Optimized Geek | Reboot Your Life

19: Harnessing Creativity and Problem Solving Through Your Right Brain with Bill Donius



  Bill Donius is revolutionizing the way people think. He's the New York Time's bestselling author of Thought Revolution, and works with major companies such as Wells Fargo and Nestle to revamp their problem solving strategies.   EPISODE  Bill Donius knows your brain has a secret area that you are not fully utilizing - ever have that "aha!" moment in the shower, or laying in your bed, or while running – a seemingly magical idea that is captivating and motivating? What if you could trigger those ideas on demand? Bill says you can - in less than 60 seconds. It's all due to the specific roles of the hemispheres of the brain. Many of us know the idea of left brain/right brain - that the separate hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different types of thought. The left brain for analytical and logical thinking, the right brain for creativity and problem solving. Bill has been interested in accessing the right brain for problem solving for years, and now does seminars for Fortune 500 companies to teach CEO