Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Cold & Flu Season



If you want to avoid taking the questionable flu and pneumonia vaccines and be proactive in boosting your immune system prior to and during the cold & flu season then you will want to listen to this show. Cold and flu season can bring about horrible symptoms and worsen those who already have COPD, Asthma, Bronchial related health issues and sinus problems. We also discuss how microbes such as bacteria, fungus and yeast play a role in these health challenges. Following are the supplements that we discussed today. You may want to consider taking these supplements which can be found on our website at shopqhi.com. Cold & Flu Package, Clear Sinus Package, Immune Booster Pro Package, Invaders Detox Package, ASEA, Invaders Defense Pro, Immune Complex, Gripp Heel,Engystol,ASEA, inus Relief Package, SSKI and NAC