Studio Chaotic podcast

House of Imp 29 – Creepy fat cop and a little bit of thinking – Spoilt by Icarus machine



29 - Creepy fat cop - the dangers of thinking - a time for change Imp is a bit worried. Apparently I think too much and it could kill me. this is a shorter episode for a reason. I am in the process of changing it up. I need a new name, new image, new intro, and a slightly different approach. The content will be more or less the sam. But I've grown tired of the name. "Studio chaotic" is the name of my studio as well as company -when I'm in need of a company name - but it's not a name for a podcast. I don't go into it much here. Just letting you know what's going on. I'll give myself a month to get stuff ready. Next episode, I'll let you know how it goes. But for now; enjoy "Spoilt" by Icarus machine, a rant and some thinking. Are you a patron yet? As a patron on our page on Patreon, you will support all that JennyK does; the podcast, the vocal work for Icarus machine, the writing. If you get value from any of the things I do, please consider signing up. Become a hero. and thanks!. JennyK and Imp