Mercy Seat Christian Church

Three Hard Things about the State of our Nation and Covid



America has forgotten God. There is delusion and judgment upon America. The three hard things addressed in this sermon are- 1. America is under delusion, 2. America is breaking apart and you must begin to think geographically, and 3. your own government is at war with you at all levels - federal, state, county, and local.----The sermon addresses how to respond. Note- if you think things can always be corrected peacefully, you are ignorant of two things - human nature and history. The question of the hour for every Christian to their pastor is- -If the government makes the covid vaccine mandatory, and I refuse to get it for me and my children - would I be doing wrong in the sight of God-- The answer to that question will tell you volumes. The fact you even have to ask the question already tells you something. 58 min.