Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Part 2:Steps to transforming your health and life: Permanently



Steps to transforming your health and life: permanently; Part 2 There is no shortage of books, videos and programs on how to get fit, be healthy and live a happy life. So why is it that so many people struggle in this area? What can we do to prepare ourselves for success? Who should we listen to and what system should we follow? In this talk, I am going to share what I have learned from a lifetime of inconsistency, inefficiency, and trial and error, and share how I finally got into the BEST shape of my life both physically AND emotionally, after the birth of my daughter last year. And the answer is not because I am special. I have had circumstances that are NOT in my favour: I have struggled with my own set barriers including addiction, post-traumatic stress, and attention-deficit. I have learned that I must consciously create on a daily basis the rituals that support my entire being. There are no short-cuts, but there are strategies to making it work for you. So please join me as I share the game-changing p