it here in a while, our mission is the same as always, to explore every single comic book appearance of Spider-Man ever, whether it be as a feature in his own books, a guest appearance in someone else's, or even a random one-panel cameo somewhere. This episode, Peter gets to graduate from high school in issue 28 after a tussle with the newly-doused Molten Man.  Then Betty has a breakdown when the Sco