Optimized Geek | Reboot Your Life

2: The Jingslinger's Biohacks for a Long Healthy Life with Jay and Joy



  Jay and Joy are co-founders of JingSlingers, a bi-coastal SuperFood powered optimum health and nutritional consulting company. Together they Educ8te, Illumin8te and Elev8te their students and clients, with Cutting-Edge Science and the Ancient Wisdom of SuperFoods and SuperHerbs, teaching them how to “Sling Jing” in the heart of their own homes, their kitchen. Their natural approach to SuperHero Health has them working with a number of Red Carpet celebrity clients all over the world in both the film & music industry. Joy and Jay have been sought after speakers for live events, radio and internet media interviews and they have multi-media projects in the works. Episode:  There are easy ways of extending our longevity and maximizing our best life that the average Joe like you or I simply aren't taking advantage of. These are the kind of realities that Jay and Joy, The JingSlingers, want to enlighten us with. They make their living being optimized health counselors to everyday people and some well-known pub