Laguna Presbyterian Weekly Sermon

Seeing in the Wilderness



Seeing in the Wilderness is a podcast of the Sunday morning sermon at Laguna Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. Mark Labberton, President of Fuller Theological Seminary, is preaching from 1 Cor. 13:9-13. This morning we continue in our sermon series in the Book of Exodus: Journey to Wholeness. It is the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Mark Labberton has been the president of Fuller Theological Seminary since 2013, following four years serving as the schooland#8217;s director of the Ogilvie Institute of Preaching. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and served in pastoral roles for 30 years before coming to Pasadena. As a guest preacher he often reflects on what it means to act biblically in challenging, often divisive cultural times. Heand#8217;s a prolific author and his podcast and#8220;Conversingand#8221; explores a variety of topics with diverse guests. As president at Fuller he is committed to strengthening the intersection of the academy, church and culture along with a deep desire to enact justic