Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Ebola Epidemic in America? - Fear Mongering or REAL THREAT 10-10-2014



Listen to this show to find out the truth about Ebola in the US. With an Ebola pandemic raging in West Africa with exponential increases in the numbers of people that getting sick from it and dying and with no viable solutions on the table now that the virus has gotten into the bigger cities in West Africa, the likelihood of more cases making it to our shores is very high! In fact the first case has already been reported in Dallas with as many as a 100 people exposed. On this show, we will be discussing what you need to know about Ebola and how to prepare to maximize your chances of staying healthy with a whole series of infectious health threats out there, not just Ebola. There is no cure for this disease right now and yet a lot can be done to reduce the likelihood of exposure and to keep the immune system as strong as possible to make it less likely that God forbid we get exposed that it would be a terminal event. We will review nature’s most potent antivirals, immune boosters and health promoters. From n